博碩士論文 87322030 詳細資訊

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姓名 林世陞(Chin-Bi Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 高樓結構裝設調和液柱阻尼器減振效應之風洞實驗研究
★ 國際巨災保險制度之研究★ 我國推動地方層級災害防救專責單位之問題探討-以桃園縣為例
★ 公共危險物品保安監督之探討-以新竹縣為例★ 長期照顧機構消防安全設計與防火避難設施之研究
★ 考慮土壤結構互制效應並裝設減振裝置的高層建築氣動力反應之研究★ 結合模糊控制與類神經網路探討非線性結構控制的穩定性
★ 觀光產業天然災害風險評估與管理★ 天然災害風險管理決策方法建立—以地震災害為例
★ 颱洪災害風險評估推測事件資料庫之建置及應用★ 火災現場指揮幕僚運作探討-以桃園市政府消防局為例
★ 科學園區地震緊急應變計畫之研擬★ 地震災害風險評估及地震保險之風險管理
★ 園區建築物耐震能力評估★ 整合性多目標地震風險評估系統之建立
★ 適應性模糊滑動模態控制在結構工程上應用之研究★ 希伯特頻譜於地震資料之應用
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摘要(中) 摘要
由Davenport 順風向與Ohkuma & Kanaya 橫風向風力頻譜,利用數
摘要(英) widely used in the construction of high-rise buildings in the recent year,
wind-induced vibration of flexible and flexibly supported rigid body has
become a research area of great interest. However, this
phenomenon involves complex fluid-structure interaction. To this
date, the understanding of the phenomenon remains incomplete.
In this study, the aerodynamic behaviors of high-rise buildings with
tuned liquid column dampers are experimentally investigated.
Experiments are carried out in a large-scale atmospheric wind tunnel.
By changing the natural frequency and damping ratio of structure, the
amplitude and frequency of vibration are measured for a variety of wind
conditions. The vortex shedding from a vibration structure are
investigated to understand the lock-in phenomenon. Finally, the
effectiveness of tuned liquid column damper to reduce wind-induced
vibration are tested in this study. Results of this study can improve our
understanding of the fluid-structure interactions and the design of highrise buildings.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高層建築
★ 氣動力效應
★ 調和液柱阻尼器
關鍵字(英) ★ high-rise buildings
★ aerodynamic effect
論文目次 中文摘要..............................................Ⅰ
1.1 序言............................................1
1.2 研究動機........................................2
1.3 大綱............................................3
2.1 風洞實驗之流場特性模擬...........................4
2.2 結構振動........................................7
2.3 調和液柱阻尼器..................................12
2.4 運動方程式.....................................13
2.5 氣動力阻尼之評估................................17
2.6 數值分析模式....................................23
3.1 實驗設備.......................................32
3.2 量測儀器.......................................37
3.3 實驗流程與數據採樣.............................40
4.1 模式驗證.......................................66
4.2 實驗結果.......................................68
4.3 參數研究.......................................72
5.1 結論..........................................103
5.2 建議..........................................104
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指導教授 蔣偉寧(Wei-Ling Chiang) 審核日期 2000-7-17
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