博碩士論文 91438002 詳細資訊

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姓名 邱寀憓(ANN-CH CHIOU)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 壽險業價值管理之研究-以南山人壽為例
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★ 銀行在併購風潮下之經營策略─以永豐銀行為例★ 銀行分行屬性差異與績效評核制度之研究- 以個案銀行之消費金融分行為例
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摘要(中) 本研究主要目的有二:(一)深入剖析南山人壽過去40年經營的價值管理為何?(二)探討南山人壽面臨外部壽險環境的重大轉變,如何調整經營策略,持續擴張其價值領域?本研究選擇經營成功的南山人壽作為個案分析對象,透過五力分析、SWOT分析導出南山人壽的策略方向,再以平衡計分卡的架構彙整南山人壽的策略管理,最後以策略地圖的方式將南山人壽的過去及未來的策略管理作有系統及整體性地描繪。
本研究發現南山人壽過去四十年的發展,大致可以分為三個階段。第一階段南山人壽在人力資本上採差異化策略吸收高素質的專業人力,打破了臺灣壽險界「人人都可以做保險」的習慣,建立自我成長、自我學習的組織文化。第二階段南山人壽以顧客滿意為公司最基本的理念及價值觀,提供高品質的服務和最完善的保障,為保戶堅持「promise to pay」的承諾。第三階段南山人壽建構完成一個高效能且具擴充彈性的資訊環境,也建立了相當完整、系統化的作業流程,且致力於全面e化的落實,以科技的應用及現代化,蛻變為科技化的南山,提供更有效率的服務品質。平衡的策略策略規劃與執行使南山人壽九十二年稅後淨利為一百零二億元,賺進一個資本額,是國內獲利最佳的壽險公司。
摘要(英) The research work presented includes two key categories; (a) To analyze and to investigate into the value management of Nansan life insurance business over the past 40 years. (b) In case that Nansan faces dramatic change due to the external life insurance environment, how will Nansan readjust its immediate steps of management policy in order to protect and to continue extending its basic interest?
Since Nansan is one of the very successful enterprises, this research will take it as an example for further analysis. After examining the company strategic direction through Michael Porter’s five-point theory and general SWOT analysis technique, “Balance Score Card” will be used as a guideline tooling to investigate into Nansan life insurance management policy. Finally, the whole strategy management system of Nansan now and before and even in the future will be described on a strategic map.
It has been found that the management strategy of Nansan life insurance company over the past 40 years can be described in three-step approaches.
The first step approach was to make a dramatic change in the human resource aspect. In order to attract high quality and professional people to join the company, Nansan applied “human resource differential strategy” which broke the custom and old saying that “ Everyone can work for life insurance business” in the long-standing Taiwan life insurance business circles. Nansan had then successfully built up a self-growth and self-learning organization culture in the company.
The second step approach emphasized particularly on the customer service aspect. The “satisfaction of customer” became the most essential vision and valued point of view in the company. The company persistently sought to provide customers the superior customer service and the most sound guarantee policy of ‘promise to pay’ to the customers.
The third step approach was continually to accomplish developing company‘s internal operating processes. Nansan had created a highly efficiency, flexible and expandable information exchange environment. It had established a very well organized and systematic operating process. It also proceeded to upgrade the system to a fully electronic information exchange environment. In order to provide more efficient and best quality customer services, Nansan had decisively promoted itself to technological Nansan by introducing into the company the applications of current scientific and modernized technologies. The balanced developing policy and management had brought forth the net profits after tax 10.2 billions in the year 2003 which is nearly double the investment capital amount. This had pushed the company become one of the best life insurance companies in Taiwan.
In addition, facing the dramatic environmental change of Taiwan life insurance environment and the increasing pressure of marketing competition, Nansan, based on the existing company resources, has planned various strategies for the human resource, the marketing net routes, the customer service, the enterprise management and the new products etc. to meet the urgent needs of the instant marketing change. Consolidating knowledge database, promoting e-learning and sharing of knowledge database, emphasizing the management of virtual property and accumulating intellectual properties become a key necessity of company’s valued management. Hence, with continuous innovation, accumulated intellectual resource, and harmonized focusing under the “Strategy Core Organization Board”, the company will step forward again for continually prospering business based on the successful management elements of the past 40 years.
關鍵字(中) ★ 策略地圖
★ 平衡計分卡
★ 壽險業
關鍵字(英) ★ NON
論文目次 第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與範 4
第三節 研究方法 5
第四節 研究架構與流程 6
第二章 理論探討與文獻回顧 7
第一節 壽險業經營模式 7
第二節 平衡計分卡理論 12
第三節 相關國內外理論及實證文獻 25
第三章 研究方法 30
第一節 個案研究法 30
第二節 研究的步驟及設計元素 32
第三節 資料蒐集 35
第四節 資料分析與撰寫報告 40
第四章 壽險產業環境分析 43
第一節 台灣壽險業發展 43
第二節 台灣壽險業經營環境 46
第三節 台灣壽險業經營業務概況 49
第四節 台灣壽險產業結構分析 52
第五章 個案公司分析 58
第一節 個案公司簡介 58
第二節 個案公司經營績效 70
第三節 個案公司使命、價值、願景與策略 78
第四節 個案公司策略分析 81
第六章 結論 99
第一節 研究回顧與結論 99
第二節 研究限制 107
第三節 未來研究方向 107
參考文獻 108
附錄 111
附錄一:深入訪談問題表 111
【圖1-1】本研究之內容架構 6
【圖2-1】願景及策略轉換架構 13
【圖2-2】顧客構面核心量度因果關係圖 17
【圖2-3】學習與成長的衡量架構 18
【圖2-4】平衡計分卡策略地圖架構 23
【圖3-1】資料蒐集圖 36
【圖4-1】壽險業在金融機構的佔率 49
【圖5-1】南山再創新機階段(2001年迄今)組織圖 69
【圖5-2】南山總保費及市場佔有率歷年變化 71
【圖5-3】南山新契約保費成長率 73
【圖5-4】南山歷年資產總額圖 73 【圖5-5】南山歷年營收淨額圖 76
【圖5-6】南山歷年股東權益圖 77
【圖5-7】個案公司第一階段的策略地圖 95
【圖5-8】個案公司第二階段的策略地圖 96
【圖5-9】個案公司第三階段的策略地圖 97
【表2-1】策略性的財務議題之衡量 15
【表2-2】顧客構面之核心度量 16
【表2-3】學習與成長特定情況驅動因素 19
【表2-4】BSC國外相關研究彙整表 27
【表2-5】BSC國內相關研究彙整表 29
【表3-1】六種資料來源優缺點比較表 35
【表3-2】個案公司重要資訊來源 38
【表4-1】台灣壽險業演進 44
【表4-2】壽險業在金融機構的佔率表 49
【表4-3】壽險業1991-2000年十年的保費收入 51
【表4-4】人壽保險市場之市場集中度分析表 56
【表5-1】南山人壽大年紀事 60
【表5-2】南山人壽各項領先記錄 63
【表5-3】南山人壽各項得獎記錄 65
【表5-4】南山總保費及市場佔有率歷年變化 70
【表5-5】南山及新光近十年新契約保費成長率 72
【表5-6】南山人壽近3年資產負債表 74
【表5-7】南山人壽近3年損益表 75
【表5-8】南山發展三階段策略目標 80
【表5-9】新南山時期策略目標及衡量指標 88
【表5-10】南山起飛年代策略目標及衡量指標 89
【表5-11】南山再創新機時期策略目標及衡量指標 90
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指導教授 鄭漢鐔(Hann-Tarn Jeng) 審核日期 2005-1-24
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