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姓名 蕭棟元(Tung-yuan Hsiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 低緯度電離層不規則體之結構研究
(Study of low-latitude ionospheric irregularity structure based on New LITN)
★ 運用模糊幾何理論對於Es層做自動分類及分析★ GPS/MET及中壢DPS電離層遮蔽觀測比較
★ 結合NNSS與GPS/MET衛星資料於電離層斷層掃描觀測及其比較★ 電離圖判讀與流星研究
★ 中壢動態式電離層觀測儀(dynasonde)訊號處理★ 利用動態式電離層觀測儀觀測不規則體小尺度變化
★ GPS/MET遮蔽觀測與IRI模式foF2和hmF2之比較★ GPS信號遮蔽觀測於電離層斷層掃描之模擬研究
★ ITS30-LITN觀測電離層不規則體閃爍現象★ 中壢動態式電離層探測儀系統控制卡(CRAM Card)重建及測試
★ 運用ITS系統對於低緯度電離層斷層掃瞄的 模擬與研究★ GPS/MET遮蔽觀測foF2 numerical mapping與IRI 模式之比較分析
★ 利用福衛三號掩星觀測資料研究電離層增層現象★ 運用臺灣自主電離層數值模式研究電離層赤道異常現象
★ 臺灣第二代動態式電離層探測儀之建置與資料處理★ 利用電離層斷層掃描網系統與臺灣自主電離層數值模式觀察臺灣地區地震發生前後電離層電子濃度的變化
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摘要(中) 電離層是無線電衛星訊號傳播到地面接收站的必經介質,當電離層的狀態不穩定的時候,訊號會有閃爍的情況,我們稱之為”閃爍現象”(Scintillation),閃爍現象可分為訊號的閃爍(Power Scintillation)和相位的閃爍(Phase Scintillation),且好發在春秋分的季節以及落日之後。 國立中央大學自2006開始建立新的低緯度電離觀測測網(New LITN)用以接收美國海軍(NNSS)和我國福衛三號上酬載的三頻訊號標(TBB),目前四個站已建設完成,分別是中壢(25.1360N, 121.5390E),草屯(23.9810N, 120.6970E),車城(22.7250N, 120.5440E)和南沙太平島(10.060N, 114.3500E),利用其中兩各頻率的訊號,我們可以推演出其路徑上的全電子含量(TEC),並利用斜向的全電子含量(STEC)和電離層斷層掃描的演算法產生二維高度和緯度的剖面影像,此方法可以用來觀測大尺度的電離層現象包含電離層赤道異常現象(EIA)等等,在本論文中,我們觀測收集了ㄧ年的資料後,發現低緯度的閃爍現象夜間的好發於午夜前後,且利用簡單的光學幾何模型去推估閃爍現象發生的位置、高度、厚度和長度,並將這些現象和中壢的電離層觀測儀做比較。此外我們亦發現赤道的閃爍現象會先發生,然後延伸到比較高緯度的區域(大約20度),但地磁場擾動強(KP>3)時閃爍現象的時間和影響的緯度區域會延長,但有趣的是,春秋分季節時只有在低地磁擾動(KP<3)的時候才會發生低緯度的閃爍現象,反而是11~12月份在地磁場擾動強(KP>3)時閃爍現象必較多且明顯。
摘要(英) A radio signal traversing the ionosphere will be modified by irregularities. When received at an antenna, these signals present random temporal fluctuations in both amplitude and phase. Scintillations are particularly severe in the tropical regions around the equinoxes during the evenings. National Central University rebuilt the LITN (Low latitude Ionosphere Tomography Network) in 2006. The scintillation measurements and ionospheric tomography reconstruction of the beacon satellites in this study for three specific low-latitude locations were spaced approximately 350 km apart in the tropics, at Chung-li (25.1360N, 121.5390E), Taotsun (23.9810N, 120.6970E), Checheng (22.7250N, 120.5440E) and Itu Aba Island (10.060N, 114.3500E). The coherent beacon receiving systems receive radio signals from the LEO satellites, including 150/400MHz Navy Navigational Satellite Systems and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Satellites. In this thesis, we explore the low latitude scintillation near midnight, and approach correct location within the F region using a simple optical model when the radio signals traveled through them. There are 83 scintillation days from April 2006 to April 2007 (395 days) and occurred usually at 18~05 LT in the night time, especially at pre-midnight or post-midnight. The scintillations have high correlation with months when Kp < 3. The scintillations are happened at May-June and December-February less than the other months. On the contrary, scintillations are normally more frequent during the equinoctial months of August-October and March-April. Meanwhile there are 16 scintillation days happened when Kp > 3
關鍵字(中) ★ 電離層
★ 電離層斷層掃描
★ 電離層赤道異常現象
★ 電離層不規則體
關鍵字(英) ★ ionosphere
★ ionospheric tomography
★ ionospheric irregularity
論文目次 1. Introduction 1
2. The Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities 5
2.1The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability 8
2.2 Evening Enhancement 12
3. Measurement Techniques of Coherent Radio Receiving Systems 16
3.1 Differential Doppler Technique to Obtain Slant Relative TECs 20
3.2 The Constant Integration in Total Electron Content 22
3.2.1 Two Station and Multi-Station Method 23
3.2.2 Modified Multi-Station Method 26
3.2.3 Ionospheric Model Method 26
3.2.4 Comparisons of Multi-Station, Modified Multi-Station 27
3.2.5 Comparisons of Modified Multi-Station and Ionospheric Model Method 29
3.3 Ionospheric Tomography System (ITS30) 31
3.3.1 Simulation of the ITS30 Receiving Antenna 38
3.3.2 New Low-latitude Ionosphere Tomography Network (LITN) 46
4. Computerized Ionspheric Tomography 49
4.1 CIT Algorithms 51
4.1.1 MART Algorithms 53
4.2 Daytime Variation in the Equatorial Anomaly 55
5. The Scintillation Theory 64
5.1 The Introduction of Scintillation 64
5.2 Phase Screen Theory 73
5.3 Theory of Weak Scintillation - Rytov Solution 78
5.4 The Intensity Scintillation index (S4) 80
5.5 Mean-Square Phase Fluctuations: 82
6. The Scintillation Results 84
6.1 The Scintillation Result under Quiet Magnetic Conditions 84
6.1.1 The Simple Optic Model Result 84
6.1.2 The Strong and Weak Scintillation 92
6.1.3 Slant Total Electron Content and Tomography Reconstruction Results 95
6.1.4 Discussion of the Special Event 98
6.2 Scintillation Results Under Actively Magnetic Conditions 100
6.3 Seasonal Variations of the Equatorial Scintillation 104
7. Conclusions and Future Work 109
Reference 112
Appendix A 120
The Appleton-Hartree Equation 120
Appendix B 125
Orbital elements 125
B. 1 Keplerian elements 125
B. 2 Visualizing an Orbit 126
B. 3 Two-Line elements 128
Appendix C 130
Measurement Techniques of Ionosonde 130
C.1 Basic Theory of Ionosonde 130
C.1.1 Measure Ionosphere by Ionograms 131
C.2 Chungli Dynasonde 133
Appendix D 137
International Reference Ionosphere Model 137
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指導教授 蔡龍治(Long-chih Tsai) 審核日期 2007-12-9
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