博碩士論文 87322016 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃心華(Xing-Hua Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 剛性鋪面邊、角破損部分深維修時材料與斷面之研究及補強式維修工法之研發
(Development of Reinforced Repairing Method and Research of Repair Material and Repair Area for Conducting Partial-Depth Repair of Damage to the Corner and Edge of Concrete Paving Slab)
★ 水泥製程於資源再利用之研究★ 焚化底渣水洗前處理及應用之探討
★ 鈦鐵礦氯化爐碴應用於道路基底層及礦尾渣水洗前處理之研究★ 水洗礦尾渣造粒後之粒料特性探討
★ 水洗礦尾渣取代水泥製品中細粒料之可行性研究★ 陶瓷業無機性污泥資源化用於人工細粒料及自充填混凝土之研究
★ 磚製品中摻配鈦砂之較佳配比研究★ 單維電化學傳輸陽離子技術抑制混凝土ASR之研究
★ 不同醇類製備聚丙烯酸酯應用於水泥基材的行為研究★ 人工粒料作為路基材料及CLSM對RC構件和金屬腐蝕之影響研究
★ 經高溫製程產生含矽再生粒料之鹼質活性研究★ 改質人工粒料的應用策略基礎研究
★ 爐碴作為混凝土細粒料的膨脹安定化方法及檢測技術研究★ 鎂鋁氧化物及類水滑石對氯離子吸附行為之研究
★ 以CFB副產石灰作為水淬爐石粉激發劑之可行性探討★ 加速鋰離子傳輸技術中不同電極間距對離子傳輸行為的影響研究
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摘要(中) 剛性鋪面對於重載交通具有較佳的耐受力,在建造的過程中,只要能維持良好的施工品質控管,剛性鋪面將可展現使用壽年長、養護維修成本低等特性。
摘要(英) Under excellent quality control during construction period, concrete pavement will have higher capacity for traffic load, lower maintenance cost, and longer service life.
Although considerable expenses spent to maintain the concrete pavement, many repaired cases repeatedly failed. Thus, concrete pavement rehabilitation becomes a difficult task for engineers. Regarding the concrete pavements constructed during early stage, it is nearly out of their service life and should be fully replaced or completely overlaid by topping material. Nonetheless, for other pavements which are still having sound structures, properly perform partial-depth repair for dealing with the initial failures will not only prevent the damage area from expansion, but also reduce the cost from further rehabilitation in the future and extend the service life of the pavement.
The tests for basic engineering properties of repair materials, the evaluation of bonding compatibility of repairing interface between repair materials and original concrete were presented in this study. In addition, 3D finite element models studied how the changes of shape and size of repair area influence the stress distributions on the repaired interface when applying various repair materials. To develop a reinforced repairing method for enhancing the performance of partial-depth repair for corner and side damages of concrete pavement, this investigation also studied the fundamental parameters influencing the performance for anchorage, and simulated the behavior of the repairs conducted by reinforced repairing method. Furthermore, a field practice was conducted in Taishan section of national highway no. 1 to proof the feasibility of the reinforced repairing method.
The results indicate that the cement based materials offered better compatibility with original concrete than the resin based materials, and the stresses in the repaired area were relatively lower when using the cement based materials as repair materials. Besides, resin based repair materials were not suitable for the areas with significant changes in temperature. The durability tests also reveal that the fastening performance of the anchor was not affected by the cycling when the depth of anchor embedment reached 8 cm. For corner damages, epoxy mortar is not suitable in square repair areas; moreover, triangular or spherical repair areas are recommended for small repairs. For edge damages, width of repair area should maintain 10~15 cm, and the length/width ratio of the repair area should possibly approach 2.
