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姓名 郭俊志(Jiunn-Jyh Guo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 電廠機組停機大修排程最佳化模式之研究
(The study of optimal model for Generator Maintenance Scheduling on power system)
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摘要(中) 本研究係針對電廠機組停機大修之排程最佳化模式進行探討。為了提供充足穏定的電力,除了線上作業的系統控制要精益求精外,而非線上作業的良好規劃,亦將影響線上調度控制的難易。
摘要(英) In this paper, we investigate and study an efficient optimal maintenance- scheduling model of power plants’ generators. In order to provide power enough and stably, we also have to keep an eye on the outline research except online research, because of it will influence the mobilization of power generation system.
In this study, the model is to plan the maintenance- scheduling in two years via consideration of the conditions of spare capacity, area balance, fuel cost, mobility of man-power and machine, the minimum maintenance time. We propose the minimum benefits loss of power system operation as an optimal aim to set up the model, the application of mathematical programming soft (LINGO) is used for demanding the optimal solution, and verifying the reliability of model by testing an example.
In this study, the major contents include present situation of the generators maintenance and maintenance scheduling of TPC power system, composition of programming model, and research of example. In this study, the method of research includes literature search, meeting and discussing with experts, methodology. For literature search, we collect and analyze the problem of maintenance scheduling model of power plants’ generators; for meeting and discussing with experts, we through the meeting and discussing with electric expert and the expert of TPC mobility unit to discuss the problem of present situation of maintenance scheduling of TPC, and define what’s the aim and constrains; In methodology, we analyze the problem structure by mathematical programming, and take the optimal composition concept, to set up the single aim of minimum benefits loss of power system operation, and we write the model formula by Excel and join the LINGO mathematical programming soft to seek for the optimal solution. In this study, we take another kind of concept and hope that the better elastic optimum model could be developed and the plan and correcting of maintenance scheduling could be executed with computer directly. This study could be used for the company which own small quantity of generators, and also could be used for the public company which own big quantity of generators, we hope that this study could be an information for policy makers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數學規劃
★ 最佳化
★ 維修時程
★ 電力系統
關鍵字(英) ★ mathematical programming
★ maintenance scheduling
★ power system
★ optimal
論文目次 第一章、緒論..............................………………………...............1
1.1研究背景與動機....................………………........... 1
1.2研究目的與範圍.....................……………….......... 2
1.3研究方法與流程...................………………............ 3
1.3.1研究方法........................…………….……....... 3
1.3.2研究流程.............…..........…………………..... 4
第二章、文獻回顧與現況做法介紹................…………….......... 6
2.1文獻回顧.................................…………………..... 6
2.1.1電力負載預測................…….......……………. 6
2.1.2合理備用容量.......………………..................... 6
2.1.3電力系統機組排程......................…………….. 7
2.1.4電力系統機組檢修排程...............…………..… 9
2.2.1電力系統運轉的目的...................……………. 12
2.2.2中及長期調度運用計畫................………….... 13
2.2.3系統經濟調度.......................……………...…. 13
2.2.4機組大修排程作業..................……………..... 15
第三章、模式建立...................................…………………….... 17
3.1模式構建.................................………………….... 17
3.1.1問題描述..............................……………….... 17
3.1.2基本假設............................…………………... 18
3.1.3符號定義............................…………..………. 22
3.1.4數學定式……………………………………….. 29
3.1.5模式應用……………………………………….. 38
3.2求解方法.................................……………….…... 39
3.2.1求解演算法及LINGO之應用.........………..... 39
3.2.2模式需求資料.......................……………….... 41
3.2.3電腦演算環境………………………………..… 41
3.3 EXCEL建立輸入及輸出程式檔之應用...…........... 41
3.4小結...................................…………………..….... 42
第四章、實例測試與敏感度分析........................…………..…... 44
4.1 實例簡介及資料分析...................……………....... 44
4.1.1 實例簡介...........................………………....... 44
4.1.2 資料分析......................……………….……… 44
4.2 模式發展...................……………...………………. 47
4.2.1 模式輸入資料....................…………………… 47
4.2.2 模式輸出資料................…………………....... 50
4.3 模式測試結果及敏感度分析..…….................…… 51
4.3.1 測試結果.............................……………….. 51
4.3.2 參數敏感度分析..................……………...... 53
第五章、結論及建議...................................……………..….... 59
5.1結論..............................……………………......... 59
5.2建議.....................................…………………….. 59
參考文獻......................................... 62
參考文獻 1. 王佐乾,「台電供電現況與展望」,台電工程月刊,第五七三期,第113~131頁,民國八十五年五月。
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shangyao Yan) 審核日期 2003-7-17
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