博碩士論文 90642006 詳細資訊

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姓名 葉一慶(Yi-Ching Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 南海北部地體構造之研究
(Tectonics of the northern South China Sea)
★ 台灣基隆外海近海床地質構造與噴氣現象的探討★ 南海北部地殼構造與深海沈積物波之研究
★ 西菲律賓海盆西部的海床構造分析★ 南海北坡高解析水深調查與淺層地質的構造分析
★ 南海北部之磁力異常特徵分析★ 利用底質剖面儀及EK60聲納資料研究台灣北部近海的可能活動構造
★ 台灣恆春半島南部海域海底地形及構造研究★ 南海東北部海洋地殼構造之研究
★ 台灣地區岩石圈之浮力與重力位能的探討★ 以地震層析法推求台灣北部地區的速度構造並探討流體的可能分佈
★ 聯合尤拉解迴旋與解析訊號法求取磁源參數之研究★ 南海最北部地磁與地形之研究
★ 班達海岩心MD012380之磁學研究: 80萬年來赤道暖池區之古環境變遷★ 台灣至呂宋島間馬尼拉海溝的震測研究: 從正常隱沒到初期碰撞抬昇的上部地殼構造
★ 利用接收函數法分析台灣深部地殼構造★ 板塊邊界地震引起之重力位能變化
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摘要(中) 南海(South China Sea)為西太平洋地區之一的邊緣海(marginal sea basin)。其西、南兩面為歐亞大陸地殼圍繞,其東為以馬尼拉海溝(Manila Trench)為界。由於南海的張裂與整個東南亞地體構造演化有關,過去二十年來,有許多學者提出了許多模型試圖可合理解釋南海的地體構造及其演化歷史。其中,Tapponnier 等人提出了著名的碰撞-逃逸理論,南海的張裂與此運動很可能相關。另外,Briais等人整編了南海海域的磁力資料並重新分析,其結果顯示南海應於距今30.1百萬年前(磁力條帶 C11)開始張裂並於距今16.7百萬年前(磁力條帶C5c)時停止張裂,其間經歷了三次張裂方向的改變。但無論是上述那個模型由於其運用的地球物理資料僅限於北緯19度以南,其研究成果實難清楚描述北緯19度之地體構造。而北緯十九度以北(相當於台灣西南外海)之北部南海應為更老之南海海洋地殼,此部分在南海演化史佔了何角色且與台灣造山帶的關係為何,皆為本論文之研究重點。
本研究使用了舊有及新蒐集的所有種類的海洋及陸上地球物理資料,包含了水深、多頻道震測、重力、磁力等資料。並將上述資料進行綜合分析。其中,新整編的磁力異常圖西由東經116度起至東經123度; 南由北緯16度起至北緯26.5度。其結果顯示了南海北部確實有數條近乎東西走向的磁力條帶分佈,這暗示著海洋地殼張裂的證據。而磁力定年的結果顯示南海北部存在著更老的海洋地殼,其年代可追溯至距今37個百萬年前(磁力條帶C17),其半擴張速率約44 mm/yr。此外,根據兩條跨越大陸邊緣的震測線之重力模擬結果與磁化強度分析結果顯示,南海北部的大陸海洋邊界(Continent Oceanic Boundary)約落在地殼開始強烈的減薄處且此處恰好磁化強度正位於由最低區開始轉變為正之處。另外,多頻道震測資料分析的結果顯示,琉球-呂宋轉形邊界(Ryuku-Luzon Transform Boundary, LRTPB)兩側的聲波基盤(acoustic basement)深度有顯著不同:由南側的3.5 km ~ 4 km至北側的4.5 km ~ 6.5 km而重力順推模型的結果亦顯示了LRTPB下方的地殼確實有減薄的趨勢。此外,其上部地殼的震測結果顯示了位於LRTPB處地殼確實受到相當顯著的變形,而此變形僅限於基盤附近。此可說明LRTPB可能為一構造邊界可進一步推測為南海海洋地殼的最北邊界。
摘要(英) The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the marginal sea basins in the western Pacific area. The SCS is bounded by Eurasia continental crust in west, south and Manila Trench in east. In past two decade, several models were tried to describe the tectonic and its evolution of the SCS. Tapponnier et al (1986) proposed so-called “collision-escape” model to demonstrate the possible process of the opening of the SCS. Briais et al (1993) re-compiled then analyzed the magnetic data collected by Mainland China and the result shows the SCS probably started spreading at 30.1 Ma ago (magnetic lineation C11) and stopped spreading at 16.7 Ma ago (magnetic lineation C5c) including three time spreading direction change. Whatever the model mentioned previous, is not given a comprehensive tectonic of view further 19 °N in latitude. The crust further 19 °N in latitude is few study and probably belongs to oceanic domain. What role of the tectonic this part play in the whole SCS evolution history and relationship to the Taiwan orogen ? This thesis is tried to answer that.
