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姓名 洪智賢(Ju-Hsueng Hong )  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 三義斷層之逆衝構造研究
(Investigate the Thrust Structure of the Sani Fault)
★ 以波線追跡研究西北線型地震帶之速度構造★ 湖口斷層淺層反射震測之研究
★ 台灣現行測震儀器之特性檢測研究★ 小崗山斷層及其附近構造
★ 彰化斷層及其附近構造★ 九二一地震車籠埔斷層震測研究
★ 台灣西部場址效應之研究★ 清水斷層之淺部構造
★ DDT:毋須摘取初達波到達時間之折射波風化層修正★ 車籠埔斷層烏溪至濁水溪段之地下構造
★ 高密度地震資料分析及其用於台灣中部及東部孕震構造之研究★ 台北盆地構造及震波速度分析
★ 斗六丘陵桐樹湖斷層地下構造研究★ 以淺層反射震測探測新城斷層地下構造
★ 以反射震測法研究九芎坑斷層及其附近構造★ 以淺層反射震測法探究梅山斷層之地下構造
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摘要(中) 台灣西北部苗栗—台中地區地質構造分佈上,三義斷層是一條極為特殊的低角度逆衝斷層,該斷層從豐原往北,以幾近正北方向穿過大甲溪、后里台地、大安溪後,進入苗栗丘陵,但在三義附近突然轉為朝東,直到大湖附近才停止。前人研究(主要為中油探勘團隊)指出三義斷層為低角度(小於30度)之逆掩斷層,主要沿著中新世之東坑層(即河排層)底部,逆衝滑移至少10公里,將其上之老地層覆蓋於年輕地層(例如頭嵙山層)之上,此往上爬昇超覆之斷層滑動,右移錯開出磺坑背斜之南端,形成舌形突出,造成三義附近之斷層轉折。一般以三義斷層在后里台地上為紅土礫石所掩覆,認為係屬老斷層,現今已不再活動。但中央地質調查所以一大甲溪北岸之露頭,及斷層兩側水系分佈,認為下盤之紅土台地堆積層仍有受到攪動,因而將之定位為第二類活動斷層(十萬年內或錯移台地堆積層)。
摘要(英) The Sani fault is a low angle thrust fault distributed in the Maioli-Taichung area, northwestern Taiwan. The fault trends in a northward direction from Fengyuan, across the Tachiahsi stream, the Houli terrace, the TaAnhsi stream into the Miaoli hills. After this, the fault trace changes to the east near the town of Sani and stops near the town of Tahu. The previous studies point out that the Sani fault is a low angle overthrust fault which slides along the bottom of the Miocene Tungkeng formation by more than 10 km. The old structures thrust above the young structures which forms a tongue-shape intrusion, cutting through the southern flank of the Chuhuangkeng anticline. The Sani fault is covered by a thick laterite and gravel layer on the Houli terrace. Hence, it is recognized as an old fault, and may not be active now. However recently, the Central Geological Survey (CGS) bases on an outcrop along the Tachiahsi stream, claims that the fault may be quite young. The problem of the activity of the Sani fault seems still unsolved.
The purpose of this study is to re-examine the Sani fault and to determine the degree of its activity. The method of the shallow seismic reflection is used for the fault detection. Besides finding accurate surface positions of the fault, we also carefully examine the patterns of faulting in order to understand its characteristics. More than 10 seismic lines are deployed form the north to the south across the fault. The quality of the obtained seismic profiles is considerably good. We can easily identify the structures dipping to the east with the Tungkeng Formation thrusting over the young Toukoshan Formation. The following conclusions can be drawn:
1.The hanging wall of the Sani fault is the Tungkeng formation which dips to the east by 20o-25o. The footwall is the Toukoshan formation which is relatively flat.
2.There exist several secondary fractures in the Tungkeng formation, which sometimes are large and may extend to the surface. However, the thrusting dose not affect the Toukoshan formation much. No obvious fractures in the Toukoshan formation are found.
3.The behaviors of the Sani fault can be explained by the theory of thin-skinned thrust. The sliding fault plane is along the bottom of the Tungkeng formation.
4.According to the drilling data and the geophysical results, we find that some front parts of the Tungkeng formation have been eroded and replaced by terrace deposits. This strongly implies that the fault may have certain ages and could not be active at the present time.
