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姓名 林芳如(Fang-Ju Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 不只是過客!約聘員工組織社會化對組織認同、公民美德與忠誠提倡的影響—以成就需求作為調節
(Not just a passer-by! The effects of contracted workers’ organizational socialization on organizational identification, civic virtue and loyal boosterism: need for achievement as the moderator)
★ 傳統食品業之轉型與品質升級策略探討-以P公司為例★ 航空器維修訓練調整策略探討-以C公司為例
★ 企業社會責任ヽ內控內稽制度措施的探討-以T銀行為例★ 主管管理職能評鑑與驗證-以A公司為例
★ 人力資源部門客戶服務代表角色與功能探討-以某科技公司為例★ E公司員工品格教育與工作投入、工作壓力、員工幸福感關係之研究,知覺組織支持之中介效果
★ 工作要求、工作控制與工作生活平衡關係之研究:以主管家庭支持行為為調節變項★ 如何打造正向的企業志工參與環境-以國內大型電子製造業為例
★ 如何塑造良好的企業志工投入與推薦-以國內大型電子製造業為例★ 組織自尊、學習目標導向及尋求回饋行為對於員工自我學習之影響
★ 家長式領導與組織認同感之關聯性研究-以信任主管為調節變項★ 影響在臺產業外籍移工的生活與工作適應程度: 從組織及勞工本身之變數探討
★ 尋求更好的解決之道!以正向觀點探討企業進用身心障礙者之問題-以M公司身障進用經驗為例★ 營業額意圖:組織和個人因素的影響以及企業家意圖在越南語境中的中介作用
★ 如何提升外派人員效能?知覺組織支持與配偶家庭支持對外派人員組織認同、工作投入、工作壓力之影響─以主管家庭支持行為為調節★ 育嬰的代價?影響育嬰留職停薪復職後個人績效及勞動條件變更之因素分析
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摘要(中) 在現今的快速變化世代,企業為了緩解所面臨的高度壓力與競爭,嘗試用非典型僱用型態進行聘雇,以控制人力成本,並滿足彈性運用人力的需求,如此的聘僱模式也將會成為未來的職場趨勢,而組織如何使非典型勞動者建立組織認同,甚至展現有利組織且超越職務角色要求的行為,是逐漸受到企業重視的管理議題之一,因此,本研究以非典型勞動者中的約聘人員作為研究對象,探討組織社會化、組織認同、公民美德及忠誠提倡間的關係,並同時探討成就需求特質於組織社會化與組織認同間的調節效果。


摘要(英) In today′s era of rapid change, to alleviate the high pressure and competition, companies try to employ atypical employment patterns to control labor costs and meet the demand for flexible use of manpower. Such an employment model will also become a future workplace trend, and how the organizations enable atypical workers to establish organizational identification, and even demonstrate behaviors that are beneficial to the organization and beyond the requirements of job roles, is one of the management issues that companies are gradually paying attention to. Therefore, this study focuses on contracted workers, exploring the relationship between organizational socialization, organizational identification, civic virtue, and loyal boosterism, and to explore the moderating effect of the need for achievement between organizational socialization and organizational identification.

In this study, a structured questionnaire survey was conducted through SurveyCake, and a total of 299 valid questionnaires were collected.
The results are found that: (1) Organizational socialization has a positive impact on contracted workers’ display of civic virtue. (2) Organizational socialization has a positive impact on contracted workers’ display of loyal boosterism. (3) Organizational socialization has a positive impact on the organizational identification of contracted workers. (4) Organizational identification has a positive impact on contracted workers’ display of civic virtue. (5) Organizational identification has a positive impact on contracted workers’ display of loyal boosterism. (6) Organizational identification has mediating effect between contracted workers’ organizational socialization and civic virtue. (7) Organizational identification has mediating effect between contracted workers’ organizational socialization and loyal boosterism. (8) The trait of need for achievement of contracted workers has a positive moderating effect between training (an aspect of organizational socialization) and organizational identification. (9) The trait of need for achievement of contracted workers has no moderating effect between understanding, co-worker support and future prospects (aspects of organizational socialization) and organizational identification.
關鍵字(中) ★ 約聘人員
★ 組織社會化
★ 組織認同
★ 公民美德
★ 忠誠提倡
★ 成就需求
關鍵字(英) ★ Contracted Workers
★ Organizational Socialization
★ Organizational Identification
★ Civic Virtue
★ Loyal Boosterism
★ Need for Achievement
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 5
1-3 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2-1約聘人員 7
2-2公民美德 10
2-3忠誠提倡 13
2-4組織社會化 15
2-5組織認同 20
2-6成就需求 25
第三章 研究方法 28
3-1研究架構與研究假設 28
3-2研究變項衡量工具 31
3-3研究對象與資料蒐集方法 37
3-4資料分析方法 38
第四章 研究結果 39
4-1樣本描述性分析 39
4-2效度分析 41
4-3信度分析 44
4-4相關分析 45
4-5階層迴歸分析 47
4-6研究假說結果彙整 72
第五章 結論與建議 74
5-1研究意涵 74
5-2管理意涵 77
5-3研究限制與未來研究建議 79
第六章 參考文獻 80
中文文獻 80
英文文獻 83
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 王群孝(Chun-Hsiao Wang) 審核日期 2023-6-27
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