博碩士論文 110423064 詳細資訊

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姓名 許家宏(CHIA-HONG HSU)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 企業在產品差異化市場下之區塊鏈導入決策
★ 直播平台之廣告競爭策略與利益分享制度分析★ 以雙邊平台模型分析雲端遊戲主機經營策略
★ 利用納許Q學習來探討汽車租賃公司與運輸網路公司之定價策略★ 以賽局理論分析入口網站應對內容農場之策略
★ 以賽局理論分析傳統車輛租賃業與運輸共 享平台之合作商業模式★ 基於多重代理人機制之現金回饋平台定價策略分析
★ 分析應用程式平台之隱私保護設定:硬體營收與廣告分潤
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摘要(中) 在現今全球化的年代,企業面臨的重要議題是產品如何建立差異化來提升競爭優勢。而2008年一個新興分散式帳本技術「區塊鏈」興起,為現有市場機制帶來巨大衝擊,區塊鏈的出現影響了許許多多的產業。在供應鏈產業中,區塊鏈技術能夠實現整個生產和物流過程的可信記錄,並且記錄透明、可追溯、不可篡改等特性,讓供應商紛紛採用區塊鏈解決產品信任的問題,但導入區塊鏈也會造成企業成本方面的負擔,於是如何企業如何權衡導入區塊鏈與否的策略就成為其主要課題之一。
摘要(英) In today′s globalized era, a significant issue faced by businesses is how to establish product differentiation to enhance their competitive advantage. In 2008, a emerging decentralized ledger technology called "blockchain" emerged, bringing significant disruption to existing market mechanisms. The emergence of blockchain has impacted numerous industries. In the supply chain industry, blockchain technology enables trusted records of the entire production and logistics process, with features such as transparency, traceability, and immutability. Many companies have adopted blockchain to address trust issues in their products. However, implementing blockchain also incurs costs for businesses, making it a crucial challenge to weigh the strategy of adopting blockchain or not.
Game theory, an important branch of economics, studies the strategic decisions and equilibria made by individuals in interactive settings. Therefore, this study aims to use game theory models to analyze the strategic decision-making of two competing companies in a product differentiation scenario, both in terms of horizontal differentiation and vertical differentiation, regarding whether or not to adopt blockchain applications. The paper will also analyze how a supplier, within a supply chain composed of one supplier and two companies, can customize its wholesale pricing to maximize profit.
From this study, it is found that in cases of horizontal or vertical product differentiation, the analysis results for the two companies are similar. As the costs of blockchain implementation increase, the strategies of the two companies will exhibit four strategic equilibria that are independent of each other. The level of consumer uncertainty significantly affects the willingness of companies to adopt blockchain. The supplier′s profit-maximizing strategy also exhibits four strategic equilibria, with different strategy outcomes depending on the degree of product differentiation. The supplier′s optimal profit pricing can be analyzed using the supplier′s profit curve.
關鍵字(中) ★ 賽局理論
★ 區塊鏈
★ 定價策略
★ 供應鏈
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
符號說明 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1產品差異化 1
1.1.2區塊鏈技術出現 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.2.1研究動機 2
1.2.2研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第三章 論文模型 6
3.1賽局流程 6
3.2模型介紹 7
3.3兩間公司自產自銷策略模型 8
3.4供應商與兩間公司策略模型 10
3.5研究假設 11
第四章 模型分析 12
4.1兩間公司自產自銷策略模型 12
4.2供應商與兩間公司策略模型 19
第五章 結論 27
5.1研究貢獻 27
參考文獻 29
附錄 32
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指導教授 張李治華(Jhih-Hua Jhang-Li) 審核日期 2023-6-30
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