Finally, the results of lab tests, the technique reports, the published papers and the airport maintenance specifications were summarized to compose “Guidelines for conducting partial-depth repair in concrete pavement” and “Illustrations of procedures for performing reinforced repairing method in partial-depth repairs of concrete pavement” to improve the effectiveness of concrete pavement rehabilitation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工法
★ 植筋
★ 有限元素
★ 維修
★ 剛性鋪面
關鍵字(英) ★ rigid pavement
★ anchor
★ finite element
★ repair
論文目次 目錄…………………………………………………………………………….…...…I
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………..……1
1-1 研究背景…………………………………………………………………….……2
1-2 補強式維修工法之研發架構……………………………………………….……2
1-3 研究內容…………………………………………………………………….……2
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………...…………..4
2-1 接縫式剛性鋪面邊、角位置常見之破損型態與肇因……………….…….……4
2-2 剛性鋪面邊、角破損部分深維修工程之相關議題探討…………….………….5
2-2-1 國內剛性鋪面維修問題……………………………………………….………6
2-2-1-2 環境因素…………………………………………………………….……….7
2-2-1-3 機具設備不良……………………………………………………….……….7
2-2-1-4 維修材料品質……………………………………………………….………7
2-2-2 部分深維修的角色……………………………………………………….…....8
2-2-3 剛性鋪面邊、角破損部分深維修流程之分析討論………………….………9
2-2-3-1 部分深維修之適用範圍……………………………………………….…….9
2-2-3-2 材料………………………………………………………………………....11
2-2-3-3 標定維修範圍………………………………………………………………19
2-2-3-4 維修斷面與接縫處理………………………………………………………22
2-2-3-5 維修斷面清潔………………………………………………………………30
2-2-3-6 襯縫處理……………………………………………………………………32
2-2-3-7 維修材料之澆置……………………………………………………………33
2-2-3-8 填縫…………………………………………………………………………42
2-2-3-9 開放交通……………………………………………….………………….42
2-3 維修材料與舊有混土間之相容性……………………………………….……..48
2-4 植筋工法之介紹………………………………………………………….……..52
2-4-1 植筋工法之特性……………………………………………………….……..53
2-4-2 植筋膠的種類………………………………………………………….……..54
2-4-3 鋼筋之握裹特性與植筋之拉拔破壞…………………….………….……….55
2-4-4 鋼筋握裹與植筋之相關文獻…………………...…………………….…….60
2-5 有限元素法應用於鋪面之分析………………………………………………...65
2-6 剛性鋪面分析模型之組成要素……………………………………………….66
2-6-1 剛性鋪面底層之型式..……………………………………………………….66
2-6-2 剛性鋪面傳力機制之模擬…………………………………..……………….69
2-6-2-1 傳力筋之模擬………………………………………………………………69
2-6-2-2 剛性鋪面之骨材互鎖效應模擬..…………………………………………..71
2-6-2-3 外界影響之加載模擬………………………………………………….…...72
2-6-3 國內、外剛性鋪面三維有限元素分析之發展趨勢….………………….…..74
第三章 研究流程與方法……………………………………………………….75
3-1 維修材料基本性質與相容性試驗……………………………………………...75
3-1-1 試驗材料……………………………………………………………………...75
3-1-1-1 混凝土………………………………………………………………………75
3-1-2 維修材料試驗之相關設備……………………………………………………77
3-1-3 維修材料相關試驗流程………………………………………………………82
3-1-4 維修材料相關試驗方法……………………………………………………...84
3-1-4-2 維修界面相容性試驗………………………………………………………84
3-2 植筋試驗………………………………………………………………………...86
3-2-1 試驗流程……………………………………………………………………...86
3-2-1-1 鋼筋埋入維修材料及鋼筋植入混凝土之拉拔試驗……………………..86