5.The fault line is found to move to the east by several hundred meters on some deep deposited river bank. It also indicates that the SanI fault has no activity for a long time. The possibility of fault’s reactivity could be quite low.
關鍵字(中) ★ 三義斷層
★  后里台地
★  安溪
★  甲溪
關鍵字(英) ★ aAnhsi stream
★  achiahsi stream
★  ouli terrace
★  Sani fault
論文目次 目 錄
誌 謝…………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ
目 錄…………………………………………………………………………Ⅲ
圖 目…………………………………………………………………………Ⅳ
表 目…………………………………………………………………………Ⅴ
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………1
第二章 研究區域地質概述……………………………………………………8
2.4 三義斷層位置及地表露頭……………………………………………20
2.6 地層……………………………………………………………………28
第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………………32
第四章 震測剖面結果分析……………………………………………………48
第五章 討論與結論……………………………………………………………89
圖 目
圖1.1 中央地質調查所台灣活動斷層分佈圖……………………………2
圖1.2 中央大學李錫堤教授所彙之台灣活動斷層分佈圖………………3
圖2.1 三義地區水系分佈圖………………………………………………11
圖2.2 苗栗-三義之殘餘重力異常圖………………………………………12
圖2.3 三義附近之布蓋重力異常圖………………………………………14
圖2.4 大安背斜構造………………………………………………………15
圖2.5 苗栗-台中地區十萬分之一地質圖………………………………16
圖2.6 洪日豪-魏其珂(1993)所繪三義斷層之構造剖面………………17
圖2.7 三義斷層大甲溪露頭………………………………………………22
圖2.8 三義斷層伯公溪露頭………………………………………………23
圖 2.9 三義斷層演化圖……………………………………………………24
圖2.10 三義地區之中油地地質圖…………………………………………26
圖2.11 三義斷層及其附近地質圖…………………………………………27
圖3.1 淺層震測反射法介紹………………………………………………34
圖3.2a 48波道施測野外幾何排列…………………………………………35
圖3.2b 96波道施測野外幾何排列…………………………………………36
圖3.3 野外施測施測情形……………………………………………………38
圖3.4 野外施測儀器…………………………………………………………39
圖3.6 震測資料處理流程……………………………………………………44
圖3.7 資料處理後炸點剖面…………………………………………………47
圖4.1 三義斷層附近之數值影像圖…………………………………………49
圖4.2 測線分佈位置地質圖…………………………………………………50
圖4.3 測線分佈位置地形圖…………………………………………………51
圖4.4a A1測線位置…………………………………………………………53
圖4.4b 測線A1與A2附近之數值地形圖…………………………………54
圖4.4c 測線A1之震測剖面…………………………………………………55
圖4.5a A2測線位置…………………………………………………………57
圖4.5b A2-1之震測剖面……………………………………………………58
圖4.6 A2-2之震測剖面……………………………………………………60
圖4.7 A2-3之震測剖面……………………………………………………62
圖4.8a A3測線位置…………………………………………………………63
圖4.8b 測線A3-A6附近之數值地形圖……………………………………65
圖4.8c A3之震測剖面………………………………………………………66
圖4.9a A4測線位置…………………………………………………………67
圖4.9b A4之震測剖面………………………………………………………69
圖4.10a A5測線位置…………………………………………………………70
圖4.10b A5之震測剖面………………………………………………………71
圖4.11a A6測線位置…………………………………………………………73
圖4.11b A6之震測剖面測……………………………………………………74
圖4.12a A7測線位置…………………………………………………………76
圖4.12b 測線A7-A8附近之數值地形圖……………………………………77
圖4.12c A7之震測剖面………………………………………………………78
圖4.13a A8測線位置…………………………………………………………80
圖4.13b A8之震測剖面………………………………………………………81
圖4.14 地電阻影像剖面圖…………………………………………………83
圖4.15 鑽孔位置……………………………………………………………85
圖4.16 三義井柱圖…………………………………………………………86
圖4.17 三義斷層地表附近分佈圖…………………………………………87
圖5.1 后里一號井附近之地質構造剖面…………………………………90
圖5.2 卓蘭一號井附近之地質構造剖面…………………………………91
表 目
表3.5 野外施測幾何參數………………………………………………………42
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指導教授 王乾盈(Chien-Ying Wang) 審核日期 2001-7-18
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