博碩士論文 90322027 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡文傑(Wen-Chieh Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 巨觀等向性混成岩製作表面影像與力學性質
(The fabrication,surface images and mechanical properties of macroscopically isotropic Mélanges)
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摘要(中) 摘 要
混成岩為泥質填充物夾著許多外來岩塊或岩屑所組成,本文利用人造方式製作具有不同體積比之『巨觀等向性』混成岩試體,以探討混成岩中岩塊體積比例對整體力學性質之影響。因岩塊體積比是最常用來估計混成岩整體工程性質的參數,本文利用旋轉式掃描器快速擷取試體表面影像,再以中分法(Dividing Method)及SimplePCI影像處理法估算岩塊之體積比,並與傳統之單位重法加以比較,結果顯示,在中、高體積比(31%、46%、58%)時,皆有良好之一致性,在低體積比(16%)時影像處理法則提供較單位重法為佳的精度,且量測結果不受試體內部含水狀態之影響。
摘要(英) Abstract
Mélanges - A mappable body of rock that includes fragments and blocks of all size, both exotic and native, embedded in a fragmented and generally sheared matrix. Although Mélanges or bimrocks are heterogeneous in microscopic scale, it is more practical to replace them by “equivalent homogeneous medium” in most geotechnical engineering scale. The preparation technique for synthetic mélanges which overall mechanical properties are isotropic has been developed. According to the concept of stereology, this thesis used a rotary scanner to catch the cylindrical surface images of mélange or bimrocks. The thesis uses cylindrical surface and planar images to measure the block volumetric fraction. The block volumetric fraction measured by Simple PCI , Dividing Method and unit weight method are similar to actual volumetric fraction (31%, 46%,58%). Simple PCI and Dividing Method can accurately measure the low block volumetric fraction (16%). The image process method of measuring block volumetric fraction is stable when the water content of specimen changes.
In addiction, this thesis derived relationships between the apparent block diameter and the cumulative block apparent percentage for cylindrical surface and planar images. Furthermore, actual block size and distribution can also be measured by this concept.
Failure mechanism of Macroscopically isotropic Mélanges is from block-matrix contact failure to both matrix and block compression with confining pressure increasing. Increasing the block volumetric fraction (0~46%) decreased the cohesion and increased the internal friction of Mélanges. Using Differential scheme to predict the relationship between tangent Young’s modulus and block volumetric fraction, at confining pressure is 12MPa the tendency of test is similar to the Differential scheme and the value is close to Reuss lower bound.
關鍵字(中) ★ 體積比
★ 巨觀等向性
★ 併構岩
★ 混成岩
關鍵字(英) ★ Mélanges
★ Macroscopically isotropic
★ volumetric fraction
★ bimrock
論文目次 第一章 緒 論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究內容 2
1.3 論文內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 岩石的等向性 3
2.2力學性質 3
2.2.1破壞準則 4
2.3混成岩相關研究 14
2.3.1波特蘭水泥混凝土 15
2.3.2異質性土壤 17
2.3.3人造混成岩試體力學性質 22
2.3.4 岩塊材料體積比量測 25
2.4影像分析求取岩石中礦物粒徑之分佈 29
2.5混凝土材料應變計之黏貼 32
第三章 試體製作與試驗方法 34
3.1 人造混成岩試體製作方法與程序 34
3.1.1岩石模擬材料之選擇 34
3.1.2 模型材料的配比 35
3.1.2 人造混成岩試體製作 35
3.2 試驗儀器 46
3.2.1 模具 46
3.2.2 旋轉式掃瞄器 49
3.2.3超音波檢驗儀 49
3.2.5 三軸圍壓系統 50
3.2.6 量測系統 50
3.3 基本力學性質試驗 51
3.3.1 單壓強度試驗 51
3.3.2 三軸壓縮試驗及應變量測 51
3.4單一材料物理性質 53
第四章 混成岩表面影像分析 54
4.1人造混成岩試體體積比之量測 54
4.1.1單位重法 55
4.1.2 影像處理法 56
4.2 人造混成岩試體表面粒徑分佈 59
4.3 平面剖面之影像特徵 62
4.3.1 試體平面剖面構造影像圖之擷取 62
4.3.2顆粒體積比之量測 63
4.3.3試體平面剖面外視粒徑之分佈 65
4.4 圓柱剖面之影像特徵 68
4.4.1 圓柱試體表面構造展開影像圖之擷取 68
4.4.2顆粒體積比之量測 70
4.4.3混成岩試體圓柱剖面外視等值粒徑之分佈 77
4.4.3由表面影像反推混成岩內部顆粒粒徑與對應之體積比 87
第五章 人造等向性混成岩試體力學性質 93
5.1 超音波速與體積比之關係 93
5.2等向性混成岩應變計之黏貼 94
5.3力學性質 95
5.3.1混成岩於不同圍壓下之力學試驗結果 95
5.3.2混成岩於不同圍壓下之力學性質與岩塊體積比之關係 98
5.3.3混成岩楊氏模數之模式驗證 102
5.3.4岩塊體積比對凝聚力與摩擦角之影響 105
5.4破壞模態 107
第六章 結論與建議 118
6.1結論 118
6.2建議 119
參考文獻 120
附錄A 122
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指導教授 田永銘(Yuan-Ming Tien) 審核日期 2003-7-19
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