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姓名 余濬(Jun Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 都市雨水下水道設計模型之研究
★ 水資源供需指標建立之研究★ 救旱措施對水資源供需之影響分析
★ 台灣地區颱風雨降雨型態之分析研究★ 滯洪池系統最佳化之研究
★ 運用遺傳演算優化串聯水庫系統聯合運轉規線之研究★ 河川魚類棲地分佈之推估與分析研究-以卑南溪新武呂河段為例-
★ 整合型區域水庫與攔河堰聯合運轉系統模擬解析及優化之研究★ 河川低水流量分流演算推估魚類棲地之研究-以烏溪上游為例
★ 大漢溪中游生態基流量推估與棲地改善之研究★ 石門水庫水質模擬與水理探討
★ 越域引水水庫聯合操作規線與打折供水最佳化之應用-以寶山與寶山第二水庫為例★ 防洪疏散門最佳啟閉時間之研究 -以基隆河臺北市河段為例-
★ 配水管網破管與供水穩定性關係之研究★ 石門水庫永續指標之建立與研究
★ 台灣地區重要水庫集水區永續指標建立與評量★ 限制開發行為對水庫集水區水質保護之探討
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摘要(中) 本文提出之都市雨水下水道設計模式,包括雨水下水道管渠及滯洪池兩部份,其中管渠部份之設計模式係將設計雨型之概念融入合理化公式,藉由一場設計雨型之降雨降落在都市雨水下水道之各集水分區上,以合理化公式估算各集水分區之單位流量歷線,做為起始管渠設計之依據,下游管渠之流量歷線則藉由稽延時間(lagging time)予以合成,再做為下游管渠設計之依據。由案例探討得知,當雨型型式為中央式時,管渠中之尖峰流量為最大,後峰式次之,而前峰式最小。雨型之延時為三倍單位降雨時距時,管渠中之尖峰流量已達最大值,延時超過三倍單位降雨時距後,管渠中之尖峰流量已不再增大。
關於滯洪池設計模式之無因次化,在簡便法、水庫法與逐步法三種方法當中,簡便法係國內規範所規定之方法,其入流量歷線及出流量歷線皆設定為三角形,入流量歷線之基期愈長,滯洪池所需容量愈大。水庫法之入流量歷線則為無因次化之任意形狀,水理模式以無因次化之水文平衡方程式演算,當入流量歷線為無因次化三角形時,由無因次化理論分析得知滯洪池所需容量與三角形之特徵值α(α為尖峰入流量到達時間tp 與基期tb之比值,α= tp / tb)相關,當α值愈大,則滯洪池所需容量愈大。
本文最後提出複式滯洪池及其設計模式,其構造為在滯洪池內隔間出一小池與大池,並於牆底設置單向式閘門,利用小池於入流量之初期即可排除較多之水量,而達到節省容量之功能,小池之容量係採用水文平衡方程式推估,大池之容量則為小池滿溢過來之總水量,由無因次化理論之探討得知,當入流量歷線為三角形時,複式滯洪池較傳統滯洪池所節省之容量與三角形入流量歷線特徵值α和尖峰流量降低值Q*( Q*為尖峰出流量qp與尖峰入流量ip之比值,Q*=qp/ip)有關,當α值愈大時,所節省之容量愈多,且當Q*值愈大時,所節省之容量亦愈多。另由融入設計雨型之合理化公式法與滯洪池設計模式串聯應用之案例探討得知,當降雨延時為一小時,傳統滯洪池以後峰式所需之滯洪池容量最大,中央式次之,前峰式最小,而複式滯洪池於前峰式時節省47.3%容量,中央式時節省51.0%,後峰式時節省57.5%,此結果與入流量歷線為三角形時之結果一致,亦即當特徵值α愈大時,所節省之容量愈多。由於複式滯洪池較傳統滯洪池所需容量減少甚多,於雨水下水道工程上具有實用價值。
摘要(英) The urban storm sewer design model proposed in this dissertation analyzes conduits and detention ponds. The approach in analyzing conduits is developed from the Rational Formula incorporating design hyetograph. Given a rainfall event of design hyetograph falling in all subcatchment, the unit hydrograph of each subcatchment evaluated by the Rational Formula is applied to design the initial conduit. The downstream discharge hydrograph of conduit is synthesized by the mean of the lagging time to be used in designing the downstream conduit. For a case study, the peak flow in conduit are the largest, the middle and smallest, for the central peak type, the later peak type and the early peak type of rainfall pattern, respectively. It is found that the maximum peak flow in conduit occurs in the case that the duration of the design hyetograph being three times of the unit rainfall interval.
Due to the lack of actual discharge measurements, the result calculated by the SWMM model for several regions in Taiwan are employed to verify the confidence of the proposed model. The difference between the water depth, as well as discharge, calculated from the proposed model and that obtained from the SWMM model is insignificant.
