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姓名 鄧易展(Yi-Chan Deng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 設計與實做一對一數位教室環境與元件交換社群
(Designing and Implementing One-to-One Digital Classroom Environment and Component Exchange Community)
★ 一種減輕LEO衛星網路干擾的方案★ 萃取駕駛人在不同環境之駕駛行為方法
★ 非地面網路中基於位置的隨機接入分配方法★ TrustFADE: 針對可程式化邏輯區塊之安全認證方法
★ 一個適用於解題領域的模擬多重學習同伴之方法★ 亞卓市全民學校系統設計與初步使用成果
★ 網路學習資訊護照系統★ 全民學校之團隊教學與團隊學習設計
★ 電腦支援問答競爭學習遊戲設計之探索★ 亞卓期刊系統之設計與實作
★ 網路上目標設定環境的建置網路上目標設定環境的建置 以閱讀網站為例★ 亞卓合作觀察實驗站之研究
★ 使用 EduClick 當作遠端遙控互動評量系統★ 出題與同儕評題支援系統之設計及評估
★ 支援不同解題練習遊戲活動之雙人學習系統★ 亞卓市多重學習系統之黏合機制
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摘要(中) 一對一科技支援學習研究,其目標在探討當每位學習者都擁有一部具無線上網的可攜式學習輔具的時候,在如此學習環境下的學習活動設計與研究。全球一對一數位學習聯盟(G1:1)是一個國際研究社群,經由網路協調國際各著名實驗室,引領一對一科技支援學習。
本論文分為兩大部分,分別描述在應用一對一科技支援學習所面臨的問題。第一部份說明設計與開發一對一數位教室學習環境(One-to-One digital classroom environment; DCE)平台,這個平台稱做”DCE”。數位教室環境包含四個主要模組,課程模組、使用者資料模組、訊息溝通模組及外部介面模組。作者也介紹了一些在數位教室環境應用的活動模型,包括有獨立思考彼此分享(TIPS),問一個好問題(AGQ),同儕互教(P3T),教育賓果(EduBingo)和小組競爭遊戲(Joyce)。另外作者也設計與實做一個硬體管理系統,幫助老師很容易快速佈建及管理一個數位教室環境,並在台北市大湖國小進行一班二年級和一般四年級為期四週的實驗。參與實驗的老師認為硬體管理系統(EduCart),解決很多老師在建立與管理數位教室環境時許多繁瑣的工作。實驗中也發現透過硬體管理系統,老師可以在合理的時間範圍內佈建好數位教室環境。從學生問卷調查中,也發現學生對於數位教室環境感到滿意。
在第二部分,說明元件交換社群(Component exchange community)的觀念,其目的在實現G1:1國際研究社群的一個使命:透過交換研究成果,加速一對一科技支援教學研究。這些研究成果包括軟體,教學方法,學習理論,數位教材等等。元件交換社群的目標在建立起一個平台能夠加速國際合作,提供一個新的方式,讓個別實驗室的研究工作能被廣泛的研究社群與使用者瞭解與應用。進而增進個別實驗室的研究影響力。作者鼓勵研究社群做好高品質的說明文件並提出一個簡單規則,以及類似eBay模式的平台,促進雙邊合作及交換各式元件並與其他交換模式作比較。最後並提供一個如何在元件交換社群進行合作與交換元件的腳本。
摘要(英) One-to-one technology enhanced learning research refers to the design and investigation of learning environments and learning activities where every learner is equipped with at least one portable computing device enabled by wireless capability. G1:1 is an international research community coordinated by a network of laboratories conducting one-to-one technology enhanced learning.
In this study, two parts that describe separated problems of applying one-to-one technology enhanced learning are described. In the part I, the author describes a platform, named “DCE”, which supports for one-to-one digital learning. DCE stands for digital classroom environment. DCE consists of four major modules, curriculum (including activities) module, user data module, communication module, and external interface module. Some examples of DCE, such as TIPS, AGQ, P3T, EduBingo and Joyce, are described and demonstrated. A hardware management system, EduCart, is designed and implemented to facilitate teachers to establish, deploy and manage a DCE easily. A case study was conducted in Da-Hu elementary school in Taipei for four weeks. Two classes, one grade two and the other grade four, were involved in the study. The teacher who was involved in the experiment stated that the EduCart reduces much of the tedious work of managing and establishing a DCE. Experimental observations showed that the teacher can deploy a DCE in a reasonable time. Questionnaires survey indicated that the DCE was satisfactory to the students.
In the part II, the concept of component exchange community emerged as a means of realizing one of the missions of G1:1 — speeding up one-to-one research through exchanges of research products, including software, subject matter content (learning objects), methodologies, and the like. It aims at building a platform for fostering international collaboration, providing a novel way for the research work by individual laboratories to be accessed by the wider research community and users, and, in return, increasing research impacts of these laboratories. Component exchange community motivates maintenance of good quality documentation. This work describes the concept and its model of component exchange community. Related models are compared and, as an illustration, a scenario of using component exchange community is given.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全球一對一數位學習研究聯盟
★ 數位教室環境
★ 一對一科技支援學習
★ 元件交換社群
關鍵字(英) ★ Component exchange community
★ Digital classroom environment
★ One-to-one technology enhanced learning
★ G1:1
論文目次 摘要 III
致謝 VII
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XII
1. Introduction 1
1.1. One-to-One Technology Enhanced Learning 1
1.2. One-to-One Digital Classroom Environment 2
1.3. Motivations and Objectives 3
2. Background 5
2.1. The Previous Works of DCE 5
2.2. Related Researches 8
2.3. G1:1 9
Part I 12
3. The Framework of One-to-One DCE 13
3.1. Curriculum Module 14
3.2. Communication Module 15
3.3. User Data Module 17
3.4. External Interface 18
4. Implementation of One-to-One DCE 19
4.1. System Architecture 19
4.1.1. Client 20
4.1.2. Server 22
4.2. Supporting Learning Activities 24
4.3. Task Examples of 1:1 DCE 27
4.3.1. TIPS 27
4.3.2. AGQ 29
4.3.3. P3T 30
4.3.4. EduBingo 32
4.3.5. Joyce 33
5. Hardware Management System 34
5.1. EduCart 34
5.2. Hardware Architecture of an EduCart 35
5.3. Prototype of EduCart 36
6. Case Study of Taipei Da-Hu Elementary 38
6.1. Responses of Grade Two Participants 38
6.2. Responses of Grade Four Participants 39
6.3. Responses of the Teacher 40
Part II 42
7. Component Exchange Community 43
7.1. Objectives and Motivations 43
7.2. Related Works 46
7.3. Definition of Component 47
7.4. eBay-Like Model 50
7.5. e-Bay Model vs. Amazon Model 52
8. Three Dimensions of CEC 54
8.1. Three Levels of Each Dimension 54
8.2. Dimension of Provider 55
8.3. Dimension of User 57
8.4. Dimension of Research Community 58
9. Implementation of CEC 60
9.1. Contribution-Graph and Pedigree-Graph 60
9.1.1. Contribution-Graph 60
9.1.2. Pedigree-Graph 61
9.2. Prototype of CEC 62
9.3. A Scenario of Collaboration 63
9.4. Discussion of CEC 65
10. Conclusions and Future Work 68
References 71
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指導教授 何錦文、陳德懷
(Chin-Wen Ho、Tak-Wai Chan)
審核日期 2007-3-27
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