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論文名稱 組織背景與網際網路為基礎之企業間電子商務導向間關係之探討
(Organizational context and Internet-based B2B EC orientation)
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摘要(中) 隨著科技的日新月異以及企業間競爭程度的增加,以網際網路為基礎的企業間電子商務已成為學術界和企業界重視的議題。本研究的目的在於描述一個企業的網際網路為基礎之企業間電子商務導向,並且探討組織變數與企業間電子商務導向間的關係。組織變數包含了資訊科技政策、競爭強度、資訊密度、組織壓力。本研究之模型以各領域現存之文獻為基礎,包含行銷、資訊科技採用、供應鏈管理,以及創新。研究對象為165家台灣地區製造業公司,研究結果顯示企業的網際網路為基礎之企業間電子商務導向包含了三個構面: 以顧客為中心、競爭者導向,以及與供應商的合作。研究中所探討的四項組織變數皆與企業的網際網路為基礎之企業間電子商務導向有正向的關係。研究限制以及管理和學術上的意涵也於論文中詳述。
摘要(英) Internet-based B2B EC has been an important issue in the IS field. The purpose of this study is to delineate the Internet-based B2B EC orientation of a firm, and to examine the relationships between organizational variables, such as IT policy, competitive intensity, information intensity, and institutional pressure, and Internet-based B2B EC orientation. The proposed model was based on existing literature in marketing, IS adoption, supply chain management, and innovation. This study was conducted with 165 firms from manufacturing industries in Taiwan. Results indicated that Internet-based B2B EC orientation has three dimensions coincided with those hypothesized in the research model, namely, customer focus, competitor orientation, and supplier cooperation. Moreover, all the four organizational contextual variables were positively related to the Internet-based B2B EC orientation. The implications and limitations of this study are also discussed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業間電子商務
★ 網際網路
★ 競爭強度
★ 資訊科技政策
★ 資訊密度
關鍵字(英) ★ Internet-based B2B EC orientation
★ B2B EC
★ Internet
★ IT policy
★ competitive intensity
★ information intensity
論文目次 Table of contents
Abstract in English..................................................... i
Abstract in Chinese.....................................................ii
List of figures..........................................................v
List of tables..........................................................vi
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Literature review 5
2.1 Internet-based B2B EC orientation 5
2.1.1 Customer focus 7
2.1.2 Competitor orientation 10
2.1.3 Supplier cooperation 12
2.2 Factors influencing Internet-based B2B EC orientation 16
2.2.1 IT policy 17
2.2.2 Competitive intensity 18
2.2.3 Information intensity 20
2.2.4 Institutional pressure 21
Chapter 3: Research model and hypotheses 27
3.1 IT policy and Internet-based B2B EC orientation 27
3.2 Competitive intensity and Internet-based B2B EC orientation 29
3.3 Information intensity and Internet-based B2B EC orientation 31
3.4 Institutional pressure and Internet-based B2B EC orientation 33
Chapter 4: Methodology 36
4.1 Sampling and survey procedures 36
4.2 The instrument 37
4.2.1 Internet-based B2B EC Orientation 38
4.2.2 IT policy 40
4.2.3 Competitive intensity 40
4.2.4 Information intensity 41
4.2.5 Institutional pressure 41
4.2.6 Pretest the instrument 43
4.3 Data analysis methods 43
4.3.1 Descriptive statistics 44
4.3.2 Non-response bias 44
4.3.3 Validity 45
4.3.4 Reliability 47
4.3.5 Structural equation modeling 47
Chapter 5: Results 49
5.1 Response rate 49
5.2 Descriptive statistics 49
5.3 Non-response bias 51
5.4 Validity 52
5.4.1 Content validity 52
5.4.2 Convergent validity and discriminant validity 53
5.5 Reliability 59
5.6 Structural equation modeling 60
5.6.1 Overall fit measures 61
5.6.2 Hypotheses testing 62
5.6.3 Variance explained by independent variables 63
Chapter 6: Conclusion 65
6.1 Summary and discussion 65
6.2 Contributions and implications 67
6.3 Limitations and future research 68
Reference 71
Reference in Chinese: 71
Reference in English: 71
Appendix 79
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T.G. Wang) 審核日期 2003-7-7
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