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姓名 彭姿寧(Tzu-Ning Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 應用AHP層級分析法於新產品專案管理關鍵成功因素之研究 -以網通產品為例
(Application of AHP to study the key success factors of new product project management- A Case Study of Netcom Product)
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★ 電路板產業存貨改善研究-以N公司為例★ 運用六標準差改善機台備用零件(Spare parts)存貨管理
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摘要(中) 2019年12月爆發的新冠疫情讓各國進行人員移動管制,因而帶動遠距網路服務蓬勃發展,而因疫情限制人員跨境移動及勞動力短缺,更加促使企業加速發展工業4.0、AI、物聯網及數位轉型的腳步,帶動企業升級寬頻設備、無線路由器與伺服器需求,使得網路通訊產品需求迅速提升。也因大數據分析資料量爆炸成長,加速網路傳輸規格升級需求,在網路通訊技術不斷演進下,網通產品Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax)及高速網路交換器需求及開發案件量比以往大增,企業無不希望能加快產品開發腳步、縮短專案開發時程,盡快進入量產,在競爭激烈的網通市場下,贏得客戶提供更多新專案,創造更多營收及利潤。
摘要(英) The COVID-19 outbreak in December 2019 caused countries to restrict the movement of people, which led to a boom in remote web services. The restrictions on cross-border movement of people and labor shortages caused by the epidemic have further prompted enterprises to accelerate the development of Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and digital transformation, driving enterprises to upgrade broadband equipment, wireless routers and servers, resulting in a rapid increase in demand for network communication products. Also due to the explosive growth of big data analysis data, the need to upgrade network transmission specifications has been accelerated. With the continuous evolution of network communication technology, the demand and development cases of Netcom products Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) and high-speed network switches are relatively high. With the rapid growth of the projects, enterprises hope to speed up product development, shorten the project development cycle, and enter the mass production stage as soon as possible. In the highly competitive Netcom market, they can win customers and provide more new projects to create more revenue and profits.
However, enterprise resources are limited. Projects rely on a group of people working together to accomplish the goals under limited time and resources, rather than relying on one or one more people to complete the project successfully. Enterprises should combine their own technology, resources, and strategic goals to find effective key success factors for new product project management to enhance the competitiveness of product development speed.
This study takes Netcom OEM S company as the research object, and uses AHP to establish the hierarchical structure and criteria of the key success factors of new product project management in Netcom industry. The project team and project manager-related factor, project-related factor, organization-related factor, the external environment-related factor of 4 criteria and 21 sub-criteria are analyzed. With a systematic and scientific analysis method, the importance ranking of the key success factors of new product project management is obtained. The key criteria are identified to provide important references for project managers and decision makers in the network communications industry in formulating strategy and resource planning.
關鍵字(中) ★ 專案管理
★ 關鍵成功因素
★ 層級分析法
★ 網通產業
關鍵字(英) ★ Project Management
★ Key Success Factor
★ Analytic Hierarchy Process
★ Network Communications Industry
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 1
1-3 研究目的 4
1-4 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2-1 專案管理 6
2-1-1 專案定義與專案生命週期 6
2-1-2 專案組織與特性 7
2-1-3 專案管理定義及應用 8
2-2 專案管理關鍵成功因素 10
2-2-1 關鍵成功因素 10
2-2-2 專案成功與衡量專案成功標準 10
2-2-3 專案管理關鍵成功因素 11
2-3 層級分析法 19
第三章 研究方法 23
3-1 研究方法 23
3-1-1目的與特點 23
3-1-2優點與限制 23
3-1-3步驟 24
3-2 研究流程 31
第四章 個案研究 32
4-1 研究對象 32
4-1-1 網路通信產業 32
4-1-2 個案公司介紹 32
4-2 個案公司產品專案開發流程 33
4-3 問卷研究對象 34
4-4 各評選構面準則說明 38
4-5 各主評選構面準則權重大小分析 45
4-6 各項次評選構面準則權重大小分析 47
4-6-1 次準則分析:「與專案經理與專案團隊有關的因素」 47
4-6-2 次準則分析:「與專案有關的因素」 49
4.6.3 次準則分析:「與組織有關的因素」 51
4-6-4 次準則分析:「與外部環境有關的因素」 53
第五章 結論 61
5-1 研究結論 61
5.2 未來研究方向 63
參考文獻 65
附錄 65
附錄一、重要評價準則因子篩選之專家訪談問卷 68
附錄二、關鍵成功因素評選構面權重分析問卷 70

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指導教授 陳振明(Jen-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2023-1-13
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