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姓名 劉靜宜(Jing-Yi Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 網路商店消費者滿意度與再惠顧意願之研究--以實驗網路花店為例
(The Consumer Satisfaction and the Re-patronage Intention of Cyberstores--Experimental Cyber Flowersoter as Example)
★ 影響ERP導入過程及成效因素之研究 - 單一公司兩次導入SAP系統之比較分析★ 運用資料倉儲技術建置物力動員資訊系統之開發
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★ 尋求卓越:中小企業資訊部門的管理之個案研究★ 「證券商共同網路交易平台」之可行性分析
★ 產業競合模式策略探討-以自行車產業為例★ RFID導入航空貨運站出口作業流程應用之研究
★ 綠色供應鏈活動建構之個案研究-以筆記型電腦製造業為例★ 導入資訊科技服務管理之評估-以遠東銀行為例
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摘要(中) 從電子商務的文獻中發現,在網際商店百家爭鳴的時代,成功的要訣就是,累積臨界數量的參觀者、臨界數量的消費者與臨界數量的交易。要達成這些臨界點,首重之鑰就是----「網站設計的消費者滿意」。而網站內容的主角是「資訊」。另外,從交易的角度觀察電子商務,發覺了消費者忠誠和再惠顧意願的重要性;從媒體的角度觀察電子商務,凸顯了消費者口碑的影響力。因此本研究要探討網路商店的消費者滿意、消費者再惠顧意願與網路商店口碑,三個會影響網路商店是否能永續經營的要素。
1、 網路商店「資訊充足的預期」對「資訊充足預期認同性」的影響、網路商店「資訊充足的預期」與「資訊充足程度」的交互作用對「資訊充足預期認同性」的影響均不顯著。
2、 網路商店「資訊充足的渴望」對「資訊充足渴望認同性」的影響、「資訊充足的渴望」與「資訊充足程度」的交互作用對「資訊充足渴望認同性」的影響均顯著。
3、 「資訊充足渴望認同性」對於「網路商店消費者滿意度」的影響,大於「資訊充足預期認同性」對於「網路商店消費者滿意度」的影響。
4、 無論從整體滿意或資訊滿意的角度觀察,都發現「消費者滿意」會影響「網路商店的再惠顧意願」。
5、 「網路商店的口碑」會影響「消費者滿意」與「再惠顧意願」間的關係。
摘要(英) Abstract
Consumer Satisfaction has been a popular research issue in business administration field. In 1990s, Internet springs up and becomes a hot topic everywhere. The fever of Electronic Commerce extends from the 20 century to the 21 century.
According to the literatures about Electronic Commerce, the essential factor of the success for cyberstores is to accumulate critical mass of visitors, consumers and deals in the chaotic era of virtual world. The key to reach these critical points is “ The Consumer Satisfaction of Website Design”. “Information” is one of the leading characters of Website. Moreover, from the point of transaction, we discover the importance of consumer loyalty and the re-patronage intention for cyberstores; from the view of media, the influence of word-of-mouth is great for cyberstores. Therefore, this thesis discusses about the three determinative factors of cyberstores: Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Re-patronage Intention and Word-of-Mouth.
Most of the researchers of Consumer Satisfaction field adopt Expectancy-Disconfirmation Paradigm as based model. In addition, There have been many proofs show that disconfirmation is a more stable factor for Consumer Satisfaction. Therefore, the thesis also adopts disconfirmation model as basis. However, there are a number of conceptual problems with the use of expectations as comparison standard. Human being evaluates event or object by self-need and self-benefit. “Desire” means needs of human being. According to these causes, we utilize cyberstore consumers’ “Expectation of Information Sufficiency” and “Desire of Information Sufficiency” as the comparison standard simultaneously. Then, compare their result for the influence of cyberstore consumers’ satisfaction.
The thesis use lab-experimentation to examine the hypothesis which we proposed. The result as following:
1) Both the influence of “Expectation of Information Sufficiency” on “Expectation Congruency of Information Sufficiency ” and the influence of the intercorrelation of “Expectation of Information Sufficiency” and “Information Sufficiency” on “Expectation Congruency of Information Sufficiency” are not significant.
2) Both the influence of “Desire of Information Sufficiency” on “Desire Congruency of Information Sufficiency ” and the influence of the intercorrelation of “Desire of Information Sufficiency” and “Information Sufficiency” on “Desire Congruency of Information Sufficiency” are significant.
3) The influence of “Desire Congruency of Information Sufficiency ” is larger than the influence of “Expectation Congruency of Information Sufficiency ” on “Consumer Satisfaction of Cyberstore”.
4) “Consumer Satisfaction of Cyberstore” influences significantly “Re-patronage Intention of Cyberstore” from both the view point of overall satisfaction and information satisfaction.
5) “Word-of-Mouth of Cyberstore” influence the relationship between “Consumer Satisfaction of Cyberstore” and “Re-patronage Intention of Cyberstore”.
關鍵字(中) ★ 消費者滿意
★ 電子商務
★ 網路商店
★ 口碑
★ 再惠顧意願
★ 資訊充足
關鍵字(英) ★ Consumer Satisfaction
★ Electronic Commerce
★ Cyberstore
★ Word-of-Mouth
★ Re-patronage Intention
★ Information Sufficiency
論文目次 第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究目的 7
1.4 論文架構與研究程序 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
2.1 電子商務文獻 10
2.2 消費者滿意文獻19
2.3 消費者滿意之後25
第三章 研究模型與假說32
3.1 研究模型推導 32
3.2 構念定義 37
3.3 研究假說 40
第四章 研究方法 46
4.1 實驗設計 46
4.2 構念的操作化 48
4.3 實驗前測 50
4.4 實驗問卷 53
4.5 資料分析方法 55
第五章 資料分析 58
5.1 受測樣本分布狀況58
5.2 問卷信度與效度檢定58
5.3 預期之效用 62
5.4 渴望之效用 66
5.5 預期認同性與渴望認同性之比較 70
5.6 消費者滿意與口碑影響前的再惠顧意願73
5.7 網路商店口碑的影響 74
第六章 結論與建議 79
6.1 研究結論 79
6.2 研究建議 81
6.3 研究限制 84
參考文獻: 85
附錄一(前測問卷) A1
附錄二(實驗問卷) A3
附錄三(實驗指引) A6
附錄六(正面口碑) A9
附錄七(負面口碑) A12
附錄八(網頁設計) A14
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指導教授 王存國(Tswen-Gwo Wang) 審核日期 2000-6-20
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