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姓名 曾煜輝(Yuhwai Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 寬頻人體傳輸通信系統的設計與分析
(Design and Analysis of a Wideband Intra-Body Communication System)
★ 運算放大器之自動化設計流程及行為模型研究★ 匯流排上的時間延遲及交談失真的偵錯設計技巧
★ 適用於自動測試機台的時間產生器★ 混波測試匯流排的量測學
★ 高速連結之時序與資料回復★ 基於IEEE 1057之類比數位轉換器量測技術
★ 應用於高畫質電視之載波回復電路架構★ 單晶片測試機之前端驅動電路設計
★ 系統晶片類比數位轉換器測試之數位信號處理程式庫★ A 2.5V,0.35um,2.5Gbps 傳送接收器設計
★ 內建式類比數位/數位類比轉換器線性度之自我測試★ 高準確度及低成本之電壓量測技術
★ 應用於ATSC VSB時脈回復之全數位延遲線迴路★ 適用於晶片間通訊之高速傳輸介面
★ 內建式類比數位轉換器之自我校正方法★ 高速序列傳輸之量測技術
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摘要(中) 為了能減少量測程序,且精準的量測及計算人身體各組成部份的平均阻抗值,我們使用方波解迴旋技術取代傳統使用弦波的量測技術,同時建構一個由人身體各部的生物性阻抗所組成的等效電路系統,然後從系統的觀點來量測及估算人身體的平均電子阻抗。除此之外我們從方波信號中解迴旋以粹取等效電路系統的頻率響應,並將此粹取值與模擬結果比對,結果顯示本文所提出用來估算人體平均阻抗的方法是可行的。
然後從前文所提出的靜電耦合人體傳輸通信通道電路簡化模型中,發現一個會隨著負載阻抗、人體本身及所處環境而變化的高通極點Ph3dB存在。這個高通極點衰減低頻的信號值並降低系統的信號與雜訊比。本文從信號與雜訊的行為模式上去分析高通極點Ph3dB 對系統的影響,在不同的Ph3dB下,透過模擬與量測系統的信號與雜訊比,獲得一個最佳的Ph3dB值在30kHz與40kHz之間。最後經由Xilinx FPGA實驗板的驗證顯示,在傳送電壓為3.3伏,信號功率消耗為560uW,至少有16Mbps的傳送速率。
摘要(英) A square test waveform replaces a series of different sinusoidal test waveforms to simplify measurements of the characteristic of the human body channel in the Electrostatic Coupling Intra-Body communication (ESC IBC) system. The human body channel is analyzed and determined by adopting an equivalent circuit model comprising the biological impedance of body parts. Additionally, the system frequency response is extracted by applying de-convolution on square test waveforms. Then, we measure and evaluate the electrical impedance of a human body from a system perspective. Measurement and simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach for evaluating the electrical impedance of the human body.
The evaluated bioelectrical impedances with the equivalent circuit model of the human body were utilized to replace the channel of the ESC IBC system. The simplified measurement methodology that is based on the de-convolution on a square test stimulus was employed to measure the transmission characteristic of the ESC IBC channel. Then, a certain model mapping had been done by using battery-powered square waveform generator to mimic the channel model with physical metal wire as the ground return loop to the one that uses the environment as the ground return loop in the ESC IBC system. The proposed channel model is then verified using de-convolution on square waves and spectrum analysis. Results show that the proposed model and measurement methodology are valid for up to 22.5 MHz which allows a data rate of more than 10 Mbps.
Finally, a simplified signal and noise model, and unit step function are presented respectively to analyze the contribution of the high pass filter function to wideband digital transmission in ESC IBC system since the maximum high pass 3 dB poles that can ensure favorable signal quality in a baseband Intra-Body communication system. The experimental eye diagram gives a data rate of more than 16 Mbps in a digital baseband transmission of the ESC IBC system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 方波測試
★ 解迴旋
★ 人體通信
關鍵字(英) ★ Square Test Stimulus.
★ Deconvolution
★ Intra-Body Communication
論文目次 Chinese Abstract………………………………………………… i
English Abstract ……………………………………………… ix
誌謝 ………………………………………………………… xi
Table of Contents ……………………………………………… xii
List of Figures ……………………………………………… xiv
List of Tables ……………………………………………… xvii
1 Introduction………………………………………… 1
1.1 Motivation…………………………………………… 1
1.1.1 Wearable computing………………………………… 1
1.1.2 Personal area network (PAN) …………………… 2
1.1.3 Body area network (BAN) ………………………… 3
1.2 Intra-Body communication (IBC) ………………… 6
1.3 Organization of dissertation…………………… 10
2 Measurement Methodology of the Human Body Channel… 12
2.1 Square test stimulus……………………………… 12
2.2 De-convolution……………………………………… 14
2.3 Battery-powered square wave generator………… 15
2.4 Measurement procedures…………………………… 16
2.5 Safety consideration……………………………… 18
3 Measurement and Evaluation of the Bioelectrical Impedance of the Human Body by Deconvolution of a Square Wave…………………… 21
3.1 Model of the Human Body…………………………… 22
3.2 High-pass system for determining body parts impedance and skin capacitance……………………………… 24
3.3 Low-pass system for determining CB…………… 28
3.4 Experimental setup………………………………… 28
3.5 Results and discussions…………………………… 30
4 Measurement of Characteristic of the ESC IBC Channel…………… 36
4.1 Environment of the ground free in the ESC IBC system………………… 36
4.2 Model of conventional measurement methods…… 38
4.3 Experimental………………………………………… 40
4.4 Results and discussions…………………………… 43
5 Wide-Band Transmission in a Digital Baseband IBC system………… 45
5.1 Model of signal and noise in ESC IBC system… 46
5.2 Determination of the model parameters………… 51
5.2.1 High pass transfer function determining RB, CX and CT…………………… 51
5.2.2 Low pass transfer function determining CB…… 53
5.2.3 Determining CNS from 60 Hz power line signal 54
5.3 Frequency response of the ESC IBC system…… 56
5.4 Unit step response of system high pass-pole to digital signal transmission ……………………………………59
5.5 System eye diagram and estimation of SNR…… 63
5.6 Experimental………………………………………… 65
6 Conclusion…………………………………………… 69
Bibliography ……………………………………………… 72
VITA ………………………………………………………… 81
Publication ……………………………………………… 82
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指導教授 蘇朝琴、劉建男
(Chauchin Su、Chien-Nan Liu)
審核日期 2010-5-31
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