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論文名稱 以學校本位課程教案增進教師發展學科教學知識之模式及其效能支援系統之研究
(Computer Support for Teacher Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Developing Lesson Plans for School-Based Curriculum)
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摘要(中) 學科教學知識 (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) 是教師職業生涯發展的必備知識,近來對教師學科教學知識發展之研究著重在以研究為基礎的活動,如行動研究 (Action Research) 和授業研究 (Lesson Study) ,這類研究特別重視利用課堂教學實務、資訊科技和合作學習模式。然而,大多數的發展模式把焦點放在個別教師或教師群組上,甚少將學校領導和資源納入支持與參與的角色。本研究提出一個教師學科教學知識的發展模式 (稱為3C-model) ,並藉以設計一個支援系統稱為EDUPLAN。此模式融合了學校裡三個不同階層的教師和課程發展相關人員發展學校本位課程,共同合作創作與分享以教案為基礎的知識庫。透過學校本位課程發展的過程,此模式能增進教師學科教學知識與合作,且該支援系統能夠強化教案設計與修訂的效率,並藉以提升學科教學知識發展的成效。
摘要(英) Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is essential to career development for teachers. The recent emphasis in research on teacher development in PCK has been on research-based activities such as action research and lesson study, with a particular emphasis on the employment of classroom practice, information technology, and collaborative learning. Most of these models focus on individual teachers or teacher groups, and there is less chance of receiving support from the school leadership and institutional resources. This study proposes a development model for PCK known as the 3C-model and implements a supporting system for it, known as EDUPLAN. The model engages teachers in collaboratively constructing and sharing a knowledge-base of lesson plans with the involvement of different levels of school members for their school’s curriculum. Through the process of school-based curriculum development, the model was found to increase teacher PCK and collaboration. Finally, the supporting system is found to be capable of enhancing performance in lesson plan construction and revision and thus the efficiency of PCK development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 效能支援系統
★ 教師專業發展
★ 學校本位課程發展
★ 學科教學知識
★ 教學計畫(教案)
關鍵字(英) ★ Performance Support System (PSS)
★ Teacher Professional Development
★ School-Based Curriculum Development (SBCD)
★ lesson plan
★ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
2.1. The Nature and Importance of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) 5
2.2 Research-Oriented Activities for PCK Development 8
2.3 Developing PCK through School-Based Curriculum Development 11
2.4 Computer Support for Teachers’ Development in PCK 14
3.1. Three Levels of School-Based Curriculum Development 18
3.2. Lesson Plan-Centered Knowledge-Base Framework 20
3.3. The 3C-model and Web Based Supporting System EDUPLAN 22
3.3.1. Creation Mechanism 23
3.3.2. Collaboration Mechanism 25
3.3.3. Communication Mechanism 29
4.1. Electronic Performance Support System for Curriculum Development 32
4.2. Main Task of School-Based Curriculum Development 37
4.3. The Design of System Modules 41
4.3.1. Analysis module 42
4.3.2. Design module 43
4.3.3. Implementation module 47
4.3.4. Evaluation module 48
4.3.5. Communication module 50
5.1. Evaluation questions 52
5.2. Participants 53
5.3. Methodology 55
5.4. Results and discussions 57
5.4.1. The 3C-model can improve teacher performance in developing PCK effectively 57
5.4.2. The 3C-model can substantially facilitate teacher collaboration in developing curriculum and PCK 63
5.4.3. The supporting tools constructed based on the three mechanisms enhance the performance of the PCK development of teachers 68
5.5. A case for observing teachers’ PCK development 75
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指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-wai Chan) 審核日期 2007-5-8
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