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姓名 楊盛松(Sheng-Sung Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 多層感知器對輸入與權值誤差的敏感度分析及倒傳遞(BP)演算法與進化策略(ES)演算法的改善
(Sensitivity Analysis of the Multilayer Perceptron due to the Errors of the Inputs and Weights & Improvements in BP and ES Algorithms)
★ 以調適性類神經網路系統實現預先失真器補償 RF 功率放大器之非線性效應★ 進化演算法應用在數位濾波器之最佳化設計
★ 進化演算法之動態分析及應用於數位濾波器之設計★ WDM同步光纖網路加入/取出多工器效應之評估
★ PN碼對多重路徑的估測★ 多層感知等化器-使用進化演算法
★ Lp Norm 倒傳遞演算法使用在調適性濾波器★ 利用進化演算法在多層感知機結構上之判別回授等化器
★ 模糊類神經網路結合進化演算法運用在基頻通道等化器上★ 使用進化演算法的模糊化類神經網路等化器
★ 新式的電信網路主參考信號源★ 應用進化演算法於類神經網路之判別回授 等化器與探討各參數對performance的影響
★ 進化演算法結合多層感知機架構運用在4-QAM決策迴授等化器上★ 進化演算法應用在多層感知迴授等化 器上之效能分析
★ 複數訊號多層感知決策回授等化器-使用進化演算法★ 頻移相位同調光纖通信系統的效能分析
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摘要(中) 多層感知器(Multilayer Perceptron),簡稱為MLP,常被用於一些演算法中,例如:倒傳遞演算法(Back-Propagation Algorithm, 簡稱BP)、進化演算法(Evolutionary Algorithm, 簡稱EA)及快速學習法(Extreme Learning Machine, 簡稱ELM)等。其中倒傳遞演算法及進化演算法是最常使用MLP架構的,且它們的性能表現往往會受到MLP架構的影響。因此,決定MLP的架構(層數及每一層神經元的個數)對這些演算法是一件非常重要的事。本論文的重點就是探討當MLP中的輸入(input)及層與層神經元之間的權值(weight)改變時,MLP輸出的變化量,亦即輸出對輸入變化及層與層神經元之間權值變化的敏感度(sensitivity),針對不同的MLP架構,此敏感度也不同。藉由此敏感度的大小,可選擇一個較適合的MLP架構。對MLP敏感度的研究,我們採用中央極限定理(Central Limit Theorem, 簡稱CLT)來幫助我們做統計上的運算,同時CLT也可用於計算分開複數(Split-Complex)MLP架構的敏感度,此種MLP架構簡稱為Split-CMLP,可用於複數訊號系統,例如QPSK訊號系統等。因此,本論文同時分析一般MLP及Split-CMLP對輸入變化及層與層神經元之間權值變化的敏感度。在論文的後半部份,我們結合了階層式(hierarchical)結構及倒傳遞演算法(BP)來改善標準BP演算法的性能,此新的演算法稱為HBP演算法;同時也為目前使用極為廣泛的進化演算法-進化策略(Evolutionary Strategy, 簡稱ES)決定運算參數,以增進其性能。
摘要(英) Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is often used in some algorithms such as Back-Propagation (BP) algorithm, Evolutionary algorithm (EA), Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm, etc. Among these algorithms, BP and EA algorithms are more commonly operated in MLP structures to implement some applications than ELM is. Furthermore, the used MLP structures always affect the performances of these algorithms. Therefore, it is a substantial work to decide a feasible MLP structure (i.e., to decide number of layers and number of neurons in each layer) for each one of these algorithms. The main work of this dissertation is to analyze the adjustment of the output of the MLP due to the adjustments of the inputs and the weights between the neurons in adjacent layers (i.e., to analyze the sensitivity of the MLP due to the errors of the inputs and weights). Different MLP structure will lead to different sensitivity value. Based on the sensitivity values, it is feasible to choose a proper MLP structure for the related algorithm. In order to study the sensitivity of a MLP, we use the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) in the statistical computation of the sensitivity. Moreover, the CLT can also be extended to the sensitivity computation of the split-complex MLP (Split-CMLP); the Split-CMLP can be used in a complex signal system such as QPSK signal system, etc. Therefore, we analyze the sensitivity of both MLP and Split-CMLP in this dissertation. On the other hand, we combine the hierarchical structure and BP algorithm in this dissertation to improve the performance of the standard BP algorithm, and this new algorithm is named as HBP algorithm. Additionally, we also introduce an approach in this dissertation to decide the operation parameters of the Evolutionary Strategy (ES) algorithm-the most popular one of the Evolutionary algorithms, to improve its performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 敏感度
★ 多層感知器
★ 倒傳遞演算法
★ 進化策略演算法
關鍵字(英) ★ evolutionary strategy
★ back-propagation
★ multilayer perceptron
★ sensitivity
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation of the Dissertation 1
1.2 Overview of the Dissertation 4
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 6
Chapter 2 Sensitivity of the Multilayer Perceptron due to the Errors of the Inputs and Weights 8
2.1 MLP Model 8
2.2 Sensitivity Computation of the MLP 11
2.3 Sensitivity Analysis of the MLP 22
2.4 Summary 31
Chapter 3 Sensitivity of the Split-Complex valued Multilayer Perceptron due to the Errors of the Inputs and Weights 33
3.1 Split-CMLP Model 33
3.2 Sensitivity Computation of the Split-CMLP 37
3.3 Analysis of the Sensitivity for the Split-CMLP 49
3.4 Summary 59
Chapter 4 Hierarchical Back-Propagation Algorithm for an MLP Decision Feedback Equalizer 61
4.1 MLP-Based DFE 61
4.2 Hierarchical BP (HBP) Algorithm 65
4.3 Computer Simulations 72
4.4 Summary 80
Chapter 5 Improving the Evolutionary Strategy (ES) Algorithm by Choosing Appropriate Parameters 81
5.1 Evolutionary Strategy (ES) 81
5.2 Analysis of Mutation Rates 83
5.3 Simulation Results 85
5.4 Summary 93
Chapter 6 Conclusions 95
References 98
Appendix A 104
Appendix B 109
Appendix C Author’s Information 113
Appendix D Publication List 114
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指導教授 賀嘉律(Chia-Lu Ho) 審核日期 2007-12-1
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