博碩士論文 110453008 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳鈺云(YU-YUN CHEN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 基於深度學習之自動化光學檢驗後人工辨識輔助
★ 多重標籤文本分類之實證研究 : word embedding 與傳統技術之比較★ 基於圖神經網路之網路協定關聯分析
★ 學習模態間及模態內之共用表示式★ Hierarchical Classification and Regression with Feature Selection
★ 病徵應用於病患自撰日誌之情緒分析★ 基於注意力機制的開放式對話系統
★ 針對特定領域任務—基於常識的BERT模型之應用★ 基於社群媒體使用者之硬體設備差異分析文本情緒強烈程度
★ 機器學習與特徵工程用於虛擬貨幣異常交易監控之成效討論★ 捷運轉轍器應用長短期記憶網路與機器學習實現最佳維保時間提醒
★ 基於半監督式學習的網路流量分類★ ERP日誌分析-以A公司為例
★ 企業資訊安全防護:網路封包蒐集分析與網路行為之探索性研究★ 資料探勘技術在顧客關係管理之應用─以C銀行數位存款為例
★ 人臉圖片生成與增益之可用性與效率探討分析★ 人工合成文本之資料增益於不平衡文字分類問題
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摘要(中) 當今晶圓製造業中,自動光學檢查(Automatic optical inspection, AOI)已經成
高昂的,也會導致成本的上升。因此,透過使用人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence,
在標記資料平衡的情況下,我們採用 合作式注意力網絡(Convolution and
Attention Network, CoAtNet)方法進行 AI 圖片分類。而在標記資料不平衡的情況
下,我們使用對抗自編碼器(Adversarial Autoencoder, AAE)與基於 GAN 的高效異
常檢測(Efficient GAN-Based Anomaly Detection, EGAN)方法生成模型。接著,我
們搭配閥值的調整進行 AI 圖片異常判斷,實現異常檢測。
生成 Golden Sample 的方法可以顯著提高自動光學檢查檢驗後人工檢驗的準確率,
摘要(英) In today′s semiconductor wafer manufacturing industry, Automatic Optical
Inspection (AOI) has become a key technology. However, due to the size of wafers and
the constraints of equipment capabilities, even though AOI technology has made
significant progress in image inspection, it still cannot fully meet customer
requirements. This results in a high dependency on manual inspection to ensure
accuracy. This manual inspection process is both time-consuming and costly, leading
to increased production costs. Hence, automating the inspection process to reduce costs
using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is the main direction of this research.
This paper discusses an optimization method for post-AOI manual identification
assistance based on deep learning. The aim is to meet customer needs, reduce manual
inspections, improve inspection accuracy, and achieve rapid deployment and inspection.
To address this challenge, we first labeled data through an established manual
inspection platform. With balanced labeled data, we adopted the Convolution and
Attention Network (CoAtNet) approach for AI image classification. In cases of
unbalanced labeled data, we employed the Adversarial Autoencoder (AAE) and
Efficient GAN-Based Anomaly Detection methods for model generation. We then
paired this with threshold adjustments for AI image anomaly determination, realizing
anomaly detection.
Through a series of experiments, we demonstrated that combining the cooperative
attention network with the adversarial autoencoder to generate Golden Samples can
significantly enhance the accuracy of post-AOI manual inspections, reduce the number
of manual inspections, and meet customer needs. This research provides an effective
and practical solution for image inspection and has a broad application prospect.
關鍵字(中) ★ CoAtNet
★ Adversarial Autoencoder
★ 深度學習
關鍵字(英) ★ CoAtNet
★ Adversarial Autoencoder
★ Deep Learning
論文目次 目錄 一、 緒論................................................ 1 1-1 研究動機............................................ 1 1-2 研究目的............................................ 2 1-3 研究困難............................................ 3 1-4 論文架構............................................ 5 二、 文獻回顧............................................ 5 2-1 自動光學檢測於深度學習的應用探討.................... 5 2-2 深度學習之圖片分類技術.............................. 7 2-3 深度學習之異常檢測技術............................. 16 2-4 影像處理 Image Process............................. 20 三、 研究方法........................................... 23 3-1 研究架構........................................... 23 3-2 資料收集與標記..................................... 24 3-3 資料前處理......................................... 26 3-4 實驗設計........................................... 29 3-5 成效評估........................................... 35 四、 實驗結果與評估..................................... 36 4-1 圖片分類實驗結果................................... 36 4-2 異常檢驗實驗結果................................... 38 4-3 實驗評估........................................... 42 五、 總結............................................... 44 5-1 結論............................................... 44 5-2 未來展望........................................... 45
參考文獻................................................... 46
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指導教授 柯士文 審核日期 2024-1-23
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