博碩士論文 87322055 詳細資訊

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姓名 江敏吉(Ming-Yi Jung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 超載對打設排水帶後軟弱地盤壓密行為之影響
★ 動力夯實之有效影響深度與地表振動阻隔研究★ 砂土層中潛盾機地中接合漏水引致地層下陷之案例探討
★ 動力壓密工法施工引致地表振動之阻隔★ 音波式圓錐貫入試驗於土層界面判定之應用
★ 孔洞開挖後軟弱地盤之沉陷行為★ 山岳隧道湧水處理之研究
★ 砂土中基樁側向位移之改良研究★ 圓錐貫入試驗中土壤音壓之研究
★ 水泥混合處理砂質土壤液化特性之改良研究★ 扶壁改善深開挖擋土壁體變形行為之研究
★ 微音錐應用於土壤音射特性之研究★ 黏性土壤受定量擠壓變形後之力學行為
★ 黏土中短樁側向位移之改良研究★ 砂土經水泥改良後之力學性質
★ 黏土中模型樁側向位移之改良研究★ 黏土中基樁側向位移改良之數值模擬
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摘要(中) 次壓縮之變化情形,而排水帶對促進土體壓密沉陷之影響亦將在此作
水帶區等兩區,以比較排水帶加速土層壓密之效能,而經歷約450 天
的沉陷量監測後,開始將屬於超載的0.5 公尺高之回填砂移除,剩餘
之1 公尺高的回填砂則視為作用於土層上之結構荷重,並將繼續對土
The research investigated the consolidation behavior of soft clay
after subjected to a surcharge load, included the comparison of residual
settlements and the secondary compression. Besides, the plastic board
drain accelerate the consolidation of clay were also investigated here.
Finally, the results of laboratory experiments were compared with the
settlement monitoring results of indoor pit test.
The test reveals that as the magnitude of simulated surcharge stress
increases, the time interval following removal of the surcharge load
during which little secondary compression occurs also increases, and
when secondary compression reappears, the coefficient of secondary
compression Cα decreases. For most practical purposes a constant Cα
with time can be used to compute secondary compression settlements.
Postsurcharge secondary compression index, Cα¢, always increases with
time. A secant postsurcharge secondary compression index, Cα², is
therefore introduced for a simple computation of secondary compression
In the indoor pit test, the pit were divided into two zones, with or
without installing plastic board drain, which compared the consolidation
behavior accelerated by plastic board drain on soft clay. After 450 days
settlement monitoring work, removed the 0.5m of surcharge fills and left
the 1m of fills which were considered as the permanent load. Then, the
settlement monitoring work were continued, and no apparent settlement
occurred. The test results indicated that the values between laboratory
experimental results and the indoor pit test results made few differences.
關鍵字(中) ★ 排水帶
★ 次壓縮
★ 殘餘沉陷
★ 超載
關鍵字(英) ★ plastic board drain
★ secondary compression
★ residual settlements
★ surcharge
論文目次 中文摘要............................................ I
英文摘要............................................ II
目錄.............................................. III
表目錄.............................................. X
照片目錄............................................ XI
第一章緒論......................................... 1
1-1 前言............................................ 1
1-2 研究動機與目的................................... 1
1-3 研究方法........................................ 2
1-4 論文內容........................................ 3
第二章文獻回顧...................................... 4
2-1 土壤的預壓...................................... 4
2-2 土壤預壓的目的................................... 5
2-3 超載工法的考量因素............................... 5
2-3-1 壓密係數..................................... 5
2-3-2 次壓縮的探討.................................. 6
2-4 超載對土壤壓密沉陷的加速作用..................... 7
2-4-1 以超載消除結構物的主壓密沉陷.................. 7
2-4-2 超載對次壓縮沉陷的局部消除.................... 8
2-4-3 回脹後再次出現的壓縮沉陷...................... 9
2-5 超載與垂直應變的關係............................. 9
2-6 超載對土層有效應力的提昇......................... 12
2-7 超載移除後土層之回脹分析......................... 12
2-7-1 土壤回脹參數.................................. 13
2-7-2 二次回脹指數.................................. 13
2-7-3 和時間有關的膨脹速率分析...................... 14
2-8 徑向壓密理論..................................... 15
2-8-1 Barron 壓密理論............................... 15
2-8-2 Kjellman 壓密理論............................. 17
2-8-3 Hansbo 壓密理論............................... 18
2-8-4 徑向壓密理論.................................. 18
2-9 排水帶幾何因子轉換............................... 19
第三章試驗材料、儀器設備及試驗方法.................. 29
3-1 試驗土樣與材料................................... 29
3-1-1 試驗土樣..................................... 29
3-1-2 排水帶....................................... 30
3-2 試體之準備與製作................................. 30
3-2-1 重模土樣之前置處理............................ 30
3-2-2 重模土樣之製作................................ 31
3-3 試驗儀器及設備................................... 31
3-3-1 中型壓密儀................................... 32
3-3-2 單向度壓密試驗儀.............................. 32
3-3-3 大型土槽...................................... 32
3-4 研究方法與試驗規劃............................... 33
3-4-1 單向度壓密試驗................................ 34
3-4-2 小尺度模型試驗................................ 34
3-4-3 大尺度模型試驗................................ 35
3-5 側壁摩擦力對小尺度模型試驗影響之評估............. 35
3-6 試驗方法與步驟................................... 36
3-6-1 小尺度模型試驗之試驗方法...................... 36
3-6-2 大尺度模型試驗之試驗方法...................... 36
第四章試驗結果與分析................................. 53
4-1 側壁摩擦力對土壤壓密的影響探討................... 53
4-1-1 側壁摩擦力對應力傳遞的影響..................... 53
4-1-2 側壁摩擦力對土壤壓密沉陷的影響評估............. 54
4-2 排水帶之室內實驗值與理論值探討................... 55
4-2-1 室內試驗之土壤參數............................ 55
4-2-2 Barron 排水理論探討........................... 56
4-3 超載與排水帶對殘餘沉陷的影響..................... 58
4-3-1 中大紅土的殘餘沉陷分析........................ 59
4-3-2 台北沉泥的殘餘沉陷分析........................ 61
4-3-3 超載與排水帶對土體壓密行為的關係............... 62
4,4 超載與垂直排水帶對次壓縮的影響................... 62
4-4-1 中大紅土的次壓縮分析.......................... 63
4-4-2 台北沉泥的次壓縮分析.......................... 63
4-4-3 超載比R,與次壓縮指數的關係................... 64
4-4-4 超載移除後的次壓縮沉陷量計算.................. 65
4-5 大尺度模型試驗之試驗結果......................... 66
4-5-1 大尺度模型試驗說明............................ 66
4-5-2 大型土槽沉陷監測結果分析...................... 67
4-5-3 大尺度模型之次壓縮分析........................ 68
第五章結論與建議..................................... 88
5-1 結論............................................ 88
5-2 建議............................................ 90
參考文獻............................................ 91
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指導教授 張惠文(Huei-wen Chang) 審核日期 2000-7-17
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