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姓名 范姜仁茂(Jen-Mao FanChiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 臭氧化降解蒽醌染料水溶液之研究
(Degradation of anthraquinone dye in aqueous solution by ozonation)
★ 石油碳氫化合物污染場址健康風險評估之研究★ 混合式厭氧反應槽之效能探討
★ 新型改質矽藻土應用於吸附實廠含銅廢水之探討★ 焚化底渣特性及其再利用管理系統之研究
★ 焚化底渣水洗所衍生廢水特性及處理可行性研究★ 工業廢水污泥灰渣特性及其再利用於水泥砂漿之研究
★ 純氧活性污泥法處理綜合性工業廢水之研究★ 零價鐵技術袪除三氯乙烯之研究
★ 零價鐵反應牆處理三氯乙烯污染物之反應行為研究★ 預臭氧程序提升綜合性工業廢水生物可分解性之研究
★ 下水污泥灰渣應用於銅離子去除之初步探討★ 纖維材料對於污泥灰渣砂漿工程性質之影響
★ 纖維床生物反應器祛除甲苯與三氯乙烯之研究★ 下水污泥灰渣特性及應用於水泥 砂漿之研究
★ 以Microtox檢測方法評估實際廢水生物毒性之研究★ 化學置換程序回收氯化銅蝕刻廢液之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究目的係利用半批次式反應槽,探討蒽醌染料水溶液的臭氧化降解,並評估不同的臭氧化操作參數包含染料初始濃度、臭氧供應流率和初始pH,對色度、染料、TOC的去除效能。同時,鑑定分析染料降解過程可能產生的中間產物,探討染料可能的臭氧化降解途徑。最後則評估染料水溶液藉臭氧化所提升的生物可分解性。
實驗結果顯示,反應性藍色19號(Reactive Blue 19, RB-19)可藉臭氧化處理而降解。在臭氧化實驗中,色度與染料之去除,均比TOC去除快且完全。不過,提高染料初始濃度,會顯著降低染料的去除效率。此外,增加臭氧供應流率則對色度、染料、TOC之去除,均有正面的影響,特別是對TOC的去除最為明顯。在初始pH影響方面,色度去除的速率常數和效率,在初始pH為酸性的條件下達到最高。然而染料和TOC的去除,則以初始pH為鹼性的條件較有效率,此可能係受到氧化力較強且無選擇性的氫氧自由基氧化反應所致。
摘要(英) The objective of this study was to investigate the degradation of anthraquinone dyes in aqueous solution by ozonation using a semi-batch reactor. The effects of various operating parameters, such as initial dye concentrations, ozone feed rates and initial pH, on performance of color, dye, and TOC removal were evaluated. Also, possible dye degradation products were identified to investigate degradation pathways. Finally, the biodegradability enhancement of dye solution by ozonation was assessed.
The experimental results showed that Reactive Blue 19 (RB-19) could be degraded by ozonation. The color and dye removal were more rapid and complete than TOC removal in all ozonation tests. However, increasing the initial RB-19 concentration had significant effect on decreasing the elimination of RB-19. In addition, increasing ozone feed rates had all positive effects on color, dye and TOC removal, particularly on TOC diminution. Also, the rate constant and efficiency of color removal were highest at initial acidic pH condition, but dye and TOC removal were more effective at the basic pH value likely due to more powerful and non-selective hydroxyl radical oxidation.
The results of UV/VIS and FTIR spectra showed that the anthraquinone structures, nitrogen linkages and amino groups of RB-19 were destroyed under direct ozone reaction. The identification by LC-MS and GC-MS analyses indicated that some organic acids (e.g., phthalic acids) and 1,3-indanone could be the primary degradation products, respectively. Thus, the possible degradation pathways, which count on the initial destruction of either amino groups or C–N–Aromatic linkages, were proposed
Basically, ozonation was confirmed to have potential to increase BOD5/COD ratio of RB-19 solution. On the other hand, ozonation also decreased Microtox toxicity and increased SOUR of RB-19 solution. The enhanced biodegradability was validated by screen tests, which revealed an improved DOC removal by biodegradation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 生物可分解性
★ 礦化
★ 降解途徑
★ 臭氧化
★ 蒽醌染料
關鍵字(英) ★ biodegradability
★ mineralization
★ degradation pathways
★ ozonation
★ anthraquinone dye
論文目次 Chinese Abstract I
English Abstract II
Acknowledgements III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VI
List of Tables IX
Nomenclature X
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objective and Scope 3
2.1 Anthraquinone Dyes 5
2.2 Biological Decolorization and Removal of Anthraquinone Dyes 9
2.3 Fundamentals of Ozone Reaction in Water 12
2.3.1 Direct reaction 15
2.3.2 Indirect reaction 17
2.4 Factors affecting Ozonation Performance of Dye-containing Wastewaters 21
2.5 Products and Degradation Pathways of Dyes during Ozonation 29
2.6 Biodegradability Enhancement of Wastewaters by Ozonation 35
2.6.1 The impact of ozone oxidation on biodegradability of organics 37
2.6.2 The application of ozonation for biodegradability enhancement of wastewaters 40
2.6.3 The potential of integrating pre-ozonation and biological oxidation processes 43
3.1 Materials 47
3.2 The Research Flowchart and Experimental Design 50
3.3 Experimental Set-up 53
3.4 Analytical Methods 56
4.1 Oxidative Degradation of Anthraquinone Dyes by Ozonation 61
4.1.1 Decolorization and transformation of RB-19 dye 61
4.1.2 Degradation and transformation of DB-14 dye 64
4.1.3 Comparison of the effect of ozonation on RB-19 and DB-14 dye 66
4.2 Effects of Ozonation Parameters on Degradation of RB-19 Dye 71
4.2.1 Effects of initial dye concentrations 72
4.2.2 Effects of ozone feed rates 74
4.2.3 Effects of initial pH 76
4.2.4 Evaluation of ozone consumption 87
4.3 Decomposition Products and Degradation Pathways of RB-19 Dye by Ozonation 98
4.3.1 The destruction of RB-19 dye chromophore 98
4.3.2 The transformation of functional groups on RB-19 dye 100
4.3.3 Identification of ozonation products of RB-19 dye 102
4.3.4 Degradation pathways of RB-19 dye under direct ozone reaction 105
4.4 Evaluation of Ozone Induced Biodegradability Enhancement of RB-19 Dye Solution 109
5.1 Conclusions 121
5.2 Recommendations 123
A Photographs of Ozonation Apparatus A-1
B Derivation of AOS Definition Equation A-2
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指導教授 曾迪華(Dyi-Hwa Tseng) 審核日期 2009-9-24
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