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姓名 鄒鎮帆(Chen-Fan Tsou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 分析BATC大視野多色巡天計畫中正常星系的質光比
(Using BATC Multi-Color Photometry to Determine the M/L Ratio for Normal Galaxies)
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摘要(中) 在此篇論文裡,我們使用中國科學院北京天文台興隆觀測站大視野多色巡天計畫(BATC,Beijing-Arizona-Taipei-Connecticut)裡的觀測資料來推求我們所觀測到的正常星系的質光比(Mass-to-Luminosity ratio,M/L ratio)。對於一般正常星系來說,質光比能告訴我們在這個星系中可見物質與不可見物質的比例,在星系結構及演化上扮演一個基本而又重要的角色。近二十年來,由於天文學的急速發展,探索宇宙中黑暗物質(dark matter)與黑暗能量(dark energy)的比例及其組成一直是物理學界尖端研究的課題,透過星系的質光比能提供科學家了解在特定星系中黑暗物質的比例。
在BATC計畫中,我們選取了一組包含22個星系的樣本。這些星系是利用十五個三百埃左右的帶通濾鏡(band-pass filter),涵蓋範圍從近紫外的3360Å到近紅外的9745Å作出觀測。相較於文獻上只使用UBVRI系統單一濾鏡獲得星系的亮度,這十五個濾鏡的表現如同一個小型光譜,我們使用十五個濾鏡來求得星系在可見光波段下的總亮度。再與相關文獻上星系的光度相比較,我們希望根據BATC計畫得到的光度資訊與相關文獻之間建立一種新的關係,這種新的關係也能提供後人另外一個求得星系光度的方法。
摘要(英) In this paper, we use BATC (Beijing-Arizona-Taipei-Connecticut) Multi-color Sky Survey data to derive the mass-to-luminosity ratio (M/L ratio) for normal galaxies. The quantity M/L ratio gives us information on both stellar and galactic total energy efficiency. It tells us about the kinds of stars responsible for the generation of light. Form the M/L ratio, we could learn the relative amount of luminous and non-luminous matter in a galaxy and the distribution of luminosity among stars in the galaxy. It gives us clues to measure the relative distribution of luminous and dark matter for comparison with models of galaxy formation. BATC survey project uses 15 filters covering a range of effective wavelengths from 3360Å to 9745Å. In contrast to getting the single band luminosity of galaxies from literature, we use the BATC data to obtain the overall luminosity in the optical region. In comparing with the published literature (on mass and light distribution), a possible new relationship between mass and luminosity seems to exist. This relationship is useful for the inter-comparison of galactic M/L ratio derived by using various methods.
關鍵字(中) ★ BATC巡天觀測
★ 星系
★ 質光比
關鍵字(英) ★ BATC sky survey
★ normal galaxies
★ mass-to-lumino
論文目次 Contents
List of Figures...............................................................Ⅲ
List of Tables................................................................Ⅴ
1. Introduction
1.1 Mass-to-Luminosity Ratio..............................................1
1.2 Normal Galaxies.......................................................8
1.3 Research Motivation..................................................10
2. Observational Instruments and Samples
2.1 Observations.........................................................11
2.2 Samples..............................................................14
3. Data Reduction
3.1 Data Reduction Preliminary Treatment.................................16
3.2 Flux Calibration.....................................................17
3.3 Cosmic Rays and Bad Pixels Cleaning..................................19
3.4 Sky Background Subtraction...........................................23
3.5 Isophote Fitting.....................................................23
3.6 Calculation procedure................................................26
4. Analysis and Results
4.1 The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies.........................29
4.2 The Mass-to-Luminosity Ratio of Galaxies.............................52
5. Discussion
5.1 Statistical Analysis of Mass-to-Luminosity Ratio of Galaxies.........54
5.2 Comparison with Previous Wok to Determine the Luminosity
of Galaxies..........................................................58
5.3 Relations Between M/L and Color......................................60
6. Summary...................................................................62
Appendix A BATC Data Reduction Commands……63
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指導教授 陳啟昌、孫維新
(Chii-Chang Chen、Wei-Hsin Sun)
審核日期 2005-7-7
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