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姓名 許雅晴(HSU, YA-CHING)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 高階管理團隊人力資本與組織績效之後設分析
(The Impact of Top Management Team Human Capital on Organization Performance: A Meta-Analysis)
★ 工作重塑、工作特性感知與工作投入關係之研究★ 居家工作之開會強度對於工作壓力之影響—以威權領導為調節變項
★ 工作重塑、工作特性感知與工作投入關係之研究★ 在家工作之工作家庭衝突與工作滿意之關係—以疆界區隔為調節變項
★ 外部發展型訓練參與對個人就業力提升與離職傾向之關聯★ 企業內部訓練投入、訓練發展氣候與工作滿意度-以人力資源歸因為調節變項
★ 探究工作鑲嵌、就業力及個人人力資本與社會資本發展行為之關係
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摘要(中) 在不確定性提高與動態性增加的環境當中,企業的高階管理團隊 (TMT) 所引導組織前進的方向就愈顯重要。而人力資本與組織擁有之其他資源相比,更具無法輕易模仿、轉移或完全替代之特性,能建立組織的競爭優勢。高階管理團隊所具備的人力資本,其知識、技能、經驗的複雜度更高,能協助企業獲利,並拓展創新的走向。
同時,學術領域亦透過實證研究確立高階管理團隊 (TMT) 人力資本與組織績效之間的正向關係,然而,多數研究著重在高階管理團隊的多樣性範疇,其他高階管理團隊人力資本類型,如:高階管理團隊工作經驗、高階管理團隊工作年資等,則經常作為研究當中的其他變數。
因此,本研究以高階管理團隊人力資本 (TMT Human Capital)、高階管理團隊年資 (TMT Tenure)、高階管理團隊教育程度/背景 (TMT Education)、高階管理團隊組成 (TMT Composition)、高階管理團隊多樣性 (TMT Diversity) 為關鍵字,搜尋同時包含組織績效相關變項之通過SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) 標準的國外學術期刊,並確認文獻完整記錄本研究分析所需之資訊後,將蒐集文獻包含之高階管理團隊人力資本依類型區分,運用後設分析方法,探究其與財務、創新兩類績效間的相關性。
摘要(英) When living in the environment with increasing uncertainty and dynamism, the directions guided by a firm’s top management team (TMT) become more crucial. Compared to other resources possessed by organizations, human capital can establish the competitive advantages more easily, because it’s hard to be imitated, transferred, or entirely substituted. The human capital that is possessed by the TMT, with its higher complexity of the knowledge, skills, and experience, can help the enterprise make more profit and expand its innovative fields.
Furthermore, the results of the empirical research in the academic field have established a positive relationship between TMT human capital and organizational performance. However, most of them emphasize on the relationship with TMT Diversity. Other types of TMT Human Capital, such as TMT Work Experience and TMT Tenure, are often defined as other kinds of variables in the research.
Therefore, TMT Human Capital, TMT Tenure, TMT Education, TMT Composition, and TMT Diversity are applied as the keywords to search for the paper which contains the variables about organizational performance. The paper should also has passed SSCI. After we confirm the completeness of the required information, we then categorize different types of TMT Human Capital and utilize meta-analysis to explore the correlation between TMT Human Capital and the organizational performance about finance and innovation.
There are 78 articles, comprising 23,826 data, are collected for analysis to investigate the impact of TMT on organizational performance conducted by meta-analysis. The results of this study indicate that TMT General/Specific Human Capital and TMT Diversity have a significant positive impact on financial performance. Meanwhile, TMT Diversity have a significant positive impact on innovation performance. Last but not least, TMT work experience in terms of specific definition (total years of work experience and tenure with the current company) is significantly positively correlated with the organizational performance. According to the result, enterprises can evaluate their circumstances from a comprehensive perspective, and propose corresponding solutions and preventive measures by establishing a diverse TMT. Simultaneously, they can increase the stock of human capital and the accumulation of work experience of the TMT through the improvement of organizational training and talent development systems, to achieve a positive impact on the management and operation of the organization. Finally, in terms of innovation performance, it is necessary to create a supportive organizational atmosphere to motivate employees to demonstrate innovative behavior, which can facilitate the achievement of goals such as expanding into new markets, products, and strategic transformation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高階管理團隊
★ 人力資本
★ 組織績效
★ 財務績效
★ 創新績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Top Management Team
★ Human Capital
★ Firm Performance
★ Financial Performance
★ Innovation Performance
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
壹、緒論 1
一、研究背景與動機 1
二、研究問題與目的 3
貳、文獻探討 4
一、人力資本 (Human Capital) 4
二、高階管理團隊人力資本與組織績效之相關研究 8
參、研究方法 12
一、研究架構 12
二、研究文獻範圍及搜尋 12
三、研究文獻篩選標準 13
四、變項之編碼 14
五、操作型定義 14
六、資料分析方法 17
肆、研究結果 21
一、樣本特性 22
二、分析與結果 30
伍、結論與建議 41
一、研究結論 41
二、管理意涵 43
三、研究貢獻 44
四、研究限制與未來研究建議 45
參考文獻 47
一、英文部分 47
附錄 58
參考文獻 加註星號*者為本研究引用之後設分析文獻

一、 英文部分
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指導教授 劉念琪 鄭晉昌 審核日期 2024-5-27
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