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姓名 陳香如(Hsiang-ju Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 董監事最低持股成數規定之研究
(Minimum Shareholding Requirements for Insiders)
★ 股權分置對中國上市公司現金股利發放之影響★ 所有權結構與政治連結對股利政策之影響—以中國國有企業為例
★ 合格境外機構投資人制度對投資/現金流量敏感度之影響★ 從股票價格區間探討股票買回活動之資訊內涵
★ 跨境上市對於企業負債比率的影響:以中國跨港上市公司為例★ 家族集團之盈餘管理行為
★ 股權結構與投資效率:中國上市公司之多重大股東實證研究★ 股權分置改革對中國上市公司現金持有的影響
★ 手機按鍵生命週期探討企業轉型之路★ 制度改革對於關係人交易的影響
★ 伊斯蘭教義、公司治理與營運資金管理對公司價值影響之研究—以印尼上市公司為例★ 股利宣告對股價超常報酬的影響-以台灣集團與非集團上市公司為例
★ 公司規模、股價、益本比、淨值市價比與股票超常報酬關係之實證研究★ 台灣股票上市公司營運資金管理相關議題之實證研究
★ 我國財務危機上市公司股權結構之探討★ 過度反應假說在台灣股票市場之實證研究
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摘要(中) 本研究的主要目的係評估對於台灣中小企業與金融機構這兩個獨特的樣本之董監事最低持股成數規定是否允當,並檢測代理理論與管家理論對於內部人持股與公司績效間的關係之解釋性,以及利益收斂效果與管理據守效果是否同時存在。以1999年到2006年間在證券交易所及櫃檯買賣中心有掛牌的中小企業為第一樣本,一共取得62家中小企業擁有八年完整資料的496筆觀察值的最終樣本;以2002年到2006年間在證券交易所及櫃檯買賣中心有掛牌的金融機構為第二樣本,一共取得41家中小企業擁有五年完整資料的205筆觀察值的最終樣本。採用並改良Hansen (1999)所提出來的門檻廻歸模式的估計與檢測的方法,改進以往文獻在模式設定與估計方法上的缺失,此為本文最重要的貢獻之ㄧ。
摘要(英) This study aims to evaluate the suitability of Taiwan’s minimum shareholding requirements for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and banking firms, and to examine whether stewardship theory and both incentive and entrenchment effects can characterize the ownership-performance relationship simultaneously. We apply new empirical methods to both balanced panel datasets including 496 firm-level observations of 62 Taiwanese SMEs publicly traded from 1999-2006 and 205 firm-level observations of 41 Taiwanese banking firms publicly traded from 2002-2006. We use and refine the threshold regression methods proposed by Hansen (1999) to avoid the distortion of specifications and estimations adopted in past research. This is one of important contributions in this study.
The results firstly show that our methods obtain a better specification with higher goodness of fit that prevents spurious relations obtained from traditional methods. Secondly, industry effects do exist. For SMEs sample, there is a nonlinear ownership-performance relationship, first negative then positive, with a single threshold value of insider ownership (5.4%). For banking firms sample, there is a nonlinear ownership-performance relationship, steeply increasing then insignificantly positive, with a single threshold value of insider ownership (3.94%). This indicates that both convergence-of-interest and entrenchment effects combine and that the current regulated minimum level of insider shareholdings for public SMEs and banking firms may be too high. We suggest that Taiwanese authorities should lessen ownership obligations thereby leading to improved corporate governance by increasing the independence of the boards of directors. Thirdly, other emerging markets can learn from the Taiwan experience and then formulate their own regulations. Fourth, for publicly traded SMEs, firms could offer compensation to insiders such as stock options and performance shares. Finally, asymmetric information problems often experienced by outside stockholders and foreign investors can be alleviated by these signals of insider ownership.
In addition, our evidence supports that the stewardship theory does work in Taiwan. Insiders behave as loyal stewards rather than motivated by desire for entrenchment. Our empirical evidence suggests an avenue of future research, specifically to form better strategies for those involved in corporate governance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 董監最低持股成數
★ 利益收斂效果
★ 管理據守效果
★ 管家理論
★ 中小企業
★ 金融機構
★ 門檻廻歸
關鍵字(英) ★ Minimum shareholding requirement for insiders
★ Incentive and entrenchment effects
★ Stewardship theory
★ Small- and medium-sized enterprises
★ banking firms
★ Threshold regression
論文目次 中文摘要 i
誌 謝 iii
4.1. Threshold Regression 14
4.2. Model and Data: the SMEs Sample 17
4.3. Model and Data: the Banking Firms Sample 20
5.1. Descriptive Statistics 24
5.1.1. SMEs Sample 24
5.1.2. Banking Firms Sample 27
5.2. Traditional Level and High Degree Relationships 28
5.2.1. SMEs Sample 28
5.2.2. Banking Firms Sample 30
5.3. Piecewise Relationships 32
5.3.1. SMEs Sample 32
5.3.2. Banking Firms Sample 38
5.4. Robustness Tests 42
5.4.1. SMEs Sample 42
5.4.2. Banking Firms Sample 47
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指導教授 洪榮華(Jung-hua Hung) 審核日期 2008-10-2
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