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姓名 林根源(Ken-Yuan Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 應用路況模擬技術進行車輛耐久性驗證與舒適性評估研究
(Durability Assessment and Riding Comfort Evaluation of Ground Vehicles by Road Load Simulation Technique)
★ 三次元量床之虛擬儀器教學與訓練系統之設計與開發★ 駕駛模擬器技術開發及其在駕駛行為研究之應用
★ 電源模組老化因子與加速試驗模型之研究★ 智慧型事故E化處理與GIS分析雛型系統之開發研究
★ 應用駕駛模擬器探討語音防撞警示系統 對駕駛行為之影響★ 事故偵察輔助車載系統雛型之開發研究
★ 公路養護管理績效監測系統之整合研究★ 公路鋪面管理系統整合與建置
★ 殘障駕駛模擬系統之開發及其應用成效之初探★ 遠距健康監測與復健系統之開發與研究
★ 藥柱低週疲勞特性與壽限評估模式之研究★ 非接觸式電子經緯儀電腦模擬教學系統之研究
★ 適應性巡航控制系統對於駕駛績效影響之研究★ 車輛零組件路況模擬系統之開發研究
★ 應用殘障駕駛模擬器探討失衡路況對人體重心影響之研究★ 聚縮醛(POM)機械性質之射出成型條件最佳化研究
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摘要(中) 為提升國內車輛工業之驗證技術水準,並能快速且客觀地評估車輛的品質,因此本文特地針對路況模擬技術,應用在車輛的加速耐久驗證與台上振動舒適性評估進行研究。首先,在耐久驗證技術方面,主要是希望能找出一種適用於車輛零組件之加速耐久評估手法,研究中採用應變範圍編輯法與軌跡追蹤法,運用三種不同的道路類型與四種不同的損傷保留比例來進行加速耐久試驗的實驗設計。此外,在疲勞壽命的預估分析上,所採用之方法則有應力-壽命法、Eurocode 3規範、BS 5400規範、以及「BS 5400規範+Gurney厚度修正公式」等四種。最後實驗與分析的結果顯示,當破壞發生在目標測試件的銲道處時,「BS 5400規範+Gurney厚度修正公式」是一個最適用的評估方法,其實驗與分析的結果皆能保持在3倍的誤差之內,且不管是應變範圍編輯法與軌跡追蹤法,其亦皆能適用於加速耐久試驗的訊號編輯,並可得到一滿意之結果。
此外,在整車台上振動舒適性評估研究方面,主要是希望能建立一套客觀且快速之實驗室評估系統與流程,目標測試車主要選用市售之三輛不同廠牌休旅車,並依據ISO 2631國際規範中的整體振動總值(OVTV)與座椅隔振性能指標值(SEAT value),進行在不同道路類型、不同駕駛速度等參數下,實車與台上之振動舒適性評估分析。結果顯示,實驗中所有實車及台上試驗所得之車輛振動舒適性結果,其OVTV與SEAT值均呈現相同的趨勢,如此說明了此技術之適用性,並藉此建立了一套客觀的實驗室整車台上振動舒適性評估技術。此外,藉由線性迴歸分析得知,實車及台上試驗關係式為OVTVcorrected bench = 0.9335×OVTVbench (相關係數R2 = 0.9908),且此修正因子可以有效改善台上試驗結果的精確度,並可將平均誤差由原先的9.75%降為修正後的0.2%。
摘要(英) The rapid development of the vehicle industry has made reducing product development time a major concern. The durability and riding comfort evaluation of ground vehicles were investigated by bench tests. This study seeks to identify a suitable accelerated approach to durability analysis for motorcycle components. This investigation involves field data acquisition, laboratory road load simulation, accelerated durability testing and fatigue life prediction. Two methods, “strain range editing technique” and “racetrack editing technique,” were applied to edit field strain histories for accelerated durability tests. Furthermore, four methods, including the “S-N approach with fatigue property of base metal,” “Eurocode 3 approach,” “BS 5400 approach,” and “BS 5400 approach with Gurney thickness modification,” were employed to assess fatigue life. Three road types and four damage levels were also used. The results demonstrated that the “BS 5400 approach with Gurney thickness modification” is a suitable method of assessing the durability of welded motorcycle components when the fatigue properties of critical points are not available. Both the “strain range editing technique” and “racetrack editing technique” can effectively edit strain histories with the expected quantity of fatigue damage, and demonstrate satisfactory agreement between the experimental data and predicted data.
