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姓名 劉炳榮(Bing-Rong Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 具QoS功能的Home Gateway之設計與實現
(The Design and Implementation of a QoS Home Gateway)
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摘要(中) 寬頻的到來使得家庭用戶能從Internet使用多媒體資料。Home gateway為提供家中電腦及資訊家電存取Internet的寬頻設備,在Home gateway相關的研究中包含了為連接Home network使用多種網路技術,保全,服務資訊提供及網路品質保證(QoS)等。當越來越多種設備都經由home gateway連上Internet時,QoS就越顯得重要。若home gateway沒有適當的機制配合,對VoIP一類有即時資料需求的使用端會因競爭產生packet loss或jitter等影響。然而,目前大部分的home gateway尚未將QoS內建。本研究的目的即為設計並實作一具備QoS功能的home gateway。本研究假設在core network端已有Diffserv來支援由home gateway出去的封包。其面臨的困難在於找出一個有效支援QoS的queuing方法,同時此方法還要能在有限的硬體資源上實現。主要的queuing採用了CBQ,選用的原因是根據在NS2中模擬分析後得到的結果。硬體平台使用了FPGA處理封包,另連接兩張乙太網路卡。軟體部分使用了小型的embedded OS及IP stack,並加入CBQ的功能。最後也建立了一個測試環境來檢驗結果。
摘要(英) The broadband technologies such as ADSL have enabled delivering multimedia streams to the residential users. A home gateway is a broadband network device that provides Internet access for home equipments, including PCs, IAs (Information Appliances), and telecommunication devices. Critical issues for a home gateway have been under investigation, such as new network interface, security, resource discovery, and QoS. Without a QoS mechanism on the home gateway, packet loss and jitter can significantly affect the multimedia sessions such as VoIP. Most existing home gateways provide preliminary functions such as NAT, firewall, but they do not support QoS enable functions. This thesis designs and implements a QoS supported home gateway. The contributions of this thesis include analyzing the appropriate queuing disciplines, and implementing a CBQ engine on an embedded resource limited platform. A CBQ engine, with three queues, is implemented based on the result of our model and simulation in NS-2. This home gateway hardware is implemented on a FPGA board, with two Fast-Ethernet interfaces. An embedded OS and a light weight IP stack were adopted and modified to adapt to our QoS mechanism. Several multimedia stream application experiments are performed to validate the functionality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 差異性服務
★ 多媒體
關鍵字(英) ★ Home Gateway
★ Quality of Service (QoS)
★ Diffserv
Abstract I
摘要 II
Contents III
List Of Figures V
List Of Tables VI
Background and Introduction 1
1.1 The Home Network 1
1.2 The role of a Home Gateway in the Home Network 3
1.3 Home Gateway QoS requirement 4
1.4 Contributions and Challenges 9
1.5 Organization of this Thesis 11
Related Work 12
2.1 Queuing Disciplines 12
2.2 QoS Gateway Implementations and Experiments 14
2.3 Motivation: Simple queuing engine on embedded system 15
Home Network Modeling And Simulation 16
3.1 Network Environment 16
3.2 Simulation Scenarios 17
3.3 Simulation results and Analysis 18
3.4 CBQ as the Solution 22
Implementation 25
4.1 System Architecture 25
4.2 Hardware Architecture Detail 26
4.3 Software Architecture Detail 28
4.4 System Operation 29
4.5 Egress queuing 31
4.6 Bandwidth Controlling 33
4.7 System Usage 34
Implementation Experiments 36
5.1 Test Environment and Applications 36
5.2 Results and Comparison 39
Conclusion and Future Work 45
References 47
Appendix A 52
Implementation Platform 52
Figure 1 1: An Example for Home Network Applications 2
Figure 1 2: A Diffserv Network 7
Figure 3 1: Ns-2 Simulation Model 17
Figure 3 2: Ideal average throughput of VoIP 19
Figure 3 3: Comparing average throughput of VoIP 20
Figure 3 4: Comparing average throughput of VoIP 21
Figure 3 5: Comparing average throughput of Video 22
Figure 4 1: Overview of the Home Gateway System Hardware Architecture 25
Figure 4 2: Home Gateway System Software Architecture 26
Figure 4 3: IP packet flow 30
Figure 4 4: Converting Ethernet frame to pbufs 31
Figure 4 5: IP stack and device driver 32
Figure 4 6: IP stack and CBQ engine 32
Figure 4 7: CBQ engine and Device driver 33
Figure 4 8: One Usage of the QoS supported Home Gateway 34
Figure 5 1: Test environment 36
Figure 5 2: Logic view of the Test environment 37
Figure 5 3: Test environment 37
Figure 5 4: Application flows go through the home gateway 39
Figure 5 5: VoIP throughput with CBQ support in Scenario 1 40
Figure 5 6: VoIP and H.323 throughput with CBQ support 43
Table 3 1: Sender Parameters for Scenario 1 20
Table 3 2: Sender Parameters for Scenario 2 21
Table 3 3: Sender Parameters for Scenario 3 22
Table 4 1: Hardware Components 27
Table 4 2: Resources used on FPGA 28
Table 4 3: Home Gateway software components 29
Table 4 4: lwIP Pbuf structure 31
Table 4 5: Example rules for setting up the home gateway 35
Table 5 1: Parameters for each application 39
Table 5 2: Queuing Parameters for each application in scenario 1 39
Table 5 3: Average throughput in Scenario 1 41
Table 5 4: QoS throughput achieved in Scenario 1 41
Table 5 5: Queuing Parameters for each application in scenario 2 42
Table 5 6: Average throughput in scenario 2 43
Table 5 7: QoS throughput achieved in scenario 2 44
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指導教授 吳曉光(Hsiao-kuang Wu) 審核日期 2003-7-16
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