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姓名 楊德威(Der-Uei Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 利用微極彈性理論分析蜂巢式結構之波桑比效應
(Analysis of the effect of Poisson's ratio for the honeycomb structure using the micropolar elasticity theory)
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摘要(中) 本文以微極彈性理論為基礎,利用平面線性三角形元素,推導出二維微極彈性理論之有限元素方程式,並依此撰寫相關之Fortran程式,作為數值分析之工具。
其次分析受力變形後微極彈性蜂巢式結構波桑比值的變化。藉由不同的結構肋寬、肋長與內凹角度等幾何參數,以探討結構幾何參數改變與受力變形後內凹型蜂巢式結構波桑比之間的相互關係。除此之外,改變微極材料常數如微極楊氏模數 、微極波桑比 、特徵長度 與力偶因子N,或在微極彈性限制條件下改變 、 、 與 等四個微極彈性常數,可以得到對受力變形後內凹型蜂巢式結構波桑比值之影響。
摘要(英) A two-dimensional triangular finite element formulation including extra degree of freedom was derived on the basis of the Eringen’’s micropolar elasticity theory using linear triangular element and a corresponding computer program was also developed.
Firstly, we investigate the relation between the Poisson’s ratio of a deformed micropolar elastic rectangular plate by changing the micropolar material constants and the micropolar elastic constants.
Secondly, we analyze the variation of the structural Poisson’s ratio for a deformed micropolar elastic honeycomb structure. By varying the structural cell rib width and length, the re-entrant angle of the honeycomb structure, the micropolar material constants and the micropolar elastic constants in accordance with the micropolar elastic restrictions, we can obtain the effects on the structural Poisson’s ratio of a deformed re-entrant honeycomb structure.
According to our numerical results, with appropriate re-entrant angle, cell rib length and width of the honeycomb structure, by changing the micropolar material and elastic constants, the honeycomb structure after normal distributed loading can exhibit amazing negative Poisson’s ratio. But for the deformed micropolar elastic rectangular plate, the variation of the micropolar constants can not alter the corresponding Poisson’s ratio.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微極彈性理論
★ 有限元素法
★ 蜂巢式結構
★ 波桑比
關鍵字(英) ★ Poisson’’s ratio
★ honeycomb structure
★ finite element method
★ micropolar elasticity theory
論文目次 封面
第一章 緒論
第二章 微極彈性理論簡介
第三章 二維微極彈性理論之有限元素法
第四章 微極彈性方形板波桑比效應之探討
第五章 微極彈性蜂巢式結構波桑比效應之研究
第六章 總結論與未來研究方向
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指導教授 黃豐元(Fuang-Yuan Huang) 審核日期 2002-7-1
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