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姓名 徐榮祥(Jung-Shian Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 腫瘤偵測與顱顏骨骼重建
(Tumor Detection and Craniofacial Implant Reconstruction)
★ 以擠製冷卻成型法結合相分離法製作神經再生用多孔性導管★ 整合可調式阻力之手足復健機研究
★ 應用於肝腫瘤治療之超音波影像輔助機械臂HIFU燒灼實驗系統★ 顱顏整型手術用植入物之設計與製作
★ 電腦輔助骨科手術用規劃及導引系統★ 遠端遙控機械手臂腹腔鏡手術系統
★ 頭部CT與MR影像之融合★ 手術用影像導引機械人定位及鑽孔系統
★ 機器人校正與醫學影像導引定位應用★ 顱顏手術用規劃及導引系統
★ 醫學用超音波影像導引系統★ 應用3D區域成長法於腦部磁共振影像之分割
★ 腦部手術用導引系統之方位校準及腦瘤影像分割★ 超音波影像即時震波導引
★ 骨科手術用C-arm影像輔助規劃及導引系統★ 細胞顯微影像分割與運動分析
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摘要(中) 本論文題出一個新的顱顏重建的方法解決重建的問題降低手術所須要的時間,以類神經網路預測病灶區的外形並於臨床應用獲得良好的結果
摘要(英) A method for tumor boundary detection and a procedure for the diagnosis of breast tumor are also presented. The grey level projection distribution of the ROI is adopted to determine the seed point and threshold value of the tumor. Then the tumor boundary can be determined by searching from the seed point and by using the region growth method. After the tumor boundary of each image slice has been determined, the tumor size and spatial position can be calculated accurately. The shape and margin of the detected tumor boundary can also be used to assist the prediction of breast tumor attributes. The method has been applied to detect the breast tumor boundary from sonograms and brain tumor boundary from CT image slices. The results of clinic tests show that the computer generated tumor boundary matches well with the subjective judgement of an experienced breast tumor expert and a neurosurgeon.
In this study, fifty-four breast sonograms are analysed. In comparison with physician judgement, twenty-three cases reach 100% similarity. Fifteen cases reach 90% similarity and eleven cases reach 80%. However, one case only reaches 70% and four cases are different from the physician judgement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 腫瘤
★ 邊界偵測
★ 顱顏重建
★ 超音波影像
關鍵字(英) ★ Tumor
★ Craniofacial
★ Boundary detection
★ rapid protyping machine
論文目次 Contents
List of figures and tablesⅤ
Chapter Ⅰ: Introduction
1.1 Research Motivation1
1.2 Literature review2
1.3 Method6
1.4 Capsule summary8
Chapter Ⅱ: Boundary Detection of Bone Defects and Tumors
2.1 Defect boundary detection from CT images10
2.2 Tumor boundary detection from breast sonogram13
2.3 Boundary detection of brain tumor27
2.4 Implant boundary predicted by orthogonal neural network
Chapter Ⅲ: Reconstruction of Craniomaxillary Defects
3.1 Traditional defect reconstruction42
3.2 Surface prediction by orthogonal neural networks43
3.3 Malocclusion adjustment for mandible reconstruction51
Chapter Ⅳ: Boundary Detection of Ultrasound Images for the Diagnosis of Breast Tumor
4.1 Sonographic feature for Breast tumors58
4.2 Distinction between benign and malignant breast lesion61
4.3 Discussion69
Chapter Ⅴ: Boundary Detection and Reconstruction of Brain Tumor
5.1 Boundary detection of brain tumor from CT images------71
5.2 Reconstruction of brain tumor74
5.3 Discussion78
Chapter Ⅵ :Conclusion 80
Appendix 88
List of figures and tables
Figure 1-1 An ultrasound image with carcinomal tumor4
Figure 1-2 The tumor boundary detected by the Sobel method4
Figure 1-3 Boundary detection using the Snake-Balloon method6
Figure 1-4 The breast tumor with blood vessel around and fat inside6
Figure 2-1 Boundary detection of a skull CT image with a defect 12
Figure 2-2 Boundary detection of a skull CT image without defect 13
Figure 2-3 The flowchart of the breast tumor boundary detection 14
