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姓名 陳志豪(Chih-Hao Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 TCDP鑽井岩心之熱參數直接量測與相關物理特性研究
(Direct Measurements Thermal properties andsome related Physical properties from TCDP core)
★ 花蓮地區單一岩種之鹼-骨材反應研究★ 台灣西部河川砂石及北部地區安山岩之鹼-骨材反應潛能研究
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★ 地震斷層作用後的流體滲透作用: 檢視車籠埔斷層南投井斷層岩之化學及礦物組成★ 花崗岩浸泡熱水後的化學與礦物學轉換及其對裂隙發展之影響
★ 台灣海岸山脈秀姑巒溪奇美斷層帶之構造分析★ 地震斷層作用後的流體滲透作用:檢視TCDPA井車籠埔斷層斷層岩的化學及礦物組成
★ 花崗岩浸泡熱水之後,滲透率、孔隙率與裂隙發展的關聯性★ 台灣車籠埔斷層注水實驗期間的氣體與水化學分析
★ 兩廣雲開高州-雲爐地區麻粒岩相變質作用演化研究★ 含藍閃石之角閃岩與變質基性岩之關係以及其礦物化學研究
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摘要(中) 1999年集集地震至今,吸引中外學界熱烈投入各項研究,然而針對斷層帶岩石密度及孔隙率變化之探討卻異常的貧乏。本研究藉由TCDP台中大坑鑽井C井(深度1050-1280米包含四大斷層帶中圍岩與破裂帶取出之岩心),透過密集取樣並使用精密儀器,並參考A井實驗之經驗,更改取樣方法(加大切割取樣)及各項參數均取自同部位,以減少誤差。
???賑膍s顯現,岩石密度隨著斷層變化有明顯之變化,即為密度由圍岩漸往斷層中心變小,孔隙率則隨之變大,熱傳導係數隨之變小,而熱擴散速率則隨之變大,熱傳導係數平均在2.5 W/m/K,隨著密度增大而增大,且砂岩的變化會比頁岩大。熱擴散速率平均在1.5 m m2/s則隨著密度增大而減小,但砂岩(1.72)比頁岩(1.13)大。推算出之比熱平均約700 J/kg/K,砂岩(625)為最小,砂頁岩(670)次之,最大為頁岩(820)。
密度與孔隙率試驗有高度的線性關係(R2=0.9),並且樣本達到104個,證明本研究方法可行,砂岩之無孔隙密度為2.8 g/cm3,砂頁岩為2.84 g/cm3,頁岩為2.9 g/cm3,整體母岩之濕密度在2.6 g/cm3左右。孔隙率部分母岩都在10 %以下,頁岩(9.5 %)則比砂岩(7.5 %)大,砂頁岩互層(8.3 %)特性在砂岩與頁岩之間。
本實驗發現深度1178.7米處,擁有達到40% 的高孔隙率,且可以直接用手指輕易搓入,岩心未切割前,外觀上也顯現出鬆散,所以合理的懷疑此為921地震所引起之斷層帶。
摘要(英) After 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, have many researcher study a lot of topics, but direct measurement the rock of changing of density and porosity of fault-zone rock are very rate. This research is with Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project(TCDP) drilling C well of Takung (1050-1280 meters of depth include the drill core that is taken out of area with break of country rock in four major fault-zone ), use the precision type instrument through taking a sample intensively, and consult the experience of A well experiment , and every parameter is taken from with the position altering the sampling method ( bigger and cuts and takes a sample ), in order to reduce the error.
Relieves and appear, the density of rock has obvious changes as the fault change, it is the density that is diminished to the fault centre gradually by the country rock, the porosity becomes great , heat-conductivity is diminished , but the speed of thermal diffusivity becomes large . Thermal-conductivity is average in 2.5W/m/K, increase as the density increases, and the change of the sandstone will be bigger than the shale. The thermal diffusivity is reduced averagely as the density increases, but the sandstone (1.72) is bigger than the shale (1.13).
The heat capacity calculated invites 700 J/kg/K more equally, the sandstone (625) is minimum, and the sandstone and shale (670) take second place, most greatly the shale (820).
The test of density and porosity to have height linear relations (R2 =0.9), And the sample reaches 104, prove this research approach is feasible, it is 2.8g/cm3 that sandstone has density of non-porosity, the sand and shale are 2.84g/cm3, the shale is 2.9g/cm3, the wet density of the whole host rock is in about 2.6 g/cm3. The whole porosity some host rock is under 10, the shale (9.5%) is bigger than the sandstone (7.5%), the characteristic of layer (8.3%) each other of sandstone and shale is between sandstone and shale.
This experiment finds place of 1178.7 meters of depth, there is high porosity up to 40% , and can rub with the hands into easily with the finger directly , the drill core displays too loosely on the appearance before cutting, so rational this fault-zone caused by 921 earthquakes of suspicion.
關鍵字(中) ★ 岩石密度
★ 孔隙率
★ 熱傳導係數
★ 熱擴散速率
★ 比熱
關鍵字(英) ★ TCDP
★ Thermal Conductivity
★ Thermal Diffusivity
論文目次 致謝 IV
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 車籠埔斷層深鑽計畫(TCDP) 2
1.3 前人研究 4
1.4 研究目的 7
第二章 區域地質 8
2.1 區域地質概述 8
2.2 地層 8
第三章 研究方法 11
3.1 岩性分類與柱狀圖繪製方法 11
3.2 採樣與準備 17
3.3 熱參數儀器及實驗方法 17
3.3.1 熱參數儀器介紹 17
3.3.2 熱參數實驗方法 20
3.4 密度參數量測儀器及實驗方法?20
3.4.1 密度參數儀器介紹 20
3.4.2 密度參數量測之實驗方法 22
3.5 校正?25
第四章 研究結果 34
4.1 各參數與深度相互關係探討 34
4.2 密度與孔隙率 46
4.3 密度、孔隙率與各項數據比較 49
第五章 討論 55
5.1 熱導係數結果比較分析 55
5.2 密度與孔隙率結果比較分析 56
5.2.1 岩石密度結果比較與分析 56
第六章 結論 61
參考文獻 62
附錄一 使用符號對照表 66
附錄二 熱參數測定儀器理論與施做方式?68
附錄三 熱參數測定儀器使用方法 70
附錄四 密度測定儀測定理論 74
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指導教授 田中秀實、陳維民 審核日期 2006-7-25
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