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姓名 陳智弘(Chin-Hung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 應用DFM評估訂單履行可靠性 - 以 i-Hub 所支援延展式供應鏈為環境
(Assessing Dependability of Order Fulfillmentin the i-Hub Supported Extended Supply Chain )
★ 應用MFM 與PPM 監控協同設計之執行流程★ 應用DSM與DRFT於汽車電子之協同開發流程
★ 一協同設計專案團隊組成方法- 以安全監視器產品為例★ 應用認知工程開發全球化光纖通訊系統
★ 羽絨產業策略規劃-應用品質機能展開分析法★ 重電業協同專案管理績效之研究-以變電所統包工程為例
★ 以屬性導向新產品開發之流程塑模與分析– 以醫療器材產業為案例★ 以品質機能展開法應用於主管管理職能之建構
★ 應用參考模型以及流程建模改善供應鏈績效-以投影機產業為例★ 協同產品開發之流程管理 - 以汽車零件為例
★ 配電系統之高壓電纜接頭供應商評選★ 應用品質機能展開於產品開發之流程分析-以刀鋒式伺服器為例
★ 實施精實六標準差改進製程良率-以機頂盒表面黏著技術為例★ 太陽能模組產業之決策營運研究
★ 新產品開發階段導入替代料之流程建模及潛在風險分析★ 應用實驗設計研發PET複合膜及改善厚膜翹曲問題
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摘要(中) 電子商務是利用網際網路來貫穿供應鏈頭尾中規劃與執行的重要活動。近年來電子商務的盛行也同時將傳統線性式的供應鏈型態逐漸轉向成新的價值型網絡型態。在這新型態的網絡下,information hub 擔任這新式網絡的核心中樞,它負責從顧客端收取訂單,也為供應鏈成員規劃生產活動並同時控制成員們計畫執行的進度。由information hub所主導的延展式供應鏈將突破傳統線性式供應鏈的模式,並且進一步的將參與的成員從資訊整合、同步性的規劃到工作流程的合作等層面結合起來以達到整條供應鏈的快速化與彈性化。
本研究中將延展式供應鏈被視為一個嵌入式系統。從特徵上來說,利用DFM來分析扮演系統中軟體層與實體層的供應鍊規劃與執行是相當適合的。本研究將提供一個方法來評估延展式供應鏈並結合information hub為環境下評估 系統信賴度並且發展可重複用的模型用來分析整條供應鏈的潛在失效模式。
摘要(英) “E-Business” is the planning and execution of the front-end and back-end operations in a supply chain using the Internet (Lee, 2000). The E-Business changes the face of the chain form linear form to value networked form. Information hub which is the kernel of the supply chain takes order from customer, plans for the chain members to fulfill the plan and control the progress of the execution. Extended supply chain enabled by the information hub integrates their partners from information integration, synchronized planning and workflow coordination dimensions to achieve the high level speed and flexibility.
Traditionally, hardware and software parts of a system are treated separately for system reliability and/or safety assessment. Nodaway, the embedded system is viewed as a whole system in which the functions of mechanical and physical devices are managed and controlled by the computer software. From the overall system perspective, many unanticipated combinations of logic software errors and/or hardware failures may exist at the interface between the two portions. Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology (DFM) employs a modeling framework in which system models are developed in terms of causal relationships between physical variables and temporal characteristics of the execution of software modules. The methodology has two fundamental functions: (1) identifying how certain postulated events may occur in a system; and (2) identifying an appropriate testing strategy based on an analysis of system functional behavior.
In this research, the extended supply chain is considered analogous to a software-driven embedded system. It is found the characteristics of DFM are well fit to analyze extended supply chain of which Supply Chain Planning (SCP) system acts as the computer software controlling the physical Supply Chain Execution (SCE) system. Based on DFM, this research provides a method to assess the reliability of the extended supply chain and develop a reconfigurable model for analyzing potential failure modes existing in the extended supply chain.
關鍵字(中) ★ 動態流量圖
★ 供應鏈規劃與執行
★ 信賴度
★ 延展式供應鏈
關鍵字(英) ★ Reliability
★ Embedded System
★ Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology (DFM)
★ Supply Chain Planning and Execution
★ Extended Supply Chain
論文目次 Table of Contents II
List of Figures V
List of Tables VIII
2.1 Supply Chain and Supply Chain Management - 6 -
2.1.1 Supply Chain - 6 -
2.1.2 Supply Chain Management - 7 -
2.1.3 The Evolution of the Supply Chain - 9 -
2.2 The Future Supply Chain - 11 -
2.2.1 E- Business and Supply Chain Integration - 11 -
2.2.2 Introduction of the Extended Supply Chain - 14 -
2.2.3 Infrastructure of the Information Hub - 16 -
2.2.4 Owner of the Information Hub - 17 -
2.3 Supply Chain Operation Reference Model - 18 -
2.4 Supply Chain Ontology and Enterprise Ontology - 19 -
2.4.1 Introduction of the Ontology - 19 -
2.4.2 Enterprise Ontology - 20 -
2.4.3 Supply Chain Ontology - 20 -
2.5 Supply Chain Planning and Supply Chain Execution - 22 -
2.5.1 Supply Chain Planning - 22 -
2.5.2 Supply Chain Execution - 23 -
2.6 Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) - 24 -
2.6.1 Definition of the SCEM - 24 -
2.6.2 Introduction of the SCEM - 25 -
3.1 The Supply Chain Ontology - 28 -
3.1.1. Study Supply Chain - 29 -
3.1.2. Identify and Specify Objects - 29 -
3.1.3. Identify and Classify Relations - 32 -
3.1.4. Refine and Validate Ontology - 33 -
3.2 Extended Supply Chain Ontology - 34 -
3.3 Introduction of Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology - 36 -
3.3.1 Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology Overview - 37 -
3.3.2 Step1: Build a Model of the Embedded System - 38 - Building Blocks of DFM - 38 - Causality Network, Condition Network and a Time Transition Network - 41 -
3.3.3 Step2: Analyze the Model to Produce Fault Trees - 42 -
3.4 A Simple Case by Using Production Planning and Control System - 45 -
3.4.1 Introduction of the Production Planning and Control System - 45 -
3.4.2 Business Scenario of the PPC - 46 -
3.4.3 Modeling the Business Scenario by DFM - 48 -
3.4.4 Analysis of the Simple Case - 54 -
4.1 Interpret Supply Chain Objects into DFM Object - 55 -
4.1.1 Reason to Implement Supply Chain Objects into DFM Object - 55 -
4.1.2 Modeling the Supply Chain Operations into DFM Object - 57 - Source - 58 - Make - 60 - Delivery - 63 -
4.2 Construct Reusable Foundation Objects by Using DFM - 67 -
4.2.1 Raw Material Supplier and Warehouse - 67 -
4.2.2 Manufacturers - 68 -
4.2.3 Third Party Logistics Provider and Retailer - 70 -
4.2.4 Information Hub - 72 -
4.3 A Prototype of the Extended Supply Chain - 73 -
5.1 Industry Background - 75 -
5.2 Case Description - 77 -
5.2.1 Problems that the Semiconductor Industry met - 77 -
5.2.2 Introduction of the Case - 77 -
5.3 The Model of the Semiconductor Industry - 79 -
5.4 Program Execution - 83 -
6.1 Conclusion - 86 -
6.2 Recommendation for the Future Study - 87 -
Reference - 89 -
Appendix A.1 - 92 -
Appendix A.2 - 95 -
Appendix A.3 - 97 -
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? IDEF Family of Methods
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指導教授 高信培(Hsing Pei Kao) 審核日期 2003-7-1
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