Figure 2-4 Selection of the ROI15
Figure 2-5 Grey level projection distribution in horizontal direction15
Figure 2-6 Grey level projection distribution in vertical direction16
Figure 2-7 Distance distribution of boundary points19
Figure 2-8 Procedure for tumor shape determination 21
Figure 2-9 Procedure for tumor margin determination22
Figure 2-10 The change of ROI vs. standard deviation26
Figure 2-11 The procedure of brain tumor boundary detection31
Figure 2-12 A head CT image with brain tumor32
Figure 2-13 The brain tumor boundary32
Figure 2-14 A typical structure of the orthogonal neural network33
Figure 2-15 Implant surface prediction by the orthogonal neural network36
Figure 2-16 Selection of the bone boundary around the defect37
Figure 2-17 The predicted boundary curve has a larger curvature37
Figure 2-18 The predicted boundary curve has a smaller curvature38
Figure 2-19The predicted curves based on the two selected bone boundaries38
Figure 2-20 Surface prediction procedure by 3D orthogonal neural network40
Figure 2-21 The construction of a 3D orthogonal neural network41
Figure 3-1 The defect crosses the central symmetric plane43
Figure 3-2 One of the head CT slices44
Figure 3-3 The predicted outer boundary curve of the defect44
Figure 3-4 The defect area marked by the region growth method45
Figure 3-5 The generated implant model45
Figure 3-6 The generated implant model fits the defect perfectly46
Figure 3-7 The real implant is fitted into the defect46
Figure 3-8 The bone coordinates around the defect derived by the Sobel method (in black) vs. by the neural network (in grey)47
Figure 3-9 A large defect on the left side of the skull49
Figure 3-10 The reconstructed implant is fitted into the defect49
Figure 3-11 The reconstructed implant model50
Figure 3-12(a) The reconstructed implant by 4x4 Lendegre polynomials52
Figure 3-12(b) The reconstructed implant by 3x3 Lendegre polynomials52
Figure 3-13 The patient suffered from malocclusion53
Figure 3-14 The mandibular segments are fixed by a fixation plate53
Figure 3-15 The 3D mandible prior to surgery53
Figure 3-16 The left residual mandible54
Figure 3-17 The right residual mandible55
Figure 3-18 The two residual mandibles (in red) are adjusted to their original positions55
Figure 3-19 A cutting plane cuts the right mandible segment from the normal mandible56
Figure 3-20 The fixation plate is bent along with the mandibular model57
Figure 4-1 Definition of quadrants63
Figure 4-2 The breast tumor shape marked by the surgeon66
Figure 4-3 The breast tumor shape generated by the proposed method66
Figure 4-4 The breast tumor shape marked by the surgeon66
Figure 4-5 The breast tumor shape generated by the computer67
Figure 4-6 The tumor is surrounded by fat 67
Figure 4-7 The tumor boundary generated by the proposed method68
Figure 4-8 Classification of diagnosis based on tumor shape and margin 70
Figure 5-1 The original CT image with brain tumor73
Figure 5-2 The CT image after Histogram-equalized enhancement 74
Figure 5-3 The blood block region 74
Figure 5-4 The hand-drawn tumor contour75
Figure 5-5 List of boundary detection results76
Figure 5-6 The 3D model of the skull and brain tumor 79
Table 2-1 Correlation ratio for different Ks and Kc28
Table 4-1 The list of tumor margins and shapes63
Table 4-2 Tumor shape/margin vs. biopsy result69
Appendix 188
Appendix 291
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指導教授 曾清秀(Ching-Shiow Teseng) 審核日期 2002-1-9
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