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姓名 陳金發(Jin-fa Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 在使用藍芽技術的感應網路裡做低耗電資料收集
(Low Power Data Gathering in Sensor Networks using Bluetooth)
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摘要(中) 在無線的感應網路裡,主要目的是為了從一群感應裝置裡收集所要的資訊,並將這些資訊傳遞回主要網路做進一步處理。為了能延伸資料擴及的範圍,多跳(multi-hop)傳輸必須被採用;在有限的電力資源限制下,電力節約是整個網路能持續長時間的關鍵。當一個裝置在不活動的工作狀態下,為了能減少電力消耗,採用了低耗電模式,這時需要一個有效率的喚醒方法來將裝置從沈睡中復甦。另一方面,藍芽是希冀中短距離、低耗電及低成本的無線傳輸標準,可是目前並沒有適合的方法來建構藍芽的多跳網路。所以在本篇文章中,我們探討一個使用藍芽技術做資料收集的感應網路,一個快速及且有效率的藍芽分散網絡(scatternet)建立方法用來建構整個感應網路,一個能源感知路徑選擇方法用來平衡各裝置電源的消耗速率,及一個叫做預競爭 (Per-contention) 的存取方法改進也被提出用來延長裝置的使用時間。
摘要(英) In wireless sensor networks, the goal is to gather intended data from a number of sensor nodes and propagate this information back to the infrastructure for further processing. Multi-hop transmission is required to extend the reachable data range. Under the constraint of limited energy resources, power conservation is a key to success for multi-hop wireless sensor networks to sustain a longer time. To maximize the lifetime of ad hoc sensor networks, the power consumption rate of individual nodes must be balanced. To reduce the power consumption when a node is not active, low power mode is applied; an energy efficient access scheme is required to revive the sleeping node. Bluetooth is a promising standard for low power, short-range and low-cost wireless communications. However, currently there is no suitable scheme for multi-hop Bluetooth ad hoc network establishment. Therefore, this thesis considers a data collecting sensor network using Bluetooth technology. A fast and energy efficient Bluetooth scatternet formation algorithm is designed to construct the network, a energy aware routing scheme is proposed to balance the power consumption rate of each node, and an improvement of Bluetooth access procedure called Pre-contention access is also proposed to lengthen the node lifetime.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資料收集
★ 低耗電
★ 感應網路
★ 藍芽
關鍵字(英) ★ Data gathering
★ Bluetooth scatternet
★ Low power
★ Sensor network
論文目次 Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Related Works
2.1 Data gathering in Sensor Networks
2.2 Power optimization routing protocols
2.3 Energy Conserving Media Access Control
2.4 Low Power mode
2.5 Bluetooth network formation
Chapter 3. Multi-hops Bluetooth Sensor Networks
3.1 Network formation
3.2 Energy aware routing
3.3 Pre-contention access procedure
Chapter 4. Simulation and Analysis
4.1 Bluetooth sensor network construction simulation
4.2 Energy aware routing evaluation
4.3 Pre-contention access procedure analysis
Chapter 5. Conclusions
Chapter 6. References
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指導教授 吳曉光(Hsiao-Kuang Wu) 審核日期 2002-7-5
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