3-2-1-2 植筋膠與混凝土黏結之劈張試驗流程…………………………………..88
3-2-2 試驗材料…………………………………………………………………….88
3-2-2-1 混凝土植筋底材…………………………………………………………..88
3-2-2-3 維修材料(供鋼筋埋入)………………………………………………..89
3-2-2-4 鋼筋………………………………………………………………………..91
3-2-2-5 植筋膠……………………………………………………………………..91
3-2-3 植筋相關試驗設備………………………………………………………..92
3-2-4 植筋相關試驗方法………………………………………………………….93
3-2-4-1 確認混凝土及維修材料之抗壓強度………………………………………93
3-2-4-2 試體之製作與拉拔試驗操作………………………………………………93
3-2-4-3 鑽孔植筋操作步驟………………………………………………………..94
3-2-4-5 植筋膠與混凝土之黏結劈張試體………………………………………..96
3-3 有限元素分析模型之建構與驗證……………………………………………...97
3-3-1 分析流程……………………………………………………………………...97
3-3-2 元素簡介…………………………………………………………………….98
3-3-3 界面設定…………………………………………………………………...101
3-3-4 板塊垂直向之元素層數劃分……………………………………………...101
3-3-5 ANSYS單板分析模型建構……………………………………….…….…103
3-3-6 ANSYS單板分析模型驗證……………………………………………..…103
3-3-6-1 輪荷載驗證…………………………………………….………………….103
3-3-6-2 溫度荷載驗證…………………………………………….……………….107
3-3-7 ANSYS多板分析模型建構與驗證………………………………….………109
3-3-7-1 ANSYS多板分析模型建構……………………………………….…….…109
3-3-7-2 ANSYS多板分析模型驗證…………………………………………….…109
3-3-8 ANSYS破損分析模型建立…………………………………………….……111
3-3-8-1 角隅破損模型之構建…………………………………………………..…111
3-3-8-2 邊緣破損模型之建構…………………………………………….……….114
3-3-9 外界影響因素…………………………………………….…………………114
3-3-10 應力評判準則…………………………………………….………………..115
3-3-10-1 第一主應力…………………………………………….………………...115
3-3-10-2 等效應力…………………………………………….…………………...116
3-3-10-3 低應力面積比例…………………………………………….…………...116
第四章 維修材料相關試驗結果與分析…………………………………...118
4-1 初、終凝時間…………………………………………….……………………118
4-2 溫度變化…………………………………………….…………………………118
4-3 熱膨脹係數…………………………………………….………………………119
4-4 熱傳導係數…………………………………………….………………………124
4-5 維修材料之強度. …………………………………………….………………..126
4-6 彈性模數與柏松比…………………………………………….………………128
4-7 體積變化評估…………………………………………….……………………129
4-8 維修介面相容性試驗…………………………………………….……………131
4-8-1 劈張試驗…………………………………………….………………………131
4-8-2 剪力試驗…………………………………………….………………………131
4-9 維修試體非破壞性檢測…………………………………………….…………132
4-9-1 目視觀查…………………………………………….………………………132
4-9-2 超音波檢測…………………………………………….……………………133
4-10 維修材料特性之綜合討論…………………………………………….……..135
第五章 植筋相關試驗結果與分析…………………………………………139
5-1 確認混凝土與維修材料之實際強度………………………………………..139
5-2 竹節鋼筋埋入維修材料之抗拉拔行為……………………………………...139
5-2-1 竹節鋼筋埋入維修材料之拉拔試驗……………………………………….139
5-2-2 竹節鋼筋埋入維修材料之拉拔破壞模式………………………………….143
5-3 竹節鋼筋植入混凝土之抗拉拔行為………………………………………….145
5-3-1 竹節鋼筋植入混凝土之拉拔試驗………………………………………….145
5-3-2 鋼筋植入混凝土之拉拔破壞模式………………………………………….152
5-3-2-1 混凝土底材強度為350 kg/cm2…………………………………………...152
5-3-2-2 混凝土底材強度為210 kg/cm2…………………………………………...154
5-4 特殊材質桿件之抗拉拔行為………………………………………………….155
5-4-1 光滑鋼筋埋入維修材料之抗拉拔行為…………………………………...155
5-4-2 光滑玻纖棒埋入維修材料之抗拉拔行為………………………………….157
5-4-3 玻纖棒植入混凝土之抗拉拔行為………………………………………….159
5-5 植筋膠與混凝土黏結之劈張試驗……………………………………….…..160
