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姓名 楊惠貞(Hui-Jen Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 影響資管學生學習焦崩及電腦學習成效之研究
(A Study the Effects of Student Burnout and Computer Leraning Performance Among Two-Year MIS Students)
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摘要(中) 由於資訊科技快速的進步,各行各業對資訊人才的需求日益增多,因此資管科系學生成為企業界的寵兒。然而,隨著資訊技術的快速變遷,資管科系的學生除了要兼顧資訊和管理的課程外,還要不斷的學習新的技術,以適應時代的潮流,在學習上造成很大的壓力,容易產生學習上的焦崩。「焦崩」是1980年代重要的議題,是組織或社會心理學研究者、管理實務家、及大眾傳播媒體注意的焦點。在教育界,也有部份的學者以學生為對象,探討學生的學習焦崩現象,而學習焦崩現象之了解有助於教育當局或教師授課的參考。本研究的目的是改變過去焦崩橫斷面(cross-sectional)的研究,而嘗試以縱貫性研究(longitudinal study)來探討資管學生在學習焦崩方面的影響因素,也順便探討學習焦崩對電腦學習成效的影響。由於學習焦崩的影響因素並非單一的環境因素或個人因素可以解釋的,因此本研究以探討壓力為主的資源保存理論及強調社會心理的社會認知理論為基礎強調環境因素和個人因素探討影響焦崩的因素。
本研究以結構方程式的路徑分析(path analysis)來驗證各研究假說,主要研究結果有三點,敘述如下:(一)資管學生的「自我知能」會受「電腦焦慮」及「過去電腦學習成效」所影響;其中「電腦焦慮」與「自我知能」呈負向顯著關係,而「過去電腦學習成效」與「自我知能」呈正向顯著關係。(二)資管學生的「學習焦崩」變化幅度會受「自我知能」變化幅度及「功課負荷」變化幅度所影響;其中「自我知能」變化幅度與「學習焦崩」變化幅度呈負向顯著關係,而「功課負荷」變化幅度與「學習焦崩」變化幅度呈正向顯著關係。另外,資管學生的「學習焦崩」也會受「電腦焦慮」所影響。「電腦焦慮」與「學習焦崩」呈正向顯著關係。(三) 資管學生的「電腦學習成效」會受到「學習焦崩」所影響,與「學習焦崩」呈負向顯著關係。「自我知能」對「電腦學習成效」之影響則不被支持;「自我知能」對「電腦學習成效」之影響為透過「學習焦崩」為中介的間接影響。
摘要(英) Owing to the rapid growth of information technology, the industry increasely needs the information system personnel. Computers have become a common feature in most schools and also become a wider cross-section of the curriculum at each level. The students of MIS major are the future source of IS personel. It’s necessary to know the problems that the MIS students faced at the school learning process. The current study was designed to examine the factors which impact on the students’ burnout and their computer learning performance, based on Social Cognitive Theory(SCT) and Conservation of Resourced Theory(CRT), among two-year college students.
Burnout has been the focused of educational concern and research on teacher for decades, and has resulted in the development of several teacher burnout scales and various strategies to address the negative effects of burnout. Few empirical studies have focused on student burnout, especially for a longitudinal study to examine student burnout. According to SCT, prior performance and emotional arousal (such as anxiety or stress) influences the student’s perception of their own ability to perform the behavior as well as the student’s leraning burnout. Based on CRT, workload is one of the important factors influencing burnout. A longitudinal study examined the effects of self-efficacy and courseload on student burnout. The results provided the variance of self-efficacy and courseload singnificantly influence on the variance of student burnout respectively. Some support was also found for the hypothesis that computer anxiety, self-efficacy, and courseload directly influenced student burnout respectively. The results showed that computer anxiety and computer learning performance influenced self-efficacy on MIS major students. The results were consistent with previous studies and offered support for the hypothesis. Student burnout significantly influence computer’s learning performance, self-efficacy didn’t significantly influence computer learning performance, but student burnout mediated the relationships between self-efficacy and computer learning performance.
Reseach and practical implications of these finding for the student burnout and computer learning performance of MIS major students are discussed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 縱貫性研究
★ 學習焦崩
★ 自我知能
★ 學業表現
★ 電腦焦慮
★ 功課負荷
★ 路徑分析
★ 結構方程式
關鍵字(英) ★ Burnout
★ Self-efficacy
★ Courseload
★ Longitudinal Study
★ Conservation of Resources Theory (CRT)
★ Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)
論文目次 目錄.................................................................................................................. I
圖目錄........................................................................................................... IV
表目錄........................................................................................................... VI
第㆒章 緒論..................................................................................................1
第㆒節 研究背景.......................................................................................................1
第㆓節 研究動機與目的.........................................................................................2
第㆔節 研究範圍.....................................................................................................4
第㆕節 論文結構.....................................................................................................5
第㆓章 文獻探討..........................................................................................6
第㆒節 焦崩的定義與相關研究...............................................................................6
㆓、學習焦崩................................................................................................... 11
第㆓節 自我知能.....................................................................................................27
第㆔節 電腦焦慮.....................................................................................................38
第㆔章 研究模型與研究方法.................................................................... 49
第㆒節 研究模型與研究設計.................................................................................49
第㆓節 研究假說...................................................................................................51
第㆔節 變數定義與問卷設計.................................................................................66
第㆕節 研究對象.....................................................................................................74
第五節 實施過程與資料分析方法.........................................................................74
第㆕章 資料分析與研究結果.................................................................... 79
第㆒節 樣本基本資料.............................................................................................79
第㆓節 構念測量模型的檢測.................................................................................80
第㆔節 樣本背景方面分佈的敘述性統計.............................................................89
第㆕節 假說檢定.....................................................................................................92
第五節 研究發現.................................................................................................105
第五章 研究結論與建議.......................................................................... 106
第㆒節 研究結果與討論.......................................................................................106
第㆓節 研究貢獻...................................................................................................109
第㆔節 對實務界之建議....................................................................................... 110
第㆕節 研究限制................................................................................................... 111
第五節 未來研究方向........................................................................................... 113
㆗文部份................................................................................................................. 115
英文部份................................................................................................................. 115
附錄1A 名詞詮釋..................................................................................... 127
附錄2A 資管學生學習感受問卷............................................................ 128
附錄3A 性別及校別與各變項之差異比較............................................ 131
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