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姓名 宋宗勳(Tsung-Hsun Sung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 柔性鋪面狀況指標檢測之研究
(The study of surveying asphalt pavement condition index)
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★ 以績效為基礎的公路養護組織與機制之研究★ 智慧型鋪面檢測車平坦度量測驗證與應用
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摘要(中) 台灣社會發展迅速,道路亦隨之蓬勃發展,在台灣各級道路發展健全的情形下,公路工程由新建工程轉往以維護管理為主的層面,而養護單位亦由新工驗收變成道路的狀況調查,以利即時控管道路的各類破壞及狀況,提供高品質的服務水準來服務大眾,並依據ASTM D 6433-99鋪面狀況指標來做道路的狀況調查;鋪面狀況指標檢測為道路的狀況調查中重要的一項,主要調查路段的鋪面結構完整性及面層服務能力之狀況,提供客觀及合理的基礎,用以作為鋪面養護需求及優先順序之決策依據。
依據規範ASTM D 6433-99的說明,鋪面狀況指標的檢測方式以人工表單紀錄以及人工目視評級路面狀況為最傳統的方式,此方式需要大量的人力及時間來進行檢測,而電腦的進步可彌補此一缺點,於是大量採用電腦來輔助進行鋪面狀況指標的檢測,並利用數位攝影機的特點來協助收集路面狀況,用以加強說明路面破壞狀況,再加入全球定位系統來提供破壞地點的座標。
由於鋪面狀況指標的檢測方式採用人工目視評級,所以評級結果會因為人為的判斷而產生誤差,於是採用變異數分析來分析不同人員及不同路段等兩大因素與不同檢測方式間的關係,再針對規範之各項路面破壞進行靈敏度分析,求得對於鋪面狀況指標評級結果影響最大的因素,最後將規範ASTM D 6433-99中之各項路面破壞予以減少,評估桃園縣境內鄉道之鋪面狀況指標檢測項目為人手孔及坑洞、補錠、鱷魚狀裂縫、縱橫向裂縫、路面變形等五類。
摘要(英) With the society of Taiwan develops rapidly, the roads develop rapidly, too. In the condition that all kinds of roads in Taiwan developed well, the road projects changed from the roads are going up to the roads are maintained and managed. The maintaining and managing department’s business changes form checked before acceptance to surveyed the pavement condition. It’s helpful to maintain and manage all kinds of cracks and conditions about the pavement and provide high service quality to service the public. Surveying Pavement Condition Index is the most important thing in the pavement condition surveys by the standard of ASTM D 6433-99. It’s main surveying completeness of the pavement structure and the condition of the surface service quality to provide objective and reasonable foundation for the policies of maintaining and managing the pavement.
According to the standard of ASTM D 6433-99, the most traditional way of the PCI surveys is that PCI is recorded by writing and determination the condition through visual surveys, and it needs quantities of manpower and time to survey. Because the defects could be offset by the progress of computer, we often use computers to assist in the PCI surveys. We also use digital camera’s characteristic to assist in collecting pavement condition that show the cracks of roads. We use GPS to provide the coordinate of the crack of the road.
Because the way of the PCI surveys is through visual surveys, the errors of the PCI surveys’ result occur by grader’s subject. We used analysis of variance (ANOVA) to analyze the relation between the results of different graders, roads and the ways to the PCI surveys. And we use sensibility analysis to all kinds of cracks in the standard of the PCI surveys to get the most important factor that effected upon the result of the PCI surveys. Finally, we decrease the events of the standard of ASTM D 6433-99. What we estimated for the five events of the PCI surveys of the countryside roads in Taoyuan country is the opening and potholes, patching and utility cut patching, alligator cracking, longitudinal and transverse cracking, vary of the pavement.
We estimated for the asphalt pavement of the freeway, the roads of the province, the roads of the county, the roads of the country, the roads of the urban. Because the maintaining and managing about the asphalt pavement of the freeway and the roads of the province was easier then the roads of the county, the roads of the country, the roads of the urban, the cracks can be dealt with soon. The asphalt pavement of the freeway and the roads of the province that the condition grade was good only was occurred cracks of the weathering and raveling, because the weather in Taiwan was hot and rainy. We survey one more event of the crack that is the weathering and raveling on the asphalt pavement of the freeway and the roads of the province.
關鍵字(中) ★ 評級
★ 檢測
★ 鋪面狀況指標
關鍵字(英) ★ Grade
★ Survey
★ Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究內容及方法 3
1.4 研究流程 3
1.5 論文章節內容與研究成果 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 國外柔性路面狀況指標 7
2.1.1 鋪面狀況指標(Pavement Condition Index, PCI) 7
2.1.2 鋪面狀況評級(Pavement Condition Rating, PCR) 12
2.1.3 其他相關鋪面狀況指標 13
2.2 國內柔性路面狀況指標 14
2.3 國內外檢測方式 16
2.4 路面狀況指標相關軟體 17
2.5 變異數分析與靈敏度分析 19
2.5.1 變異數分析 19
2.5.2 靈敏度分析 21
第三章 鋪面狀況指標檢測方式 25
3.1 鋪面狀況指標檢測方式之選擇 26
3.1.1 以單張影像來檢測路面狀況 26
3.1.2 以連續影像來加強路面狀況 27
3.1.3 數位攝影機 28
3.1.4 數位像機與數位攝影機之比較 32
3.1.5 全球衛星定位系統 33
3.1.6 數位化音頻調變資料儲存系統 34
3.2 鋪面狀況指標檢測系統 35
3.2.1 鋪面狀況指標檢測設備之組構 35
3.2.2 鋪面狀況指標檢測系統之建立 38
3.2.3 鋪面狀況指標之數據取得 43
3.3 鋪面狀況指標檢測誤差來源因子配置 48
第四章 鋪面狀況指標之分析 51
4.1 鋪面狀況指標評級 51
4.1.1 路段PCI真值與傳統PCI評級 55
4.1.2 路段PCI真值與外業PCI評級 59
4.1.3 路段PCI真值與內業PCI評級 62
4.1.4 傳統PCI真值與外業PCI評級 65
4.1.5 傳統PCI真值與內業PCI評級 67
4.1.6 外業PCI真值與內業PCI評級 68
4.2 PCI評級誤判對真值之靈敏度分析 70
4.2.1 19種破壞評級誤判 72
4.2.2 嚴重程度評級誤判 77
4.2.3 破壞範圍誤判 79
4.3 檢測方式與時間、人力、PCI正確性之分析 81
4.3.1 PCI評級方式與時間、人力 81
4.3.2 PCI評級方式與PCI正確性 82
4.3.3 PCI評級方式與時間、人力、PCI正確性 83
4.4 桃園縣鄉道之PCI檢測項目 85
第五章 適用道路等級 89
5.1 國道柔性鋪面 89
5.2 省道 92
5.3 縣道 94
5.4 鄉道 97
5.5 市區道路 99
第六章 結論與建議 101
6.1 結論 101
6.2 建議 103
參考文獻 105
附錄一 PCI中19項破壞PCI變化值分析圖 107
附錄二 柔性鋪面PCI檢測書 117
附錄三 CCD發展歷史 139
附錄四 各類CCD受光原理 143
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指導教授 林志棟(Jyh-Dong Lin) 審核日期 2004-7-8
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