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姓名 江國輝(Goa-Hwei Chiang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 土木工程學系 論文名稱 通隧引致鄰近基樁之荷重傳遞行為
(The load transfer behavior of piles caused by nearby tunneling)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 都會區捷運系統,由於路權取得困難,有許多隧道緊鄰建物基礎或穿越建物基礎而過。位於軟弱土層中的隧道,由於盾尾間隙閉合將引起應力釋放,因而造成隧道周圍地盤變位。此種地盤變位包含垂直方向及水平方向的變位,會造成位於沉陷槽內之鄰近建物基礎的損害。因此,為了使工程師能提出有效且經濟的建物保護施工計畫,必須先行探討此種土壤移動對基礎的影響程度。
本研究利用離心模型試驗,探討於砂土層中進行隧道掘進導致之地盤變位,對鄰近隧道的既存基樁之影響。本研究分別(1)探討近接隧道基樁不含軸向荷重時,於不同深徑比的隧道開挖致使土體有移動時,距隧道中心不同距離處之樁基之荷重傳遞行為 (2)探討近接隧道基樁受到軸向荷重時,於不同深徑比的隧道開挖致使土體有移動時,鄰近隧道樁基之荷重傳遞機制行為。
研究結果顯示,通隧引致鄰近基樁之荷重傳遞行為受到隧道與樁尖之相對位置、基樁距隧道中心水平距離及樁頭加荷載與否所影響。當樁頭含荷載時,基樁之沉陷量較樁頭未加載之沉陷量大。另外,基樁也有抑制沉陷槽擴展之效果。摘要(英) Tunnels are driven nearby or underpass buildings as closely as possible due to the difficulty of land use in rapid transit system construction projects in urban areas. The stress relaxation due to the closure of tail voids on tunnels in soft soils may cause the ground deformations around the tunnel. The ground deformations (including lateral and vertical soil movements) will damage nearby buildings and building protection measures must be properly taken during constructions. The load transfer mechanisms of the piles embedded in the movable soils are considerably complex and need to study in detail.
A series of centrifuge model tests have been performed to assess tunneling-induced ground deformations in sandy ground and their effects on adjacent pile foundations. Two topics have been investigated in this study. First of all, the load transfer mechanism (such as bending moment, axial force and pile head deformation) of the piles has been analyzed in the different conditions, including cover-to-depth ratios, and the distance of the pile and the tunnel. Secondly, the load transfer mechanism (such as bending moment, axial force and pile head deformation) for the piles with axial load has been analyzed in the different conditions, including the cover-to-depth ratios, and the distance of the pile and the tunnel.
According to results of the research, tunneling induced the load transfer mechanism of the pile that is affected by the distance of the pile from the tunnel center and the position of the pile tip regarding the horizontal axis of the tunnel center, and the pile with or without load. If the pile with load, that the settlement of the pile is larger than the pile without load. The width of the settlement trough would be suppressed by the pile nearby the tunnel.關鍵字(中) ★ 砂土
★ 荷重傳遞機制
★ 土壤漏失
★ 地盤變位
★ 樁
★ 隧道關鍵字(英) ★ Sandy ground
★ Ground loss
★ Load transfer mechanism
★ Ground deformations
★ Piles
★ tunnels論文目次 目 錄
中 文 摘 要 I
英 文 摘 要 II
目 錄…. III
表 目 錄 V
圖 目 錄 VI
照 片 目 錄 XI
符 號 說 明 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 緣起 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究架構 4
1-4 論文內容 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2-1 軟地通隧引致之地盤沉陷 7
2-1-1地盤沉陷之原因 7
2-1-2最大地表沉陷量和土壤漏失量 9
2-1-3砂土層中之離心隧道模型試驗 12
2-2 側向土壤移動對樁基礎的影響之相關研究 14
2-2-1基樁承受側向土壓力之數值分析方法 15
2-2-2基樁承受側向土壓力之模型試驗 18
2-3 軟地通隧對鄰近樁基礎影響之相關研究 20
2-4 樁基礎支承力 24
2-4-1基樁荷重傳遞機制 24
2-4-2單樁容許垂直支承力 25
2-5 離心模型基本原理 29
2-5-1離心模型之基本相似律 29
2-5-2離心模型試驗之模型模擬 32
第三章 試驗土樣、儀器設備及試驗方法 62
3-1 試驗土樣 62
3-2 試驗儀器及相關設備 62
3-2-1地工離心機 62
3-2-2模型試驗箱 63
3-2-3移動式霣降機 64
3-2-4複動式氣壓缸 64
3-2-5其他量測工具 65
3-3 模型製作及試體準備 66
3-3-1模型計測樁之製作及彎矩和軸向力校正 66
3-3-2試體製作 67
3-3-3位移標線計埋設、模型隧道及有色砂製作 68
3-4 試驗方法與步驟 70
第四章 砂土試體性質和模型基樁之性質 96
4-1 石英細砂之內摩擦角 96
4-2 模型基樁之基本性質 98
第五章 試驗結果與分析 106
5-1 模型試驗及試驗類別 107
5-2 隧道穩定性分析 108
5-3 通隧對鄰近樁頭未加荷載基樁的影響試驗分析 110
5-3-1樁身彎矩分布分析 110
5-3-2樁身軸向力分布分析 118
5-3-3不同水平距離下之基樁力學反應 123
5-4 基樁載重試驗分析 126
5-5 通隧對鄰近含垂直荷載基樁的影響試驗分析 128
5-5-1樁身彎矩分布分析 129
5-5-2樁身軸向力分布分析 130
5-5-3樁身表皮摩擦力分析 132
5-5-4樁頭加荷載與未加荷載比較分析 134
5-5-5通隧引致樁基荷重傳遞機制分析 138
5-6樁基抑制沉陷槽之擴展效果分析 140
第六章 結論與建議 184
6-1 結論 184
6-2 建議 188
參考文獻 190
附錄A 最大及最小乾密度試驗 194
附錄B 直接剪力試驗 197參考文獻 參考文獻
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