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姓名 楊承祐(CHENG-YU YANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 發展數學成就目標系統並初步評估對增進興趣與自我效能的成效
(Developing a Mathematical Achievement Goal System and Preliminary Evaluation of its Effects on Enhancing Interest and Self-Efficacy)
★ 探索電玩遊戲頻率對於視覺注意力表現能力的效應★ 代理表現學習模式—以動物同伴為例
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★ 數學島:興趣驅動之國小數學線上平台設計與初步評估★ 以「猜擬題」活動增進學生數學文字題解題能力
★ 基於學生練習使用回饋之學習成效預測模型與動態題數練習機制★ 透過主題地圖與寵物同伴促進閱讀更深更廣的書籍
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★ 英文單字樂園:學生自創字卡搭配複習機制強化英文字彙學習之系統設計及學習成效初探★ 設計與實作明日寫作系統增進國小學生寫作表現
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摘要(中) 數學在生活中扮演著重要的角色,對學生的未來發展具有深遠的影響。然而,許多學生對數學缺乏興趣和自信,甚至出現數學焦慮問題。為了提高學生的自我效能和興趣,團隊透過悅趣化數位學習的方式輔助學生,先前的研究開發了一個名為數學島的系統,幫助學生學習數學。然而,隨著時間的推移,學生對該系統的新奇感逐漸減少。為了解決這個問題,本研究借鑒了遊戲化學習和八角框架理論,並在數學島系統的基礎上引入了一個數學成就目標系統。該系統設定各個學習目標,學生在完成這些目標時可以獲得成就,從而提高他們的自我效能感及數學的學習興趣。本研究也探討成就目標對學生數學興趣和自我效能的影響。
研究調查數學自我效能,發現整體以及自我掌握經驗、替代經驗以及社會勸服並沒有顯著,不過在心理情緒狀態面向是有顯著的(p = .49)。這代表學生們在情緒層面,如焦慮、緊張和害怕等有減緩。
最後,研究也針對系統紀錄作分析,分別為數學任務數量以及數學任務正確率。發現在這兩個面向都有顯著。這表示學生在系統期間,數學任務數量比起沒有使用系統期間來得多(p = .001);數學任務正確率面相當中,可以發現學生在使用系統期間,比起沒有使用系統時,其數學任務正確率有提升(p = .040)。
摘要(英) Mathematics plays an important role in everyday life and has a profound impact on students′ future development. However, many students lack interest and confidence in mathematics, and some even experience math anxiety. To enhance students′ self-efficacy and interest, the concept of gamified learning using enjoyable digital tools has been employed. Previous research has developed a system called ′Math Island′ to assist students in learning mathematics. However, over time, students′ novelty and enthusiasm for this system diminish. To address this issue, this study draws inspiration from gamification and the Octalysis framework, and introduces a mathematics achievement goal system to the Math Island platform. This system sets various learning goals, and students can earn achievements by accomplishing these goals, thereby enhancing their self-efficacy and ultimately increasing their interest in learning mathematics. The primary objectives of this study are to develop the mathematics achievement goal system and examine the impact of achievement goals on students′ mathematical interest and self-efficacy.
The experimental subjects of this study were 26 third and fourth grade students from a primary school in Taoyuan City. These students regularly use Math Island for learning mathematics. Through research and investigation, it was found that there was no significant improvement in their interest in mathematics. However, interviews revealed factors that influenced students′ interest in mathematics, such as using teaching aids during lessons, which made the students feel engaged and interested. Rewards were given upon completing math tasks to encourage the students, and the difficulty level of the math problems played a role as well. If the problems were too easy, the students felt bored, while overly difficult problems led to feelings of frustration. Moderate difficulty level of problems sparked students′ interest in mathematics.
The study also investigated students′ mathematical self-efficacy and found that overall, as well as in terms of self-mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, and social persuasion, there was no significant improvement. However, there was a significant decrease in learning anxiety (p = .49), indicating that students experienced reduced negative emotions such as anxiety, nervousness, and fear.
The study analyzed the system records, including the number of math tasks completed and the accuracy of these tasks. It was found that both aspects showed significant improvements. This suggests that during the period of using the system, students completed more math tasks compared to when they did not use the system (p = .001). Additionally, the accuracy of math tasks increased during the system usage period compared to when the system was not used (p = .040).
