博碩士論文 90643004 詳細資訊

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姓名 周晁光(Marty Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 相對論電漿中之磁流體波與震波
(Magnetohydrodynamic waves and shock waves in relativistic plasmas)
★ 磁流體波於電流片中傳播之研究★ 壓力非均向電漿中霍爾電流對震波形成之效應
★ 撕裂模不穩定性於壓力均向與非均向電漿中之磁流體理論★ 地球磁層頂二維結構之研究
★ 地球磁尾慢速震波之研究★ 慢速震波在壓力非均向電漿中之研究
★ 應用Kappa速度分佈函數所建立之廣義Harris磁場模式★ 靜電場中帶電粒子束不穩定性
★ 救火管不穩定性之磁流體力學理論★ 離子慣性效應對救火管與磁鏡不穩定性之影響
★ 地球磁鞘電漿之熱力狀態★ 微粒電漿中之磁流體波
★ 地球磁層頂二維結構之重建與分析★ 救火管不穩定性之混合粒子碼模擬研究
★ 沿磁力線救火管不穩定之磁流體數值模擬★ 一維與二維電漿靜電粒子模擬與應用
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摘要(中) 本論文之目的,為研究在相對論磁流體力學架構下波與震波的物理性質。在考慮電漿為均勻的情況下,我們推導出廣義的磁流體力學波色散關係,而此色散關係可以包含等溫∕絕熱,壓力均向∕壓力非均向,以及非相對論∕超相對論等極限條件。我們發現,如同在非相對論磁流體力學之結果,壓力的非均向性可導致慢波的異常現象如相速逆轉以及密度與磁場關係的同相性,也會發生在相對論磁流體模型中。此外,我們也導出相對論磁流體理論中救火管及磁鏡不穩定的臨界條件。而在相對論磁流體震波的研究方面,我們推導出震波的跳躍條件,並得出六種震波型式的解,包含快速震波,慢速震波以及四種中速震波。
摘要(英) In this thesis the characteristics of hydromagnetic waves and shocks are studied within the framework of relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) theory. The general dispersion relations are derived for linear MHD waves propagating in homogeneous ultrarelativistic plasmas with isotropic and gyrotropic pressures. The characteristics of fast, intermediate and slow waves are examined in detail and the formulations cover various limits such as isothermal/adiabatic, isotropic/anisotropic and nonrelativistic/ultrarelativistic cases. As in the nonrelativistic anisotropic MHD model, the phase speed inversion and the density-magnetic field anomaly for slow waves may occur in the relativistic MHD model. Both fire-hose and mirror instabilities may be generated in the gyrotropic plasma when the temperature anisotropy becomes sufficiently large and the instability criteria are derived. The relativistic MHD shocks are studied by solving the associated jump conditions and six types of relativistic MHD shocks including fast, slow and four intermediate shocks are identified.
關鍵字(中) ★ 磁鏡不穩定
★ 救火管不穩定
★ 相對論
★ 磁流體
★ 震波
關鍵字(英) ★ MHD
★ mirror instability
★ fire-hose instability
★ shock
★ relativity
論文目次 Chinese abstract i
English abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
List of figures vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Basic Equations of Relativistic MHD 7
3. Relativistic MHD Waves 13
3.1 Dispersionelations 13
3.2 Isotropic case 17
3.3 Anomalous slow waves 20
3.4 Instabilities 22
3.5 Discussion 25
4. Relativistic MHD Jump Conditions and Shocks 20
4.1 Perpendicular shock 31
4.2 Oblique shocks in the deHoffmann-Teller frame 36
4.3 The effect of pressure anisotropy on relativistic MHD shocks 41
4.4 Discussion 45
5. Conclusion and Summary 74
References 77
Appendix A 83
Appendix B 84
Appendix C 85
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指導教授 郝玲妮(Lin-ni Hau) 審核日期 2007-7-21
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