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姓名 邱玟婕(Wun-Jie Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 應用智能合約改善募款困境初探: 以小型機構募資雛型系統為例
(A Preliminary System to Address Crowdfunding Challenges through Smart Contracts: Case of Small-Scale Organizations′ Fundraising)
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摘要(中) 有調查顯示,信任缺乏、資訊不足和紀錄不透明是主要的原因。在曾經參與捐款活動的高收入個體中,有相當比例的人對款項用途存在疑慮或資訊不足。為了解決小型機構在募款過程中所面臨的問題,本研究提出了一種創新的群眾募資運作模式,旨在解決傳統群眾募資的缺陷,並適用於小型機構。這種新型的運作模式使用區塊鏈智能合約,實時記錄捐款、退款和善款使用等過程,消除傳統運作方式常見的紀錄不透明或遺失的風險。同時,透過演算法和投票機制,改善大眾對募款機構款項流向不明的疑慮;即使募資失敗,捐款人一樣可以透過投票決定當前款項的去留,為募款活動提供了更多的彈性,也增加了捐款人在整個募款活動中的參與度。
摘要(英) According to surveys, a lack of trust, insufficient information, and opaque records are the main reasons for concerns in donation activities. Among high-income individuals who have par-ticipated in donation campaigns, a significant proportion express doubts or lack sufficient in-formation about the use of funds. To address the challenges faced by small organizations in the fundraising process, this study proposes an innovative crowdfunding operation model aimed at resolving the shortcomings of traditional crowdfunding and applicable to small organizations.
This new operating model utilizes blockchain smart contracts to record donation, refund, and fund utilization processes in real-time, eliminating the risks of opaque or lost records commonly associated with traditional operations. Additionally, through algorithms and voting mechanisms, it improves public confidence in the flow of funds within fundraising organizations. Even in the case of fundraising failure, donors can still participate in decision-making through voting, providing greater flexibility to fundraising activities and increasing donor engagement through-out the process.
The proposed crowdfunding operating model in this study offers a solution to the trust, information, and record-keeping issues in traditional crowdfunding. By leveraging blockchain and smart contract technologies, the flow and utilization of funds become transparent and trace-able, allowing donors to participate in decision-making and ensure proper utilization of their donations. By effectively improving and integrating various methods, it is possible to create a more valuable operating mechanism that helps small organizations overcome fundraising chal-lenges.
關鍵字(中) ★ 區塊鏈
★ 智能合約
★ 群眾募資
★ 募款活動
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.2.1 建構去中心化新興募資平台 3
1.2.2 改善現有群眾募資之缺陷 3
1.3 研究重要性 4
1.3.1 實務重要性 4
1.3.2 學術重要性 5
1.4 論文架構 5
二、 文獻探討 7
2.1 區塊鏈技術及信任機制 7
2.1.1 真理機器:關於信任 7
2.1.2 中本聰區塊鏈 8
2.2 以太坊 11
2.2.1 智能合約(Smart Contract) 11
2.2.2 去中心化應用(Decentralized Application, DApp) 13
2.3 群眾募資 13
2.4 摩爾投票演算法(Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm) 17
2.5 區塊鏈於募資領域之文獻回顧 19
三、 新型群眾募資雛型架構 21
3.1 退款運作機制 22
3.2 投票演算法運作機制 22
3.3 系統流程 24
3.3.1 募款機構 24
3.3.2 捐款人 27
3.4 系統架構 30
3.4.1 DApp 30
3.4.2 智能合約 31
四、 系統分析與實作 32
4.1 系統分析 32
4.1.1 使用者案例圖 33
4.1.2 循序圖 36
4.2 開發環境建立與雛型系統開發 42
4.2.1 Solidity 42
4.2.2 Remix IDE 43
4.2.3 ABI & Contract Address 46
4.2.4 Web3.js & MetaMask 48
4.2.5 Ganache 49
4.3 系統展示 50
五、 系統比較與效能評估 61
5.1 系統比較 61
5.2 系統效能評估 68
六、 結論 70
6.1 研究成果:基於群眾募資之募款智能合約 70
6.2 管理意涵 72
6.3 研究限制與未來展望 73
參考資料 75
參考文獻 英文文獻
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指導教授 蘇雅惠 審核日期 2023-6-21
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