博碩士論文 88222031 詳細資訊

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姓名 李明道(Ming-Tao Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 抗菌胜肽在胞膜上形成孔洞的機制
(Pore formation in membranes induced by antimicrobial peptides)
★ 脂膜的X-光片層繞★ 以X-光片層繞射技術研究膽固醇對脂膜的影響
★ 抗菌小蛋白吸附脂膜的能量測量★ 抗菌小蛋白吸附脂質微胞之多體效應
★ 以吸取法研究抗菌小蛋白/脂膜系統★ 蜂毒蛋白吸附飽和鏈脂膜的異常放熱
★ 以螢光染料方法研究脂質微胞的滲漏★ 光照引起的退化對薑黃素吸附脂膜的影響
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摘要(中) 論文提要
摘要(英) Abstract
When membrane surface adsorbs antimicrobial peptides, stable pores are found to emerge if the adsorbed peptides are sufficiently dense. This thesis presents both experimental and theoretical approaches to the understanding of such pore formation induced by antimicrobial peptides.
When binding to membrane surface, antimicrobial peptides exhibit amphiphilic structure and embed themselves into the headgroup region of the membrane. As a result, the hydrophobic (carbon chain) region of the membrane is surface-stretched or equivalently is thinning. Based on the fact that the thinning effect is increased with peptide concentration, we proposed a theory to show: 1. The membrane thinning in high peptide concentration can be sufficiently strong to make pores on membrane; 2. The pores can be stabilized by transferring a fraction of peptides to the pore wall, resembling as a phase transition.
Experimentally, we investigated the pore formation process in model bilayer membranes of various lipid compositions. Two of the best-study peptides, alamethicin and melittin, were used to represent peptides making two different types of pores, that is, barrel-stave pores and toroidal pores. Two methods were employed in experiments. They are: 1. Oriented circular dichroism (OCD) to monitor the peptide orientation, either parallel (surface adsorbed) or perpendicular (pore wall adsorbed), to the membrane surface; 2. Lamellar x-ray diffraction (LXD) to measure the membrane bilayer thickness. Experiments were conducted to measure the peptide orientation and the membrane thickness as a function of peptide concentration.
All experimental results were in agreement with the prediction of the proposed theory. The parameters that characterize the peptide-membrane interaction related to the pore formation were extracted from the experimental results. We discussed the meaning of these parameters and compared their values for different lipids and for the two different types of pores. These parameters are useful for further molecular analysis and are excellent targets for molecular dynamic simulations studies. The results in this thesis are also potentially useful for gene and drug deliveries, drug design and anti-infective therapeutics.
關鍵字(中) ★ 指向性圓極化雙光譜技術
★ 胜肽的方位
★ 脂質雙層膜
★ 相變
★ 雙親性
★ 孔洞
★ 抗菌胜肽
★ 胞膜
★ 多片層X光繞射技術
★ 脂膜的厚度
★ 分子動力模擬
★ 基因與藥物輸送
★ 抗感染的治療
★ 藥物設計
關鍵字(英) ★ toroidal pores
★ oriented circular dichroism
★ peptide orientation
★ lamellar x-ray diffraction
★ molecular dynamic simulations
★ drug design
★ gene and drug deliveries
★ anti-infective therapeutics
★ membrane
★ antimicrobial peptides
★ pores
★ barrel-stave pores
★ phas
論文目次 Abstract III
Acknowledge IV
Table of figures VI
Abbreviations VIII
I. Introduction 1
II. Theory 12
II-1. Peptides create membrane tension by stretching the membranes 12
II-2. Formation of stable pore 15
II-3. Free energy of membrane-peptide system when pores form 18
III. Materials and Methods 20
III-1. Materials 20
III-2. Sample preparation 21
III-3. OCD measurement 21
III-4. LXD measurement 26
IV. Results 32
IV-1. Fraction of peptides in pore state as a function of P/L 32
IV-2. Membrane thickness as a function P/L 33
IV-3. Discussions of experimental parameters 39
V. Conclusion 45
References 47
Publications 52
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指導教授 陳方玉(Fang-Yu Chen) 審核日期 2004-7-13
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