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姓名 簡琨晃(Kun-Huang Chien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 數位遊戲式學習環境對能源節約之影響評估
(Development and Evaluation of a Digital Game-Based Learning Environment for Energy Saving)
★ Using Digital Board Game to Enhance Student Engagementin Learning★ 從人因與互動行為模式的觀點探討數位遊戲式學習輔助能源知識
★ 探討認知風格於數位遊戲式英語學習環境對遊戲行為與學習成效之影響★ 由空間能力探討遊戲式英語學習如何影響學習者之遊戲行為和遊戲表現
★ 探討先備知識及學習風格在角色扮演遊戲中對英語字彙習得成效與行為模式之影響★ 從全面性的角度探討先備知識對同儕互評中受評與 評分之影響
★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評分組對遊戲製作與評量之影響★ 探討創作媒介、個別差異、範例式教學及創作模式對九年級學生音樂創作的學習動機及成效之影響
★ 探討個別差異與回饋形式在數位遊戲式學習系統中對學習動機、學習成效與遊戲表現之影響:以九年級國文學習為例★ 探討趨向表現目標與逃避表現目標對於 學習成效與表現目標採取之影響 -以數位遊戲式英語字彙為例
★ 探討英語焦慮與先備知識對英語發音學習成效、獎章成效、遊戲成效、學習動機及遊戲心流之影響──以大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲為例★ 探討認知風格及遊戲心流對英語字彙學習成效、遊戲成效與自我效能之影響—以多人線上角色扮演遊戲為例
★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評對遊戲式學習系統製作與評量之影響★ 電腦輔助教師回饋於外語寫作情境之研究:成果與觀感
★ 探討英語閱讀遊戲對印尼高中英語學習者的影響★ 製作者與評量者之認知風格匹配與不匹配對遊戲人機介面與教學影片製作與評量的影響
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摘要(中) 以節約能源相關知識所進行的能源教育已實施多年。然而在日常生活中,學習者並不常將學來的知識付諸實踐,甚至對如何降低能源消耗的知識,也了解不多。為了解決這樣的議題,必須改善能源教育的效率。方法之一就是數位遊戲式學習,它可以提高學習者的學習動機和互動。以此為考量,本研究開發一套”節約能源寵物系統”,隨著寵物遊戲替身的使用,學習者被鼓勵以好玩、吸引人、更節能的方式來使用家中的能源。目的除了教導學習者如何減少能源的使用之外,還要吸引他們採取適當的節約能源措施。實驗過程進行一套實證研究,以驗證本遊戲式學習系統是否可以促進學習者對如何節約能源的認識。結果顯示,該系統顯著提升學習者節能的自我覺知、學習動機,以及節能的意願。
摘要(英) Energy education has been conducted to equip learners with relevant energy conservation knowledge for many years. However, learners seldom put the knowledge into practice and even have few ideas about how to reduce energy consumption. To this end, there is a need to address this issue to improve the efficiency of energy education. One of the strategies is digital game-based learning, which can enhance learning motivation and interaction with learners. In this vein, this study develops an Energy COnservation PET (ECOPET) system using a game-based learning strategy. With the use of a pet avatar, learners were encouraged to use home-energy conservatively in a playful and engaging way. The aim is not simply to teach learners how to reduce energy use, but to engage them in adopting appropriate energy conservation measures. An empirical study was conducted to examine if the ECOPET system could promote learners’ understanding of energy conservation. The results demonstrated that the system significantly promoted learners’’ self-awareness, learning motivation, as well as willingness to conserve energy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 學習動機
★ 自我覺知
★ 數位遊戲式學習
★ 能源節約
★ 能源教育
關鍵字(英) ★ energy education
★ learning motivation
★ self-awareness
★ digital game-based learning
★ energy conservation
論文目次 中文摘要 I
2.1.1 Energy 7
2.1.2 Consumption in the home 9
2.1.3 Saving electricity in the home 10
4.1.1 Promote self-awareness on energy conservation 25
4.1.2 Transform knowledge into social consciousness of energy conservation 27
5.1 METHODS 37
5.2.1 Self-awareness for energy conservation 43
5.2.2 Learning motivation on ARCS 44
5.2.3 Willingness for saving energy 49
5.2.4 Behavior of learners 50
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指導教授 楊接期(Jie-Chi Yang) 審核日期 2012-7-27
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