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姓名 梁家榮(Chia-Jung Liang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 股權集中度、股權不均度與企業創新—台灣電子業的實證
★ 資訊科技的使用對製造業廠商生產力之影響★ 寶島債介紹及發展前景
★ 電腦軟體與資料庫的採用與對廠商績效的影響- 台灣製造業的研究★ 中國新高技術園區技術效率及其影響因素的研究
★ 政府管控房地產政策對不動產市場及 銀行不動產授信業務之影響★ 鶯歌捷運線對房價的影響
★ 貿易、技術與薪資溢酬★ 聚集與生產力:台灣紡織產業的實證研究
★ 勞工派遣與正職受僱型態之實證研究-金融海嘯前後之分析比較★ 影響政府採購效率之實證研究—以某縣市政府為例
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★ Three Essays on the Industrial Economics★ 研究發展與技術購買-台灣製造業之實證研究
★ 合併廠商的績效表現與決策因素分析★ 合併型態對廠商績效與股票報酬的影響
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摘要(中) 本研究採用台灣經濟新報 (Taiwan Economy Journal) 2010年至2021年台灣上市櫃電子業廠商資料,探討公司股權結構與專利產出的關聯。股權結構以前三、前五大股東持股,以及類HHI指數衡量股權集中度,並使用類吉尼係數模型建構股權類吉尼係數,衡量股權不均度。此外,本研究亦依據專利種類、公司特徵、電子業細項產業別區分子樣本進行異質性分析。

摘要(英) This study examines the relationship between ownership structure and patent output. Regression analyses are performed on a dataset, extracted from Taiwan Economy Journal, which includes Taiwanese publicly listed firms belonging to the electronic industry. The time span of this study is 11 years (2010-2021). Ownership structure is measured by two indices, ownership concentration and ownership inequality. Ownership concentration is calculated by the sum of the top three, top five shareholders, and HHI-style index, respectively. Ownership inequality is measured by utilizing Gini-style model. Subsamples are divided according to patent types, company features, and subindustries.

This study finds a U-shaped relationship between ownership concentration and ownership inequality with patent output. In firms with low ownership concentration or inequality, block holders′ risk aversion behaviors, driven by their increasing shares, negatively impact patent output. Conversely, in firms with high ownership concentration or inequality, block holders′ interests align with the firm′s prospects, leading to project facilitation and resource allocation that benefit the firm over a longer time span. Subsample analysis confirms that the U-shaped relationship between ownership structure and patent output stems from the invented patents. Furthermore, the U-shaped relationship between ownership concentration and patent output extends to firms with higher concentration ratios, lower leverage ratios, smaller sizes, family-run firms, those with CEO duality, or those in the computer-related industry. Additionally, a U-shaped relationship between ownership inequality and patent output is observed among larger firms and those in the semiconductor and electronic component industries.
關鍵字(中) ★ 股權集中度
★ 股權不均度
★ 企業創新
★ 專利數目
★ 類吉尼係數
關鍵字(英) ★ Ownership concentration
★ ownership inequality
★ patent
★ Gini-style coefficient
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2研究目的與架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第三章 資料來源與實證模型 9
3-1資料來源 9
3-2變數定義與說明 11
3-3實證模型 17
(一)股權結構的衡量方式 17
(二)Pooled Poisson model 18
第四章 實證結果 20
4-1敘述統計量 20
4-2解釋變數間之相關係數 21
4-3股權集中度、股權不均度與專利申請總數之估計結果 23
4-4股權集中度、股權不均度與各細項專利數目之估計結果 26
4-5異質性分析—以公司特徵區分子樣本 28
4-6電子業細項產業之估計結果 34
第五章 結論與研究限制 37
5-1結論 37
5-2研究限制 38
參考文獻 40
中文文獻 40
英文文獻 42
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指導教授 鄒孟文(Meng-Wen Tsou) 審核日期 2023-6-16
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