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姓名 楊進義(Ching-Yi Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 鈹中和劑與鍶、銻改良劑對A357鋁合金微結構及性質之影響
(Effects of Be neutralizer and Sr / Sb modifiers on the microstructure and properties of A357 alloys)
★ 非破壞性探討安定化熱處理對Al-7Mg鍛造合金微結構、機械與腐蝕性質之影響★ 非破壞性探討安定化熱處理對Al-10Mg鍛造合金微結構、機械與腐蝕性質之影響
★ 冷加工與熱處理對AA7055鍛造型鋁合金微結構與機械性質的影響★ 冷抽量對AA7055(Al-Zn-Mg-Cu)-T6態合金腐蝕性質和微結構之影響
★ 熱力微照射製作絕緣層矽晶材料之研究★ 分流擠型和微量Sc對Al-5.6Mg-0.7Mn合金微結構及熱加工性之影響
★ 銀對於鎂鎳儲氫合金吸放氫及電化學性質之研究★ 氧化物催化劑對亞共晶Mg-Ni合金之儲放氫特性研究
★ 熱處理對7050鋁合金應力腐蝕與含鈧鋁薄膜特性之影響研究★ Ti-V-Cr與Mg-Co基BCC儲氫合金性質研究
★ 鋰-鋁基及鋰-氮基複合儲氫材料之製程開發及研究★ 銅、鎂含量與熱處理對Al-14.5Si-Cu-Mg合金拉伸、熱穩定與磨耗性質之影響
★ 恆溫蒸發熔煉鑄造製程合成鎂基介金屬化合物及其氫化特性之研究★ 無電鍍鎳多壁奈米碳管對Mg-23.5wt.%Ni共晶合金儲放氫特性之影響
★ 微量Sc對A356鑄造鋁合金機械性質之影響★ 熱處理對車用鋁合金材料熱穩定性與表面性質之影響
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摘要(中) A357鋁合金(Al-7Si-0.7Mg)具有優良的鑄造性、焊接性、耐熱脆裂性及高比強度等優點,因此廣泛使用於航太與汽車工業的零件製造上。鐵為Al-Si-Mg合金中最常見的一種雜質元素,其極容易於鑄造時與Al、Si及Mg形成各種金屬間化合物,對材料的機械性質造成危害,添加中和劑可改變富鐵相的外貌至較無害的形態,故本論文探討A357鋁合金中添加不同比率的鐵與鈹,研究其含量對富鐵相之形態,以及合金機械與腐蝕性質之影響。此外,矽粒子在鋁合金中為硬脆的第二相,其大小與形狀會影響合金的耐磨耗性,而添加改良劑可改變共晶矽的形態,本論文將研究添加不同改良劑(鍶與銻)對A357鋁合金經T6熱處理後之滑動磨耗性質的影響。
摘要(英) A357 aluminum alloy(Al-7Si-0.7Mg) is extensively used in the aerospace and automotive industries, due to its excellent properties that include castability, weldability, hot-cracking resistance and specific strength. Iron is the most deleterious impurity in the Al-Si-Mg cast alloy. Fe combines with Al, Si, and Mg to form various intermetallic compounds during solidification. The intermetallic phase is considered to have the worst effect, as it significantly decreases the ductility of material. Adding neutralizer to an alloy can change the shape of iron-bearing phase to the harmless shape. This work investigated how Be and Fe affect the morphologies of iron-bearing phase in addition to the mechanical and corrosion behaviors of A357 alloys. Furthermore, silicon is added to aluminum alloy as a second phase. The wear properties of aluminum alloys are significantly affected by the silicon morphology. The addition of modifier to A357 alloy can alter the morphology of the silicon particles. Therefore, this study examines the sliding wear characteristics of an unmodified A357 alloy and the alloy modified with Sr / Sb in the T6 heat-treated condition.
Microstructural features were elucidated by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe X-ray microanalysis, image analysis, measurement of electrical conductivity and differential scanning calorimetry. The microstructure was correlated with tensile, corrosion and wear testing.