The past collected and resent collected marine and land bathymetry, multichannel seismic, gravity and magnetic data were combined to analyze in this study. The newly compiled magnetic anomaly map is from 116° E ~ 123°E and 16°N ~ 26.5°N that shows several E-W trending magnetic lineations which implied the existence of the oceanic crust. The magnetic dating result was showed the existence of the older oceanic crust in the northern SCS that is 37 Ma (magnetic lineation C17) and carried 44 mm/yr half spreading rate in the older spreading stage. Based on the forward gravity model across the northern SCS margin with magnetic inversion result, the continent and ocean boundary is probably dropped at the highly crustal deformation and relative low magnetization area. Furthermore, the Luzon-Ryuku Transform Boundary (LRTPB) probably is the tectonic boundary that revealed different acoustic basement relief from 3.5 km ~ 4km depth in south to 4.5 km ~ 6.5 km depth in north. The forward gravity model also shows the thinned crust distributed beneath LRTPB and the upper crust is also performed highly shearing deformation accurrence close to basement. Therefore, LRTPB probably is a northern boundary of the oceanic crust of SCS.
Besides, the part of C11~C17 oceanic crust could be prolongated southwestern ward and linked to the central part of the SCS. In the early spreading stage, the spreading direction was changed from NW-SE to N-S between 27.9 Ma to 28.7 Ma (magnetic lineation C9~C10) that corresponded with the tectonic event T1. Otherwise, at 17.6 Ma (magnetic lineation C5d), the LRTPB was ceased but active subduction still occurred at north that probably resulted in the compressed the sedimentary layers in south of the LRTPB. That probably is linked to the development with the tectonic event T2.
Finally, the inversion of the magnetic anomaly is showed the relative high magnetization belt distributed along the northern SCS margin that extended to southern Taiwan. Combined with multichannel seismic and well log analysis, the late Paleocene to mid-Eocene basaltic type eruption is probably related to the high magnetization and the seafloor spreading of the SCS. Besides, the distribution of the great earthquakes in Taiwan area is probably controlled by the distribution of the magnetized crust. I put over magnitude earthquakes (including historic earthquakes before 1990) on the magnetization map. The result is shown the good correlation between earthquake occurrence and low magnetization area in west Taiwan area. Most of earthquakes was distributed along the boundary of the high magnetization area called Lukang high (LHM). The collision stress probably released along the LHM and resulting lots of earthquakes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 演化
★ 磁力
★ 震測
★ 海洋地殼
★ 構造
★ 南海
關鍵字(英) ★ oceanic curst
★ South Chian Sea
★ tectonic
★ evolution
★ magnetic
★ seismic
論文目次 Contents
Chinese Abstracts ……………………………………………………………………i
English Abstracts …………………………………………………………………...iii
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………..vi
Contents …………………………………………………………………………… vii
List of Figures …………………………………………………………………….....xi
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 Tectonic settings of East Asia ……………………………………………….. 1
1.2 Evolution of the South China Sea Basin …………………………………….. 2
1.3 Luzon-Ryuku Transform Plate Boundary …………………………………… 3
1.4 Motivation and Purpose of the thesis ………………………………………... 3
2. New Bathymetry and magnetic lineations identifications in the northernmost South China Sea and its tectonic implications…………………………………….18
2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..18
2.2 Bathymetric morphology……………………………………………………..19
2.2.1 New Bathymetric Map…………………………………………………20
