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姓名 周健捷(Jian-Yay You)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 樁基礎橋梁地震反應分析
(Study on seismic response analysis of pile foundation bridge)
★ 鋼筋混凝土構架制震設計與分析★ 版牆結構隔減震設計
★ 連續壁防治土壤液化之初步研究★ 符合設計譜人工地震之相位角對樓板反應譜之影響
★ 利用連續壁防治土壤液化之探討★ Nakamura方法估算土壤第一模態頻率之適用性研究
★ 黏性土層中隧道開挖引致之地盤沉陷及破壞機制★ 側向非均勻土層之地表受震反應
★ 砂土層中井樁承受反覆水平荷重之初步研究★ 以人工地震探討二維不規則土層對建築物受震反應的影響
★ 以離心模型試驗探討高含水量黏性背填土 加勁擋土牆之穩定性★ 以加勁長度改善高含水量下粘土加勁擋土牆穩定性之研究
★ 內扶壁在基一區(K1)對連續壁變位之影響★ 打樁引致非均質土層地表振動數值之模擬
★ 深開挖工程與鄰近捷運隧道受震反應的三維分析★ 利用傅立葉轉換預測指南宮之地震動
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摘要(中) 本研究考慮土壤土壤係由固相與液相所構成之多孔介質,並以Biot多孔介質理論推導土粒構架之變形與孔隙水流動之耦合關係式。土壤之非線性行為遵循帽蓋模式,並以Pacheco 孔隙水壓模式模擬地震時孔隙水壓的變化,至於側向邊界則以多孔介質理論推導之黏滯邊界模擬。本分析模式可以進行橋墩─樁基礎─地盤之地震反應互制分析。以本研究所發展之程式,計算Zienkiewicz一維地盤例、羅東大比例尺核能電廠圍阻體模型及台北捷運基隆河橋等之受震反應,並與相應的分析結果或實測資料比對後,驗證了本計算程式的正確性。
摘要(英) Pile foundations have been frequently used to support bridges constructed on the soft ground or ground with saturated sand. During earthquakes the ground deforms and generates excessive pore water pressure, which leads to the reduction in effective stress and sometimes liquefaction of ground, affecting the bearing capacity of the pile foundations. Over the past years many damages of bridges due to this effect have been reported. The purpose of this study is to develop an effective-stress based nonlinear 3D finite element model to investigate the seismic behavior of pile foundations of bridges in liquefiable ground.
Considering the soil as a two-phase porous media with solid grain and water, the effective-stress based nonlinear 3D finite element model is developed using the Biot theory. The nonlinear soil behavior is assumed to follow the cap model and the pore pressure model proposed by Pacheco is adopted. The viscous boundary derived considering the soil as porous media is developed to simulate the infinite lateral extent of ground. This model can be used to analyze the soil-pile-bridge system. The developed program was validated by comparing with the one-dimensional analytical result by Zienkiewicz and recorded data of two different sites.
The seismic responses of pile foundations are then studied for regular ground and river valley. It is found that the irregularity of ground affects the seismic responses of pile foundations significantly. The lateral displacement of piles in the direction of valley and the vertical displacements of piles are amplified about 35% and 100%, respectively, as compared with those of regular ground. Similar observations can also be made for the bending moment, the shear force and the axial load of piles. The increase in bending moment and shear force is about 15% and that in axial load can be as high as 100%, as compared with those of regular ground. Therefore, in the seismic design of pile foundations for bridges in the river valley, special care must be taken.
關鍵字(中) ★ 樁基礎
★ 有效應力
★ 孔隙水壓
★ 地盤液化
★ 地震反應
關鍵字(英) ★ pile foundation
★ effective stress
★ pore water pressure
★ liquefation
★ seismic response
論文目次 封面
第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 樁之水平荷重與變位之曲(P-Y曲線)
2.2 樁頭之動態勁度及阻尼
2.3 樁基礎之動態實驗
2.4 多孔介質應力分析
2.5 地盤液化對樁基礎之影響
2.6 橋梁 -- 樁基礎 -- 地震互制作用之地震反應分析
2.7 相關之規範
2.8 後語
第三章 力學方程式及樁基礎橋梁之運動方程式
3.1 地盤之運動方程式
3.2 土壤之非線性力學模式
3.3 孔隙水壓模式
3.4 基樁及橋墩之力學模式
3.5 吸能邊界(absorbing boundary) -- 黏滯邊界元素
3.6 橋墩 -- 樁基 -- 地盤相互作用之運動方程式
第四章 分析流程
4.1 運動方程式之時間積分之數值分析
4.2 帽蓋模式之分析流程
4.3 孔隙水壓之分析流程
4.4 整體之分析流程
第五章 程式驗證
5.1 一維分析之驗證
5.2 羅東比例尺核態電廠圍阻體實驗園區地震資料之驗證
5.3 臺北捷運基隆河橋地震資料之驗證
5.4 討論
第六章 地盤之地震反應分析
6.1 水平地盤之地震反應分析
6.2 河谷地盤之地震反應分析
6.3 討論
第七章 樁基及樁基礎橋梁之地震反應分析
7.1 單樁基礎地震反應解析
7.2 群樁基礎之地震反應分析
7.3 樁基礎橋樑地震反應分析
7.4 討論
第八章 結論及建議
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指導教授 陳慧慈(Huei-Tsyr Chen) 審核日期 2000-7-25
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