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姓名 陳玉菁(Chen yuching )  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程研究所
論文名稱 航空公司修護人員供給規劃之研究
(The planning of airline maintenance manpower supply)
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摘要(中) 對航空公司的維修部門而言,如何使航機修護工作能有效率且確實,以確保航機在飛行中的安全,並能配合該公司營運飛航班表的準時起降,是一項重要且急迫的課題。傳統航空公司維修部門對於修護人員的排班上,係基於人工經驗,以簡單的排班及輪班規則進行修護人員的排班。此排班方式除費時外,往往無法與實際營運所需的修護需求相配合,易導致人力供需不均衡的現象,而使得修護部門的修護效率受到影響。本研究針對航空公司停機線修護人力供給之問題,利用數學規劃與電腦演算技巧,構建合適的模式與求解方法,以期幫助航空公司的修護部門有效率地規劃修護人員之排班及班次,提供下游修護人員指派之參考。
摘要(英) It is essential for airlines to efficiently perform aircraft maintenance in order to ensure aviation safety and punctuality. In tradition, the maintenance scheduling, based on staff’s experiences, was performed using a simple schedule rule. This scheduling method is not only time-consuming but also inefficient. In particular, the resulting manpower supply does not easily meet the minimum requirements, possibly causing imbalance between supply and demand. In this research, we use mathematical programs and computer algorithms to develop suitable models and solution methods, in order to help airlines efficiently and effectively plan their maintenance schedules and manpower supplies, which are then useful for downstream maintenance crew assignments.
Because the problem size of the mixed integer programming model is expected to be huge, we developed a heuristic solution framework to solve the problem. The framework is divided into three stages. In the first two stages, two integer programs are formulated respectively. A mixed integer program is formulated in the third stage. The first model is used to determine the best shift plans. The second model is used to solve the maintenance manpower supply problem for each aircraft type. The third model helps simultaneously solve the maintenance manpower supply problem for mixed aircraft types, based on the fact that maintenance crew members are practically qualified for repairing different aircraft types in a work shift. We solve all stages by using the mathematical programming solver, CPLEX, and other self-developed computer programs. Finally, to evaluate the models and solution algorithms developed in the research, we perform a case study using the operating data from a major Taiwan airline. The results show that the models and the solution methods are useful.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人力供給
★  修護計劃
★  啟發式求解架構
★  混合整數規劃問題
關鍵字(英) ★ Maintenance Scheduling
★  Manpower Supply
論文目次 中文摘要Ⅰ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機1
1.2 研究目的與範圍2
1.3 研究方法與流程3
第二章 文獻回顧5
2.1 人員排班的類型5
2.1.1 不同排班方式的人員排班問題5
2.1.2 不同產業特性的人員排班問題6
2.2.1 組員排班問題的求解8
2.2.2 人員指派問題的求解10
第三章 模式架構13
3.1 航機修護規劃架構13
3.1.1 修護工廠現況分析14
3.1.2 修護需求計算15
3.2 問題定式18
3.2.1 模式假設18
3.2.2 數學定式19
3.3.1 第一階段值勤班次規劃數學定式23
3.3.2 第二階段單機型人力供給規劃數學定式25
3.3.3 第三階段混合機型人力供給規劃數學定式27
3.4 小結29
第四章 求解方法30
4.1 啟發式求解架構30
4.1.1 求解架構說明30
4.1.2 啟發式求解結果說明32
4.2 啟發式求解步驟35
4.2.1 求解步驟35
4.2.2 求解方法35
4.3 求解設計39
4.4 小結40
第五章 實例測試41
5.1 資料分析41
5.1.1 航機機型資料41
5.1.2 修護項目資料42
5.1.3 修護需求量資料42
5.2 模式發展44
5.2.1 電腦演算環境44
5.2.2 模式輸入資料44
5.2.3 模式輸出資料46
5.3 模式測試及結果分析46
5.3.1 第一階段求解結果47
5.3.2 第二階段求解結果53
5.3.3 第三階段求解結果61
5.3.4 敏感度分析80
5.4 小結90
第六章 結論與建議91
6.1 結論91
6.2 建議94
6.3 貢獻95
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shang-Yao Yan) 審核日期 2001-6-26
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