2.3 Magnetic Anomalies………………………………………………………….22
2.3.1 New Magnetic Anomaly Map………………………………………….22
2.3.2 Age identification of the northern South China Sea……………………23
2.3.3 Equivalent magnetization map and continental oceanic boundary (COB)
2.3.4 Luzon Ryuku Transform Plate Boundary (LRTPB)……………………27
2.4 Discussions.......................................................................................................28
2.4.1 A trapped piece of the Philippine Sea Plate (TPS) ?...............................28
2.4.2 Does the TPS belong to the SCS oceanic crust or not ?..........................28
2.5 Summary...........................................................................................................29
3. Crustal Structures of the northernmost South China Sea: Seismic reflection and gravity modeling ……………………………………………………………... 47
3.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………….47
3.2 Data and Processing…………………………………………………………48
3.3 Structral Interpretation Along Seismic Profiles……………………………..49
3.4 Tectonic Features of the LRTPB sheared zone……………………………….54
3.5 Crustal characteristics of the northernmost SCS……………………………..55
3.6 Summary...........................................................................................................57
4. Formation of the northeastern South China Sea and tectonic significance of the early compressive episodes …………………………………………………… 78
4.1 Geological Settings and Introduction………………………………………...78
4.2 Identification of magnetic anomalies..……………………………………….79
4.2.1 Origin of Data…….…………………………………………………....79
4.2.2 Methodology…………………….……………………………………..80
4.2.3 Results…………………………………………….……………………81
4.3 Sedimentary features and main tectonic phases……………………………...81
4.3.1 Origin of Data…….…………………………………………………....81
4.3.2 Methodology…………………….……………………………………..82
4.3.3 Tectonic phases of T1 and T2 (Figures 4.7 to 4.12)……………………83
4.3.4 Localization of T1 tectonic deformation…………………………….....83
4.3.5 Localization of T2 tectonic deformation…………………………….....84
4.3.6 General tectonic implications…………………………………………..84
4.4 Age, nature and origin of T1 and T2 deformations…………………………..85
4.4.1 Age of deformations…………………………………………………....85
4.4.2 Nature and origin of deformations………………………………….….86
4.5 Summary……………………………………………………………………..87
5. Crustal Characteristic of the high magnetic anomaly zone extending from northern South China Sea margin to Taiwan …………………………………..107
5.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………107
5.2 Geological Settings…………………………………………………………108
5.3 Magnetic Anomaly Data Analysis…………………………………………..109
5.3.1 New magnetic anomaly map………………………………………….109
5.3.2 Magnetic Inversion…………….……………………………………...110
5.4 Equivalent magnetization and tectonic implications………………………..111
5.4.1 Northern SCS margin and western Taiwan……………………………111
5.4.2 Luzon Arc area and eastern Taiwan…………………………………...112
5.4.3 Northern and northeastern offshore Taiwan…………….…………….113
5.5 Volcanism distributions from northern SCS margin to Taiwan……………..113
5.5.1 Eocene Volcanism………………………...…………….……………..113
5.6 Summary…………………………………………………………………….115
6. Relationship between great earthquakes and crustal magnetization in Taiwan
……………………………………………………………………………………... 125
6.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………125
6.2 Equivalent magnetization and tectonic implications………………………..126
6.3 Relationship between distribution of earthquakes and crustal magnetization
7. Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………. 138
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………... 141
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指導教授 許樹坤(Shu-Kun Hsu) 審核日期 2006-7-19
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