This study is belong to design research. The main focus is on the planning, architecture, and development of a mathematical achievement goal system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 悅趣化數位學習
★ 成就目標
★ 數學興趣
★ 數學自我效能
關鍵字(英) ★ Digital Game-Based Learning
★ Achievement Goals
★ Mathematical interest
★ Mathematics self-efficacy
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究問題 3
1-4 名詞解釋 3
1-4-1 悅趣化數位學習(Digital Game-Based Learning) 3
1-4-2 自我效能(self-efficacy) 3
1-4-3 百數 4
1-4-4 成就目標 4
1-4-5 數學島 5
二、 文獻探討 6
2-1 數學學習相關文獻 6
2-1-1 數學興趣(Mathematic interest) 6
2-1-2 數學焦慮(Math Anxiety) 7
2-1-3 數學自我效能(Mathematic self-efficacy) 7
2-1-4 自調學習(Self-regulated Learning) 8
2-2 數位學習相關文獻 9
2-2-1 八角化框架(Octalysis) 9
2-2-2 悅趣化數位學習(Digital Game-based Learning) 10
2-2-3 目標設定(Goal Setting) 11
2-2-4 成就目標(Achievement Goal) 11
三、 系統設計與實作 13
3-1 系統開發與架構 13
3-2 系統設計 14
3-2-1 基於八角化框架的元素設計系統 15
3-2-2 學習者使用端操作介面 17
3-2-3 成就目標 18
3-2-4 成就目標分類 21
3-2-5 學習紀錄儀錶板 31
四、 研究方法 32
4-1 研究設計 32
4-2 研究對象 32
4-3 研究工具 32
4-3-1 IDC數學興趣問卷 33
4-3-2 數學自我效能問卷 35
4-3-3 訪談內容 38
4-4 實驗流程 40
4-4-1 前測階段 40
4-4-2 系統導入階段 40
4-4-3 後測階段 41
4-5 資料收集與分析 41
4-5-1 資料收集 41
4-5-2 信度分析 42
4-5-3 魏克生符號檢定(Wilcoxon sign rank) 44
4-5-4 描述性統計 44
五、 研究結果 45
5-1 IDC數學興趣問卷 45
5-1-1 IDC數學興趣問卷整體 45
5-1-2 引趣面向 46
5-1-3 入趣面向 47
5-1-4 延趣面向 48
5-1-5 個人數學興趣發展面向 49
5-2 數學自我效能問卷 50
5-2-1 數學自我效能問卷整體 50
5-2-2 自我掌握面向 51
5-2-3 替代經驗面向 52
5-2-4 社會勸服面向 53
5-2-5 心理情緒狀態面向 54
5-3 系統數據分析 55
5-3-1 數學任務數量 55
5-3-2 數學任務正確率 56
5-4 訪談結果統整 56
5-4-1 學生訪談結果 56
六、 結論與未來展望 64
6-1 討論 64
6-1-1 數學成就目標系統是否幫助學習者提升數學學習興趣? 64
6-1-2 數學成就目標系統是否幫助學習者提升數學學習的自我效能感? 65
6-1-3 學習者對數學成就目標系統的觀感與建議為何? 66
6-2 結論 66
6-2-1 數學成就目標系統與數學興趣之間的關係與影響目前並無相關證據可以證實 66
6-2-2 數學成就目標系統與數學自我效能之間的關係與影響有著正向顯著相關 67
6-2-3 系統對學習者於數學島學習有部分幫助 67
6-2-4 學習方式的影響 67
6-2-5 題目的難易程度 68
6-2-6 教師對學生在學習上的影響 68
6-3 研究限制 69
6-4 未來展望 70
參考文獻 74
英文文獻 74
中文文獻 79
附錄一 IDC數學興趣問卷(前測) 80
附錄二 數學自我效能問卷(前測) 84
附錄三 IDC數學興趣問卷(後測) 87
附錄四 數學自我效能問卷(後測) 90
附錄五 訪談編碼表 94
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林碧珍(2023)。TIMSS 2019 臺灣四年級學生數學成就及相關因素探討 (2)。科學教育月刊,(456),2-9。
指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-Wai Chan) 審核日期 2023-7-26
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