5-5-1 在室溫或乾濕冷熱循環條件下之劈張試驗………………………….…..160
5-5-2 在特定溫度條件下之劈張試驗…………………………………………...162
5-6 植筋試驗結果綜合整理…………………………………………….…….….163
第六章 剛性鋪面部分深維修之分析結果………………………………..165
6-1 部分深維修斷面受到車輪荷載之影響……………………………………….165
6-1-1 角隅維修斷面於車輪影響下之單板模型分析結果……………………….165
6-1-1-1 採用水泥系維修材料…………………………………………….……….165
6-1-1-2 採用環氧樹脂系維修材料…………………………………………….….170
6-1-2 角隅破損於車輪影響下之九版模型分析………………………………….172
6-1-3 邊緣維修斷面於車輪影響下之單板模型分析結果……………………….174
6-1-4 邊緣維修斷面於車輪影響下之單板與九板模型分析結果比較………….186
6-1-5 在車輪影響下之維修材料與斷面搭配之處理建議……………………….190
6-2 部分深維修斷面受到溫度荷載之影響……………………………………….190
6-2-1 角隅維修斷面受溫度荷載之影響分析…………………………………….190
6-2-1-1 採用水泥系維修材料……………………………………………………..190
6-2-1-2 採用環氧樹脂做為維修材料……………………………………………..192
6-2-1-3 角隅部分深破損在溫度影響下之維修建議……………………………..195
6-2-2 邊緣維修斷面受溫度荷載之影響分析…………………………………….197
6-2-2-1 維修斷面上之應力極值比較…………………………………………….197
6-2-2-2 維修斷面上之應力分佈趨勢……………………………………………201
6-2-2-3 維修材料內部之應力極值…………………………………………….….203
6-2-2-4 邊緣部分深破損在溫度影響下之維修建議……………………………..206
第七章 剛性鋪面邊、角部分深裂損植筋補強維修工法之
7-1 植筋模式之初步研擬與評估…………………………………………….…..207
7-1-1 直接補強法…………………………………………….…………………..210
7-1-1-1 直接補強鑽孔之技術層面探討…………………………………………210
7-1-1-2 採用直接補強後之應力數值變化情形…………………………………210
7-1-1-3 採用直接補強後之應力分佈趨勢………………………………………210
7-1-2 ㄇ字型補強法……………………………………………………………...211
7-1-2-1 ㄇ字型補強鑽孔之技術層面探討………………………………………..211
7-1-2-2 採用ㄇ字型補強後之應力數值變化情形………………………………211
7-1-2-3 採用ㄇ字型補強後應力分佈趨勢………………………………………211
7-2 實施ㄇ字型補強後之參數變換分析……………………………….………..212
7-2-1 角隅破損情形……………………………………………………………...213
7-2-1-1 不同斷面尺寸之植筋影響……………………………………………....213
7-2-1-2 植筋補強桿件E值變化之影響…………………………………………215
7-2-1-3 基礎強弱之影響…………………………………………….…………….217
7-2-1-4 胎壓改變的影響…………………………………………….…………….219
7-2-2 邊緣破損情形…………………………………………….………………….221
7-2-2-1 不同斷面尺寸之植筋影響…………………………………………….…..221
7-2-2-2 植筋補強桿件E值變化之影響…………………………………………..224
7-2-2-3 基礎強弱之影響…………………………………………….…………….227
7-2-2-4 胎壓改變的影響…………………………………………….…………….232
7-2-3 補強分析結果統整…………………………………………….……………236
7-3 植筋補強設計圖說之研擬…………………………………………….………237
第八章 現地試做過程介紹………………………………………………....240
8-1 維修工程施做概述…………………………………………………………...240
8-2 進場維修時段…………………………………………….…………………..240
8-3 交通封閉範圍…………………………………………….…………………..240
8-4 使用材料及工法…………………………………………….………………..240
8-5 維修位置及尺寸說明…………………………………………….…………..243
8-6 其他說明…………………………………………….…………………………249
8-7 維修成效監測說明…………………………………………………………….249
第九章 研究結果綜合討論……………...………………………………...252
9-1 維修材料性質之相關討論……………………………………………….……252
9-2 有限元素分析之相關討論……………………………………………….……254
9-3 部分深維修之討論……………………………………………….……………255
第十章 結論與建議……………………………………………………………257
10-1 結論………..…………………..……………….……………………………..257
10-2 建議………………..………………..………….……………………………..259
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指導教授 李釗(Chau Lee) 審核日期 2004-6-21
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