博碩士論文 88343006 詳細資訊

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姓名 林希彥(Hsi-Yen Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 具變形誘導異向性質之降伏曲面與材料函數的內涵模式
(Endochronic Model of Yield Surface and Material Function Accounting for Deformation Induced Anisotropy)
★ 中尺寸LED背光模組之實驗研究★ 利用有限元素法與反應曲面法探討 金屬成型問題之最佳化設計-行星路徑旋轉鍛造傘齒輪為例
★ 以反應曲面法進行行動電話卡勾之最佳化設計★ 以微分式內涵塑性理論分析材料受軸向循環負載之塑性行為
★ A1070在累進式背擠製下的機械性質與微結構之研究★ 超音波輔助沖壓加工之應用-剪切、引伸與等通彎角擠製
★ 應用多體動力學於具循環氣體負載之迴轉式壓縮機振動預測模型建立★ 以有限元素法與反應曲面法分析螺旋傘齒輪之旋轉鍛造最佳化設計
★ 超音波振動輔助鋁合金6061及低碳鋼S15C拉伸試驗之研究★ 旋轉鍛造螺旋齒輪製程分析
★ 等通道扭轉彎角擠製之有限元素法及反應曲面法分析★ 以有限元素法與反應曲面法分析增量式板金成形
★ 以有限元素法與反應曲面法分析螺旋傘齒輪之雙錐輥旋轉鍛造最佳化設計★ 以有限元素法與反應曲面法分析兩點增量成形
★ 引伸成形加工問題之有限元素分析★ 應用流函數法分析軸對稱熱擠製加工問題
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摘要(中) 本文主要探討內涵塑性理論之材料函數(material function) ,藉由適當地選擇材料函數中之材料參數,可將該材料函數區分成六種類型之態樣,以期更適切地描述材料在非對稱振幅循環負載下之材料行為,包括包辛格效應(Bauschinger effect)、循環硬化(軟化)、應力穩定飽和(saturation)、循環應力峰值(peek stress)的變化以及材料記憶消除(erasure of memory)行為,並以Shiao [1]及Lamba and Sidebottom [2]之實驗結果驗證本文之材料函數模式;另外本文提出一組與隨後降伏曲面(sequencent yield surface)之形狀特徵比 (aspect ratio)相關的材料函數,建立一降伏曲面的內涵模式,藉以模擬材料在小變形(small pre-strain range)下因變形誘導異向性(deformation induced anisotropy)而表現在其隨後降伏曲面呈前凸後扁狀( sharp front and blunt rear)的演化行為,另以Wu and Yeh [3] 對AISI 304 不銹鋼施以軸向、扭向以及軸扭雙向應變作用之實驗結果驗證本文之降伏曲面模式;採用本文之材料函數及降伏曲面模式預測材料循環塑性行為及降伏曲面的演化行為與實驗結果比對相當吻合。
摘要(英) In this article, a material function of endochronic theory is proposed for investigating the plastic behaviors of material. Depending on the material parameters properly chosen, the present model can be classified into six categories, and is appropriate for describing various materials behaving cyclic strain hardening inherently with respect to the deformation history. Experimental verification of the theory was demonstrated using the experimental results of Shiao [1] and Lamba and Sidebottom [2]. The theory is in good agreement with experimental results obtained by Shiao [1] through comparing the stress-strain hysteresis loops of SAE 4340 steel under axisymmetrically cyclic loading condition with various amplitudes. In addition, the present model is shown to be capable of describing the behavior of erasure of memory of materials, as experimentally observed by Lamba and Sidebottom [2]. In addition, an endochronic model of yield surface is proposed. Based on this model, the yield surface is simulated such that the forward and rear parts of the yield surface are described by different ellipses which are characterized by corresponding aspect ratio functions, respectively. Verification of the endochronic theory used the experimental results of yield surfaces obtained by Wu and Yeh [3] for AISI 304 stainless steel. The experiments were performed cyclically under uniaxial, torsional, and combined axial-torsional loading conditions. The result has shown that the agreement between the prediction and experiments is quite satisfactory. In addition to the distortion of the yield surface plastically behaving a sharp front accompanied by a blunt rear, the anisotropic kinematic hardening effect has been addressed in this investigation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 循環應變硬化
★ 內涵理論
★ 材料函數
★ 記憶消除
關鍵字(英) ★ material function
★ cyclic strain hardening
★ endochronic theory
★ erasure of memory
論文目次 摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖表說明 IX
符號說明 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 5
1-3 研究動機和方法 15
第二章 內涵塑性理論 19
2-1引言 19
2-2內涵本構方程式 20
2-2-1積分式內涵本構方程式 21
2-2-2增量式內涵本構方程式 23
2-2-3微分式內涵本構方程式 24
第三章 材料函數 26
3-1材料函數 26
3-2 本文之材料函數模式 28
3-2-1 材料函數之性質 29
3-2-2 材料參數 32
3-3 數值計算 33
3-3-1 積分式內涵本構方程式的數值計算 33
3-3-2 增量式內涵本構方程式的數值計算 35
3-3-3 微分式內涵本構方程式的數值計算 37
第四章 降伏曲面模式 40
4-1 降伏曲面 40
4-2 本文之降伏曲面模式 43
第五章 結果與討論 49
5-1 材料函數 49
5-1-1 軸向對稱等應變振幅循環負載 50
5-1-2 軸向非對稱應變振幅循環負載 51
5-1-3 軸向漸增應變振幅循環負載 52
5-1-4 軸向漸變均值應變振幅循環負載 53
5-1-5 軸向漸增均值應變與振幅之循環負載 54
5-1-6 材料記憶消除 55
5-2降伏曲面模式 57
5-2-1 初始降伏曲面 58
5-2-2 隨後降伏曲面 59
5-2-2-1 單軸向負載 59
5-2-2-2 扭向負載 60
5-2-2-3 軸-扭組合負載 61
第六章 結論與建議 63
6-1 結論 63
6-2 建議 65
參考文獻 67
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指導教授 葉維磬(Wei-Ching Yeh) 審核日期 2007-1-2
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