博碩士論文 92322045 詳細資訊

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姓名 謝揚霖(Yung-Lin hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 不同間徑比之新挖隧道對平行既存隧道襯砌彎矩之影響探討
(The effect of the existing tunnel lining when a new tunnel was drilled nearby the existing tunnel with various distance-to-diameter ratios)
★ 砂土層中隧道開挖引致之地盤沉陷與破壞機制及對既存基樁之影響★ 以離心模型試驗探討逆斷層作用下單樁與土壤互制反應
★ 攝影測量在離心模擬試驗之應用-以離心隧道模型之地表沉陷量量測為例★ 沉箱式碼頭受震反應的數值分析
★ 軟土隧道襯砌應力與地盤變位之數值分析★ 沉箱碼頭受震反應及側向位移分析
★ 潛盾隧道開挖面穩定與周圍土壓力之離心模擬★ 地理資訊系統應用於員林地區液化災損及復舊調查之研究
★ 黏性土層中隧道開挖引致之地盤沉陷及破壞機制★ 砂土層中通隧引致之地盤變位及其對既存基樁的影響
★ 既存隧道周圍土壓力受鄰近新挖隧道的影響★ 以攝影測量觀察離心土壩模型受滲流力作用之變位
★ 通隧引致鄰近基樁之荷重傳遞行為★ 潛盾施工引致之地盤沉陷案例分析
★ 以離心模型試驗探討高含水量黏性背填土 加勁擋土牆之穩定性★ 懸臂式擋土壁開挖之離心模型試驗
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摘要(中) 隨著都市化的急速發展,於擁擠的都市地下空間中進行軟弱土層隧道開挖施工案例日益增多。現行一般多採用潛盾工法來進行隧道開挖工作,在施工過程中,由於地盤應力變化導致周邊地盤變位,亦造成地表結構物受損。此外,施工中的隧道亦可能與營運中的隧道擦身而過,因此如何加強既存隧道的保護以及新挖隧道施工過程的管理與規劃成為相當重要的課題。
摘要(英) In order to reduce the environmental impacts in crowded cities, new shield tunneling nearby an existing tunnel is very common recently. The change of ground stress due to tunneling processes would cause the displacement of soil around the tunnel, and that would also damage the surface structures and the nearby existing underground structures. There are key issues to strengthen the safety of the existing tunnel and to manage the processes of the new tunneling.
There are two phases in this study. Firstly, a series of single tunnel models with different cover-to-diameter ratios (C/D) in an acceleration of tests 100 g were performed to investigate the bending moments on the tunnel lining during the tail voids closure. Secondly, a new tunnel was drilled nearby the existing tunnel with various distance-to-diameter ratios (d/D), and the jacking force was applied on the tunnel face. The models were conducted to figure out the changes of bending moment on the existing tunnel lining caused by the jacking force, tail voids closure and the back grouting pressure on the new tunnel.
The test results show that the tunnel with smaller values of C/D and of d/D will suffer the larger bending moment on the existing tunnel lining caused by jacking force. A large amount of bending moment on the existing tunnel lining was induced by the tail void closure during tunneling nearby. Thus decreasing the ground loss as small as possible and performing back grouting as early as possible are of essence to prevent the existing tunnel lining from damages.
關鍵字(中) ★ 間徑比
★ 襯砌彎矩
★ 盾尾間隙閉合
★ 潛盾隧道
★ 土壤漏失量
關鍵字(英) ★ ground loss
★ distance-to-diameter ratio
★ tunneling
★ bending moments
★ tail void closure
論文目次 第一章 序論 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究架構 3
1.4 論文內容 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 軟土通隧引致地盤變位之相關研究 6
2.1.1 地盤沉陷之原因 6
2.1.2 地表沉陷分佈型態 7
2.1.3 最大地表沉陷量和土壤漏失量 9
2.2 隧道模型試驗 12
2.2.1 粘土層中的離心隧道模型試驗 12
2.2.2 砂土層中隧道開挖面穩定之離心模型試驗 14
2.2.3 潛盾隧道之離心模型試驗 15
2.3 隧道襯砌分析方法 18
2.3.1 彈性環模式分析 18
2.3.2 數值分析 21
2.3.3 現地資料分析 22
2.4 新挖隧道對既存隧道之影響 23
第三章 試驗土樣、儀器設備及試驗方法 57
3.1 試驗方法 57
3.2試驗儀器及相關設備 57
3.2.1 地工離心機 58
3.2.2 試體準備箱 58
3.2.3 模型試驗箱 59
3.2.4 其他量測工具 59
3.3 試體準備與模型製作 65
3.3.1 重模試體準備-非等強度剖面試體之製作 65
3.3.2 模型隧道之製作 69
3.4 試驗方法與步驟 69
3.5 無圍壓縮試驗及含水量量測 72
第四章 試驗結果與分析 95
4.1 模型試驗及試驗類別 95
4.2 土壤強度的標定 97
4.3 離心模型試驗的重複性 98
4.4 單隧道盾尾間隙閉合試驗之分析 99
4.4.1襯砌彎矩變化 99
4.4.2孔隙水壓變化 102
4.4.3地表沉陷 104
4.5 新挖隧道對鄰近既存隧道之影響分析 105
4.5.1 新挖隧道潛盾推進行為對既存隧道襯砌彎矩之影響 105
4.5.2新挖隧道潛盾推進行為對既存隧道周圍孔隙水壓之影響 108
4.5.3 新挖隧道土壤漏失行為對既存隧道襯砌彎矩影響 108
4.5.4 新挖隧道土壤漏失行為對既存隧道周圍孔隙水壓影響 111
4.5.5 新挖隧道土壤漏失行為引致地表沉陷 112
4.5.6 新挖隧道背填灌漿對既存隧道襯砌彎矩影響 112
4.5.7 新挖隧道背填灌漿對既存隧道周圍孔隙水壓之影響 114
4.6 離心模型試驗與數值分析之比較 114
第五章 試驗結論與建議 194
5.1 結論 194
5.2 建議 196
參考文獻 198
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指導教授 李崇正(Chung-Jung Lee) 審核日期 2006-7-21
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