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姓名 高文萱(Wen-Hsuan Kao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 從狄德羅的沙龍評論 看夏爾丹的靜物畫在法國繪畫史上的地位與影響
(Re-evaluating the Position and Influence of Chardin's Still Life in the Tradition of French Painting in light of Diderot's Salons Criticism )
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摘要(中) 在十八世紀的法國畫壇中,夏爾丹無疑是一位特殊的畫家。他在學院中的位置、繪
摘要(英) Among numerous painters in eighteenth century France, Chardin is Undoubtedly an unique figure. There are some contradictions between his status in Academy, his several shifts on the choices of subject matter during his career, the way by which critics at that time assessed his painting and his position in French tradition of painting which is still under construction by art historians. However, it is those contradictions of different contexts mentioned above evoke the initial curiosity of this thesis. Therefore, the main effort of this thesis is try to find out a kind of coherence explainable for the nature of Chardin’s art and to resolve the complicated contradictions just mentioned.
For this reason, this thesis tries to re-evaluate the still life of Chardin by analyzing the art criticisms in eighteenth century. Among those critics, via the discussion of commentators of nineteenth century and art historians of twentieth century, Diderot’s criticisms are adopted as not only the important sources for understanding the art of Chardin but also the materials for constructing his historical position. Thus, this thesis aims to re-interpret Diderot’s criticism in order to re-discover the quality of Chardin’s works and to re-place his art. Meanwhile, by doing so, the main concern of this study is transferred from the direct discussion of Chardin’s painting surface to analyze the specific relationship between the artistic form and the audience. This thesis attempts to investigate in which way Chardin’s art has been accepted and interpreted at his time on one hand, and indicate how the critical language which responds to Chardin’s artistic style has been developed by audience of eighteenth century on the other.
Diderot’s position to Chardin’s art drawing from criticism can be considered in two way: trompe-l’oeil and the technicity of painting. As to the former, because of the influence from empiricism, Diderot legitimatised and raised the status of illusion, which used to be devaluated in the classical theory of Academy, and then developed a new kind of visual experience of looking at his still life. However, this new looking experience corresponds to his discovery of the technicity from Chardin’s works. In this context, Diderot’s viewpoint shifts from art as a natural replica or transparent illusion, to art as representation. During this process, the object of aesthetic activity expands and transfers to the inherent qualities of painting and the manual aspect of artistic practice. Moreover, Diderot also detects the intuitive looking pattern and critical rhetoric appropriate to his experience.
Finally, this study retraces Diderot’s criticism, the quality of Chardin’s painting, the looking pattern which corresponds his criticism back to the French cultural tradition and find out that there are precedents which possess similar qualities and can be regarded as examples opposite to Italian tradition. Therefore, it reveals the relativity of French painting tradition to the other traditions it inherits—the Italian and the Flemish tradition for example. On the spectrum of art history, if the Italian tradition presents those related to discourse, such as reason, mind, spirit and lines etc, then, their oppositions are those excluded from discourse, such as sensation, sense, material and color etc. Since the art of Chardin and Rococo both demonstrate the artistic pattern and looking relationship related to the latter, they belongs to the French tradition which is opposite to Italian tradition. Hence, Chardin inherits the aesthetic qualities of Rococo on one hand, he also takes nature as an object of observation, and translates his visual experience to two-dimensional plane on the other. That’s the reason that Chardin’s art plays a crucial role in the historical development of French painting.
J.B.S Chardin, Denis Diderot, Still life, Art criticism, Salons, Tradition of French painting
關鍵字(中) ★ 法國繪畫史
★ 沙龍評論
★ 狄德羅
★ 靜物畫
★ 夏爾丹
關鍵字(英) ★ Chardin
★ Still life
★ French painting tradition
★ Art Criticism
★ Salons
★ Diderot
論文目次 論文提要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
導論 1
研究動機 1
研究問題與研究架構 3
第一章 夏爾丹的藝術、生平與研究 8
第一節 夏爾丹的生平與學院生涯 8
(一)藝術事業的開始 9
(二)學院生涯 12
第二節 夏爾丹的繪畫分期 15
(一)早期作品與靜物畫 15
(二)風俗畫時期 19
(三)回歸靜物畫 21
(四)晚期的粉彩創作 22
第三節 文獻回顧 23
(一)夏爾丹的傳記回顧及其問題 23
(二)法國繪畫發展中的關鍵:夏爾丹的風俗畫與靜物畫 27
(三)神秘的魔術師:夏爾丹藝術中的視覺性問題 33
小結 34
第二章 逼真幻象:介於自然與藝術間的夏爾丹 35
十八世紀藝術評論的興起與沙龍評論 35
第一節 靜物畫的逼真幻象 40
(一)以「逼真幻象」作為評論標準 40
(二)幻象與感官作用 49
第二節 繪畫中的自然 52
(一)自然完美:自然作為繪畫典範 52
(二)模仿自然帶來的合理性 54
(三)藝術概念的介入 60
第三節 十八世紀自然觀對狄德羅藝術觀點的影響 64
(一)十八世紀自然觀與模仿自然的藝術 64
(二)感官經驗:狄德羅對色彩的看法 69
小結 71
第三章 繪畫中的技法性:論夏爾丹藝術的地位 73
第一節 畫家的技法性(technicit?) 75
(一)技法問題 75
(二)圖畫感知與審美感知 80
(三)法國畫派中的色彩畫家 90
第二節 十八世紀的美感幻象理論 93
(一)學院理論傳統與幻象位階 93
(二)去中心的審美感知 99
第三節 夏爾丹靜物畫與法國繪畫傳統 103
(一)莊重雅緻的君子風度(Honn?tet?)與感性鑑賞力 103
(二)對洛可可的繼承:從華鐸改變敘述畫的修辭模式開始 106
結論 109
參考書目 113
西文參考書目 113
中文參考書目 118
圖版 119
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指導教授 吳方正(Fang-cheng WU) 審核日期 2005-7-22
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