This model, incorporating the Rational Formula and design hyetograph overcomes the defect of the Rational Formula alone. The Rational Formula provides only the peak flow, while this model provides the complete discharge hydrograph. Not only it can be applied to design the conduit of sewer, but also to design the detention pond. Furthermore, this model, requires the same traditional fundamental data, is convenient to be applied for a system of trunks and branches of sewer conduits.
The second part of this dissertation discusses the dimensionless approaches in the model of detention pond sign. Currently three methods, namely, the Simple method, the Reservoir method and the Progress method, are used to evaluate the volume of the detention pond. The Simple method is mandated by the authorities in Taiwan. The triangular hydrograph of inflow and outflow, are assumed in the Simple method. In the Simple method, the longer the base time of inflow hydrograph is, the larger the volume of detention pond is required. As for the Reservoir method, a dimensionless arbitrary shape inflow hydrograph can be applied. The Reservoir method is routed by a set of dimensionless equations based on hydrologic balance. In the case when the shape of inflow hydrograph is triangular, the volume of detention pond is subject to a characteristic value, α (α= tp / tb, tp being the peak reaching time of inflow hydrograph , and tb being the base time.). The larger value of α is, the greater the volume of detention pond is required.
Furthermore, the Simple method is analyzed by the dimensionless theorem. For a triangular shape of dimensionless inflow hydrograph, the result shows that the volume of detention pond evaluated by the Simple method is larger than that by the Reservoir method. It is found that when the characteristic value α is between 1/6 to 5/6, the volume of detention pond evaluated by the Simple Method is 1.32 to1.02 times that evaluated by the Reservoir method. Moreover, the Progress method is routed by a set of hydrologic balance equations, and the inflow hydrograph is derived from design hyetograph. So the Progress method cannot be analyzed by the dimensionless theorem. For a case study of the Progress method itself, the result shows that the later the peak rainfall time of design hyetograph is, the greater the volume of detention pond is required. In other words, the volume of detention pond is the largest, the middle and smallest, for the later peak type, the central peak type and the early peak type, respectively. As the duration of design hyetograph exceeds one hour, the increasing volume of detention pond becomes insignificant.
The final part of this dissertation proposes the concept and the design approach of a double detention pond. The structure of double detention pond is to add a separate pond within the traditional detention pond and install a set of one-way gates. The puny pond can release water quickly at the early stage during the inflow. The volume of the puny detention pond is evaluated by the equations of hydrologic balance, and the volume of huge detention pond is evaluated by computing the overflowing water from the puny pond. According to dimensionless analysis, for the triangular inflow hydrograph, the volume of double detention pond is subject to the characteristic value α and the peak reducing value Q*( Q*= qp/ip, qp being the peak of outflow hydrograph, ip being the peak of inflow hydrograph). The larger the value of α is, the more the saving volume of double detention pond is. Moreover, the larger the value of Q* is, the more the saving volume of double detention pond is. A case study shows under 1-hr duration of design hyetograph, the volume of traditional detention pond is the largest, the middle and the smallest, evaluated by the later peak type, the central peak type and the early peak type of rainfall pattern, respectively. Furthermore, the saving volume of double detention pond is 47.3%, 51.0% and 57.5%, for the early peak type, the central peak type and the later peak type of rainfall pattern, respectively. Similar result is also identified for the case of a triangular inflow hydrograph.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雨水下水道
★ 合理化公式
★ 複式滯洪池
★ 設計雨型
關鍵字(英) ★ double detention pond
★ storm sewer
★ Rational Formula
★ design hyetograph
論文目次 封面
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機
1.2 文獻回顧
1.3 研究方法
第二章 雨型式合理化公式法之雨水下水道設計模式
2.1 合理化公式法設計模式概述
2.2 雨型式合理化公式法設計模式之建立
2.3 雨型式合理化公式法設計模式之應用與比較
第三章 傳統滯洪池設計模式
3.1 傳統滯洪池之構造及功能簡介
3.2 傳統滯洪池簡便法設計模式
3.3 傳統滯洪池逐步法設計模式
3.4 結果與比較
第四章 傳統滯洪池設計模式無因次化之理論分析
4.1 傳統滯洪池簡便法無因次化之理論分析
4.2 傳統滯洪池水庫法無因次化之理論分析
4.3 水庫法與簡便法滯洪池容量之探討
4.4 結果與比較
第五章 複式滯洪池設計模式
5.1 複式滯洪池之構造及功能說明
5.2 複式滯洪池設計模式之建立
5.3 複式滯洪池設計模式應用與驗證
5.4 結果與比較
第六章 雨型式合理化公式及滯洪池設計模式之聯合應用
6.1 雨型式合理化公式法及滯洪池設計模式之聯合應用
6.2 結果與比較
第七章 結論與建議
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指導教授 吳瑞賢 審核日期 2009-5-11
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