The results of present works revealed that many platelet-like (β-FeSiAl5) and Chinese-script (π-FeMg3Si6Al8) iron-bearing phases were found in A357 alloys. These structures are replaced by a nodular shape Mg-free structure of iron-bearing constituents when Be is added. Adding Be to the alloy can increase the level of solid Mg solution, change the morphology of silicon particles to a small and globular shape, subsequently reducing the amount of iron-bearing phases. Be can also enhance the precipitation kinetics and increase the quantity of Mg2Si precipitates to improve the tensile properties of A357 alloys. The corrosion behavior of A357 alloy was affected by the morphology of the silicon particles and the amount of iron-bearing phases. The corrosion resistance improved when the amount of iron-bearing phases was reduced and the silicon particles were spheroidized and refined. Analysis of the A357 alloys containing different quantities of Fe indicates that the amount of iron-bearing phases increases with increasing Fe content, decreasing the alloy’s corrosion resistance and worsening its mechanical properties.
The wear behavior of A357 alloys was influenced by the morphology of silicon particles and the stability of the mechanically mixed layer (MML). Sliding wear tests revealed that the addition of both Sr and Sb modifiers improves the wear resistance of the alloy. This beneficial effect of enhanced wear resistance was more apparent in the Sr-modified alloy than the Sb-modified one. This was attributed to the lower cracking tendency of the Sr-modified alloy owing to the near-spherical nature of silicon particles. Furthermore, the silicon particles in the Sr-modified alloy were finer and more spherical than those in the Sb-modified and unmodified alloys. Additionally, the decreased wear rate was also substantiated through the formation of a stable MML on the worn surface. Observations of worn surfaces showed more stable MML on the worn surface of Sr-modified alloy than for the unmodified and Sb-modified alloys.
關鍵字(中) ★ 中和劑
★ 富鐵相
★ A357鋁合金
★ 耐腐蝕性
★ 矽形態
★ 機械混合層
★ 改良劑
關鍵字(英) ★ A357 alloy
★ Neutralizer
★ Iron-bearing phase
★ Corrosion resistance
★ Silicon morphology
★ Modifiers
★ Mechanically mixed layer
論文目次 目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
謝誌 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XⅢ
第一章 研究背景與文獻回顧 1
1.1 A357鑄造鋁合金簡介 1
1.1.1鋁合金簡介 1
1.1.2 A357鋁合金性質簡介 3
1.2研究背景與文獻回顧 7
1.3研究動機與目的 15
第二章 基礎理論 18
2.1 A357鋁合金基礎理論 18
2.1.1 合金凝固特性 18
2.1.2合金熱處理 20
2.2 A357鋁合金的腐蝕 25
2.3電化學之Tafel 極化法腐蝕量測 27
2.4 磨耗 30
第三章 實驗方法 36
3.1合金準備與鑄造 36
3.1.1 不同鈹與鐵含量合金之製作(合金A、B、C與D) 36
3.1.2不同改良劑種類合金之製作(合金E、F與G ) 39
3.2 熱處理 39
3.3 微結構觀察與分析 39
3.3.1光學顯微鏡 39
3.3.2掃描式電子顯微鏡 40
3.3.3穿透式電子顯微鏡 40
3.3.4電子微探儀 40
3.3.5影像分析 41
3.3.6導電度量測 41
3.3.7熱差掃瞄分析 42
3.4機械性質試驗 43
3.4.1 硬度試驗 43
3.4.2 拉伸試驗 43
3.5腐蝕性質試驗 43
3.6磨耗試驗 44
第四章 結果與討論 48
4.1鈹與鐵含量對合金微結構、機械與腐蝕性質的影響 48
4.1.1 微結構分析 48
4.1.2 機械性質試驗 59
4.1.3腐蝕試驗 65
4.2改良劑對A357合金耐磨耗性質的影響 70
4.2.1 微結構分析 70
4.2.2磨耗試驗 75
第五章 結論 97
第六章 未來研究方向 100
參考文獻 102
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指導教授 李勝隆(Sheng-Long Lee) 審核日期 2006-7-6
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