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姓名 胡瑞華(Juei-Hwa Hu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 在疏散星團中尋找系外行星與變星
(Search for Exoplanets and Variable Stars in Open Clusters)
★ 土衛六「泰坦」離子球層的化學-動力學模型★ KBOs星體碰撞與生命及行星大氣起源
★ 行星狀星雲形態之多光譜波段觀測★ 木衛一埃歐鈉雲噴流之結構與時間變化
★ 早期太陽系系統中KBOs的形成與碰撞演化★ 彗星2001A2 (LINEAR)的光度觀測
★ SDSS之RR Lyrae候選變星之確認觀測★ 銀河系核心及盤面的隨機恆星形成歷史
★ 宇宙射線中的氦原子核能譜★ 小行星對於地球原始海水的貢獻
★ 行星狀星雲Hα結構之分析★ 在星系團中的相對論性電子和SZ效應
★ 重力透鏡和交互作用星系的資料探勘★ 原恆星吸積盤動態模擬與氣體固態粒子作用初步探討
★ 大型EKBO(Quaoar, Ixion, 2004DW)的自轉週期和表面顏色的測量★ 利用反投影法研究SN1006之宇宙射線加速機制
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摘要(中) 我們使用鹿林一米望遠鏡觀測疏散星團, NGC 2324, NGC 2374 , NGC 2420 以及 NGC 381 ,對每個星團,
主要的目標是找尋系外行星,同時利用類似的觀測方法及資料處理分析,可以找尋變星候選星,此為我們的第二目標。 在兩次的觀測與資料處理後,第一次觀測的三個星團,沒有找到掩星現象,在 NGC 2324 中找到兩個變星候選星, NGC 2374 中找到四個, NGC 2420 沒有找到變星候選星。第二次觀測的 NGC 381 ,發現了兩個疑似掩星現象的光度變化圖,以及兩個變星候選星。兩次的觀測資料點都不足,無論掩星現象或所發現的變星候選星,都需要進一步的資料做確認。
摘要(英) We present results of the search for exoplanets and variable stars in open cluster
fields,NGC 2324,NGC 2374,NGC 2420,and NGC 381 with the Lulin One-meter
Telescope (LOT).Our main scienti fic goal is to use time series CCD photometry
survey to detect exoplanets via transit e ffects.Such detection technique demands
high-precision photometry now being implemented and gradually improved at Lulin.
The secondary scienti fic goal is to discover and study variable stars with the same
data set and similar data analysis methods.
Observations were performed with the LOT from January 28 to February 1,2003
for the NGC 2324,NGC 2374 and NGC 2420 star fields.The total photometric data
acquired were about 700 frames in two filters (R and V )for the three open clusters,
NGC 2324,NGC 2374 and NGC 2420.The inclusion of three open clusters into the
first observation program was mainly to increase the detection probability (i.e.,
more target stars).But one side e ffect was that the typical time interval ( ∼30 min)
between successive exposures was too large and the lengths of data coverage were too
short to allow the identi fication of transit events.For this reason,we have changed
the observational strategy -in the next observational opportunity from October 19
to 21,2003 -by using one filter (e.g.,R-band)and focusing only on one single open
cluster,NGC 381.We have obtained 120 frames in total over three nights.While
the cadence ( ∼3 min)was small enough this time,the search for transit events was
handicapped by the short time interval ( ∼2 hours)available at each night.
The pre-processing of the CCD frames and data reduction were performed with
the standard routines in the IRAF CCDPROC and DAOPHOT II (Stetson 1987).
The WCSTools were used to obtain the world coordinate system in the header of
fit files.Positions of stars in di fferent images were then aligned by matching the
relative distances from their neighboring stars.This procedure would permit the
determination of light curves of the target stars.To search for exoplanets,the Box-
fitting Least Squares (BLS)method described in Kovacs et al.(2002)could be used
to analyze the light curves.The high e fficiency of BLS in the discovery of transit
events has been demonstrated by the OGLE III (Optical Gravitational Lensing
Experiment)team (Udalski et al.,2002a,2002b).However,because the testable
light curves are not too many (<1000 stars),we have opted by visual inspection
in our preliminary study.For variable star candidates,we determined the possible
periods with the Phase Dispersion Minimization (PDM)method (Stellingerg 1978)
and Lomb Normalization Periodogram (LNP)method (Lomb 1976 &Scargle 1982).
We have found two variable candidates in the NGC 2324 star field and four
variable candidates in the NGC 2374 star field.In the NGC 2420,no varable
has been found.In addition,we have discovered some interesting light curves in
NGC 381:two variable candidates and two possible transit events.However,much
caution should be given to the results of NGC 381 because of the limitation of the
data coverage (i.e.,only about two hours for each of the three nights).After this
feasibility study,we intend to pursue the Lulin exoplanet search program with better
de fined procedure and improved techniques.
關鍵字(中) ★ 疏散星團
★ 變星
★ 系外行星
關鍵字(英) ★ open cluster
★ variable star
★ exoplanet
論文目次 1 緒論..............................1
1.1 尋找太陽系外行星...............1
1.2 觀測掩星的條件與機率...........4
1.3 觀測目標 ......................6
1.3.1 觀測目標-銀河中心...........7
1.3.2 觀測目標-球狀星團...........7
1.3.3 觀測目標-疏散星團...........8
1.3.4 疏散星團- NGC 2324, NGC 2374, NGC 2420 & NGC 381.............................9
1.4 變星..........................10
2 觀測與資料處理...................13
2.1 觀測系統......................13
2.2 資料處理分析流程..............14
2.3 觀測資料修正..................16
2.3.1 偏壓,暗電流及平場..........16
2.3.2 標準星等校正...............18
2.3.3 座標系統轉換...............19
2.4 光度分析......................20
2.4.1 光度取得...................20
3 尋找系外行星與變星及週期運算.....25
3.1 系外行星......................25
3.2 變星..........................26
4 光度分析結果與討論...............29
4.1 尋找系外行星..................29
4.2 尋找變星......................35
4.3 變星與疏散星團................45
5 總結與未來展望...................48
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指導教授 葉永烜(Huen-Wing Ip) 審核日期 2004-6-25
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