博碩士論文 89326002 詳細資訊

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姓名 李智強(Jr-Chiang Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 纖維材料對於污泥灰渣砂漿工程性質之影響
(The influence of fiber material on the engineering characteristics of sewage sludge ash mortar)
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摘要(中) 下水污泥灰渣已被證明具有卜作嵐活性,可將其摻入水泥砂漿中取代部分水泥。對於含有下水污泥灰渣之砂漿,過去研究著重於其工作性及抗壓強度的探討,對於污泥灰渣砂漿其他重要工程性質,例如抗彎強度、衝擊強度,以及乾縮行為等,尚缺乏有系統之探討。基於以上理由,本研究採取台北民生污水處理廠下水污泥,以模具式焚化爐製備污泥灰渣,並用於製作污泥灰渣砂漿試體,以探討前述重要工程性質。此外,本研究選用微鋼纖維、啞鈴型鋼纖維,以及兩種聚丙稀纖維材料,摻入前述污泥灰渣砂漿,探討以纖維材料改良砂漿工程性質之可行性。
摘要(英) The sewage sludge ash (SSA) has been proved to exhibit certain pozzolanic activity and can be reused in mortar to replace partial cement. However, the previous research works focused on the workability and compressive strength of SSA mortar and many other properties, including flexural strength, impact strength, and drying shrinkage of SSA mortar, has seldom been discussed. For this reason, this study selected the sewage sludge of Ming-Shen Community WWTP and prepared SSA from a modular incinerator. The prepared SSA sample was further applied into mortar to obtain SSA mortar. Consequently, the properties of SSA mortar, including compressive strength, flexural strength, impact strength, and drying shrinkage were analyzed. In addition, in order to enhance the properties of SSA mortars, four types of fiber material have been applied into SSA mortar. These fibers include two types of steel fiber, i.e. micro and enlarged-end, and other two types of polypropylene fiber.
According to the test results, the compressive and flexural strength of SSA mortars, generally decreased with increasing application amount of SSA. In contrast, the amount of drying shrinkage of SSA mortar generally increased with increasing application amount of SSA. When comparing with pure cement mortar, the SSA mortars exhibited lower strength and higher amount of drying shrinkage. This result revealed the necessity of the modification of SSA mortars.
Regarding the application of fiber material, the cement replacement ratio of the tested SSA mortars was 20%. The test results indicated that, the micro steel fiber exhibited superior effects on the simultaneous enhancement of the compressive strength, flexural strength, and impact strength of SSA mortar. The enlarged-end steel fiber could also improve the strength of SSA mortar, however it was less effective than micro steel fiber. In addition, the two types of polypropylene fiber could only improve impact strength of SSA mortar. Thus the effectiveness of polypropylene fibers on improving properties of SSA mortar was less than that of steel fibers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 纖維材料
★ 污泥灰渣砂漿
★ 強度
★ 乾縮
關鍵字(英) ★ drying shrinkage
★ strength
★ fiber material
★ mortar
★ sewage sludge ash
論文目次 纖維材料對於污泥灰渣砂漿工程性質之影響
第一章 前言……………………………………………………………1
1-1 研究緣起…………………………………………………………1
1-2 研究目的與內容……………………………………………………2
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………….4
2-1 污泥灰渣應用於水泥材料……………………………………4
2-1-1 灰渣應用於水泥材料之原理…………………………….4
2-1-2 污泥灰渣成分對水泥砂漿之影響……………………….6
2-1-3 污泥灰渣取代水泥可行性評估………………………….7
2-2 纖維材料種類與常用以描述纖維之參數…………………...13
2-2-1 纖維種類………………………………………………...13
2-2-2 纖維參數………………………………………………...15
2-3 纖維混凝土強度……………………………………………...17
2-3-1 決定纖維混凝土強度性質之三相……………………...17
2-3-2 抗壓強度……………………………………………..….17
2-3-3 抗拉強度………………………………………………...19
2-3-4 抗彎強度………………..……………………………….21
2-3-5 衝擊強度……………………..………………………….22
2-4 卜作嵐材料對於纖維加勁之助益……………..……………24
2-4-1 過渡區理論(Transition zone)……………………………24
2-4-2 卜作嵐材料之助益……………………………………...25
2-5 砂漿及混凝土之乾燥收縮…………………………………..26
2-5-1 乾燥收縮之機制與變數………………………………...26
2-5-2 以纖維控制乾燥收縮…………………………………...27
2-5-3 卜作嵐摻料對於砂漿乾燥收縮之影響……………...…28
2-5-4 乾縮裂縫與環形試驗(Ring test)………………………..29
第三章 實驗材料與方法………………………………………………33
3-1 實驗流程與實驗計劃………………………………………...33
3-2 實驗材料……………………………………………………...43
3-3 試驗與分析方法……………………………………………...44
3-3-1 下水污泥採樣及分析方法……………………………...44
3-3-2 下水污泥灰渣製備及分析方法…………..………….…47
3-3-3 砂漿製備及分析方法…………………………………...49
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………………58
4-1 下水污泥灰渣基本性質……………………………………...58
4-2 灰渣纖維砂漿之工作性……………………………………...60
4-2-1 灰渣對於砂漿工作性之影響…………………………...60
4-2-2 拌合方式對於灰渣纖維砂漿工作性之影響…………...61
4-2-3 纖維對於砂漿工作性之影響…………………………...62
4-2-4 灰渣及纖維之交互作用對於砂漿工作性之影響……...65
4-3 灰渣纖維砂漿之強度………………………………………..68
4-3-1 纖維對於灰渣砂漿抗壓強度之影響.…………………..68
4-3-2 纖維對於灰渣砂漿抗彎強度之影響…………………...90
4-3-3 纖維對於灰渣砂漿衝擊強度之影響……………..…...100
4-3-4 鋼纖維在灰渣砂漿工程性質之綜合比較…………….106
4-3-5 污泥灰渣對於纖維加勁之影響……………………….107
4-4 纖維對於灰渣砂漿乾燥收縮之影響………………...……..112
4-4-1 污泥灰渣砂漿的乾收縮行為…………………...……...112
4-4-2 pp纖維對於灰渣砂漿乾縮應變的影響………..……..118
4-4-3 鋼纖維對於灰渣砂漿乾縮應變的影響……………….121
4-5 纖維對於灰渣砂漿乾縮裂縫之影響………………….……125
4-5-1 純水泥砂漿與灰渣砂漿裂縫行為…………………….126
4-5-2 纖維控制灰渣砂漿裂縫行為………………………….129
4-5-3 纖維控制灰渣砂漿裂縫行為與強度………………….131
4-6 實驗結果與文獻之比較……………………………….……131
第五章 結論與建議
5-1 結論………………………………………………………….134
5-2 建議………………………………………………………….136
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指導教授 曾迪華(Dyi-Hwa Tseng) 審核日期 2002-7-9
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