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姓名 張維平(Weiping Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 向量空間模式系統中對於檢索文件相關回饋之研究
(A study of relevance feedback on retrieved documents in a vector-space-modeled system)
★ 信用卡盜刷防治簡訊規則製作之決策支援系統★ 不同檢索策略之效果比較
★ 知識分享過程之影響因子探討★ 兼具分享功能之檢索代理人系統建構與評估
★ 犯罪青少年電腦態度與學習自我效能之研究★ 使用AHP分析法在軟體度量議題之研究
★ 優化入侵規則庫★ 商務資訊擷取效率與品質促進之研究
★ 以分析層級程序法衡量銀行業導入企業應用整合系統(EAI)之關鍵因素★ 應用基因演算法於叢集電腦機房強迫對流裝置佈局最佳近似解之研究
★ The Development of a CASE Tool with Knowledge Management Functions★ 以PAT tree 為基礎發展之快速搜尋索引樹
★ 以複合名詞為基礎之文件概念建立方式★ 利用使用者興趣檔探討形容詞所處位置對評論分類的重要性
★ 透過半結構資訊及使用者回饋資訊以協助使用者過濾網頁文件搜尋結果★ 利用feature-opinion pair建立向量空間模型以進行使用者評論分類之研究
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摘要(中) 在向量空間模式資訊擷取系統上,相關回饋是一種應用於提升擷取效率的技術。相關回饋的技術係在檢索過程中,由使用者對於系統檢索出的文件,進行相關或不相關的評估。過去的研究,主要在運用使用者回饋的資訊,修改使用者的興趣向量。本研究找出,過去研究在使用者相關或不相關的回饋文件中,未完全被研究過的資訊。這些資訊是關於字詞在相關或不相關文件中,所出現的各種狀態。本研究發展一個實驗性的資訊擷取系統與方法,以展示對於字詞出現狀態資訊的應用,並進行相關實驗,以研究這些方法是否具有效果。本研究實驗的結果顯示,字詞出現狀態的資訊是可以被抽取出來,並可應用於提升擷取效率。
摘要(英) Relevance feedback is one of the techniques applied in a vector-space-modeled Information Retrieval (IR) system to enhance retrieval effectiveness. The feedback process usually has the user rate the documents retrieved as relevant or non-relevant. Most past studies apply the information of document relevance to the modification of the vector that is used to manifest the user’s information interest. In this study, we have identified additional information obtained from relevance feedback that was not fully studied in the past from the rated relevant/non-relevant documents for application. The information pertains to is about the situations of term appearances in the relevant/non-relevant documents. We have developed a method together with an IR system to demonstrate the application of the information of term appearance situation. Experiments have also been conducted to study its effect. The experimental results preliminarily show that the information of the term appearance situation could be extracted and appropriately applied to enhance retrieval effectiveness.
關鍵字(中) ★ 詞語權重
★ 敏感度
★ 資訊擷取
★ 詞頻
★ 相關回饋
★ 全球資訊網
關鍵字(英) ★ Information Retrieval
★ Relevance Feedback
★ Term Frequency
★ Sensitivity
★ Term Reweighting
★ World Wide Web
論文目次 Abstract i
Acknowledgement iii
Index iv
Figure index v
Table index vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Relevance Feedback 3
3. The Experimental Vector-Space-Modeled System 12
3.1 System framework 12
3.2 System flow of EIRS 19
4. Experiments and Results 22
4.1 Experiment process 22
4.2 Experimental Results 23
4.2.1 Experiments for system factor adjustment 24
4.2.2 Study of the effect of sensitivity 27
4.2.3 Study of the effect of negative user profile 28
5. Conclusion 30
References 32
Appendix A: Stopword List 35
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指導教授 周世傑(Shihchieh Chou) 審核日期 2007-7-10
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