博碩士論文 88322083 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳京霖(Jing-Li Wu )  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程研究所
論文名稱 砂粒受水平振動行為之研究
★ 不均勻圓形橋墩之局部沖刷研究★ 砂礫河床之跌水沖刷分析
★ 土石流潛勢判定模式及土石壩滲流破壞之研究★ 港池污染擴散影響因子之探討
★ 不均勻橋墩及群樁基礎之局部沖刷研究★ 邊牆射流及尾檻對砂質底床之沖刷研究
★ 土石流發生之水文特性探討★ 不均勻橋墩與套環保護工法之局部沖刷研究
★ 護坦及尾檻下游之局部沖刷分析★ 橋台束縮與局部沖刷之研究
★ 慢顆粒流之輸送帶實驗與影像分析★ 均勻入滲時坡面地下水流之理論解析
★ 尾檻設置對下游之局部沖刷效應★ 二維斜坡顆粒流之輸送帶實驗與分析
★ 斜坡土體滲流破壞引致土石流之探討★ 套環保護工法對減少橋墩局部沖刷之研究
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摘要(中) This research examines the behavior of dry sand and sand pile under the forcing of horizontal vibration. Another subject , we use steel spheres to simulate the unstable condition of sand-pile slope.
In the case of horizontal vibrations , The thickness of fluid layar near the surface , H , is propotional to the dimensionless peak vibrational acceleration G and size(length) of the sand box. In the case of sand-pile , there are two types of motions. Initial sand surface collapse and submoving layer. The moving velocity of the surface collapse is faster than the velocity of the moving layer. The moving velocity is propotional G. In the experiment of slope stability , we use steel sphere to simulate the grained stucture of pile surface. Square surface stucture of pile is more stable than triangular surface structure , but in the natural fact ,surface structure of pile is nearly triangular.
摘要(英) This research examines the behavior of dry sand and sand pile under the forcing of horizontal vibration. Another subject , we use steel spheres to simulate the unstable condition of sand-pile slope.
In the case of horizontal vibrations , The thickness of fluid layar near the surface , H , is propotional to the dimensionless peak vibrational acceleration G and size(length) of the sand box. In the case of sand-pile , there are two types of motions. Initial sand surface collapse and submoving layer. The moving velocity of the surface collapse is faster than the velocity of the moving layer. The moving velocity is propotional G. In the experiment of slope stability , we use steel sphere to simulate the grained stucture of pile surface. Square surface stucture of pile is more stable than triangular surface structure , but in the natural fact ,surface structure of pile is nearly triangular.
關鍵字(中) ★ 三角表面堆積
★  四方表面堆積
★  振動
★  流動層
★  無因次加速度
關鍵字(英) ★ dimensionless peak vibrational acceleration
★  fluid layar
★  sand
★  Square surface stucture
★  triangular surface structure
★  vibration
論文目次 目 錄
摘要 ………..……………………………………………………….Ⅰ
目錄 …..……………………………………………………………..Ⅲ
圖目錄 …..…………………………………………………………..Ⅴ
表目錄 …..…………………………………………………………..Ⅸ
第一章 前言 …..…………………………………………………..1
第二章 文獻回顧 …..……………………………………………..3
2.1 砂的基本物理性質…..………………………………….3
2.2 水平振動對三維顆粒安息角之影響……..…………….4
2.3 土石流體在直立旋轉式水槽內流動現象..…………….4
2.4 無重力影響下牛頓流體中顆粒的離散應力…..……….5
2.5 乾燥砂粒所受剪力與膨脹現象………………………...6
2.6 顆粒間的內摩擦力與膨脹現象………………………...7
2.7 土石顆粒碰撞之探討….………………………………..7
2.8 振台與振級……………………………………………..8
2.9 砂粒經振動後的性質…………………………………..9
2.10 顆粒受水平振動表層液化現象………………………..10
第三章 實驗方法 …..……………………………………………..12
3.1 邊坡顆粒堆積單元穩定實驗 ..…………………….12
3.1.1 顆粒堆積單元靜止狀態臨界角度實驗……12
3.2 顆粒受水平振動之流動層實驗..……………………….17
3.2.1 實驗條件 ..…………………………………17
3.2.2 實驗方法 …………………………………..18
3.3 傾斜砂箱受振後之邊坡穩定實驗 …………………...19
3.3.1 實驗條件 …………………………………..19
3.2.2 實驗方法 …………………………………..19
第四章 結果與討論 ...…………………………………………….21
4.1 邊坡顆粒堆積單元穩定實驗 ……………………….21
4.2 顆粒受水平振動之流動層實驗 …………...……….22
4.2.1 砂粒流動層對各項控制條件的關係 ……..22
4.3 傾斜砂箱受振後之邊坡穩定實驗 ..………………….26
第五章 結論與建議 ………………………………………………28
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………29
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指導教授 周憲德(Hsien-Ter Chou) 審核日期 2001-7-12
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