In addition, the ride comfort qualities of three different sport-utility vehicles (SUVs) were determined using sensors, road data acquisition, and road load simulation in the laboratory via road and bench tests. Three road types, three driving speeds and one drive file were used. The point vibration total value and overall vibration total value (OVTV) based on the root mean square of the acceleration in the ISO 2631 standard and the seat effective amplitude transmissibility (SEAT) value were evaluated to compare the ride qualities of three SUVs. During a series of ride comfort tests, the comfort rankings of the target SUVs were equivalent between the road and bench tests. The ride qualities determined from the road and bench tests were strongly correlated; the linear correction factor was derived as OVTVcorrected bench = 0.9335×OVTVbench, and the correlation coefficient, R2, was 0.9908. Furthermore, the mean error of the OVTV for the road and bench tests ranged from 9.75% (original) to 0.2% (after correction). Finally, the procedures for ride comfort evaluation using a laboratory test system (four-poster) are described. These procedures allow for a fast and objective evaluation of ride comfort using bench tests with a correction factor.
關鍵字(中) ★ 加速耐久驗證
★ 訊號壓縮
★ 路況模擬
★ 台上試驗
★ 休旅車
★ 機車零組件
★ 振動舒適性評估
關鍵字(英) ★ Bench Test
★ Road Load Simulation
★ Motorcycle Component
★ Accelerated Durability Assessment
★ Ride Comfort Evaluation
★ Signal Condensation
★ Sport-Utility Vehicle (SUV)
論文目次 中文摘要………………………………………………………………I
一、 前言………………………………………………………………1
1-1 研究背景及重要性………………………………………………1
1-2 研究目的…………………………………………………………3
1-3 研究架構…………………………………………………………3
二、 文獻回顧…………………………………………………………5
2-1 實驗室路況模擬評估技術………………………………………5
2-2 疲勞壽命評估技術之相關研究…………………………………8
2-2-1 疲勞壽命分析之研究…………………………………………9
2-2-2 銲接結構疲勞壽命評估之研究……………………………10
2-3 加速耐久測試及分析之相關研究………………………………13
2-4 振動舒適性評估之相關研究……………………………………14
三、 理論說明…………………………………………………………17
3-1 實驗室路況模擬技術理論………………………………………17
3-1-1 單軸模擬系統…………………………………………………18
3-1-2 多軸模擬系統………………………………………………21
3-2 疲勞壽命分析理論………………………………………………23
3-2-1 應力-壽命法之分析理論……………………………………24
3-2-2 應變-壽命法之分析理論……………………………………29
3-2-3 銲接結構之疲勞壽命分析理論……………………………32
3-3 加速耐久之分析理論……………………………………………38
3-3-1 損傷保留法…………………………………………………39
3-3-2 軌跡追蹤法(Racetrack Method)…………………………40
3-3-3 峰谷法(Rainflow Method)…………………………………41
3-3-4 多軸峰谷法…………………………………………………41
3-3-5 頻域訊號壓縮………………………………………………42
3-4 振動舒適性分析理論……………………………………………42
3-4-1 振動舒適性計算方法………………………………………42
3-4-2 頻率加權函數………………………………………………44
3-4-3 整合多軸向及多點之振動總值……………………………44
3-4-4 ISO評估標準…………………………………………………45
3-4-5 座椅隔振性能指標(SEAT value)…………………………45
四、 研究方法………………………………………………………46
4-1 機車零組件加速耐久試驗評估…………………………………47
4-1-1 系統動態模擬與結構應力分析……………………………47
4-1-2 測試件與目標道路之選定…………………………………48
4-1-3 目標路面之入力訊號量測…………………………………48
4-1-4 實驗設計(Experimental Design)…………………………49
4-1-5 路況模擬重現試驗…………………………………………50
4-1-6 零組件加速耐久試驗………………………………………51
4-1-7 疲勞耐久壽命評估…………………………………………51
4-2 車輛台上振動舒適性評估研究…………………………………52
4-2-1 測試車整備…………………………………………………53
4-2-2 實車訊號量…………………………………………………56
4-2-3 實驗室台上路況模擬重現…………………………………57
4-2-4 車輛振動舒適性綜合評估…………………………………58
4-2-5 台上試驗修正因子之求取與驗證…………………………58
五、 結果與討論……………………………………………………59
5-1 施力角度與破壞位置分析………………………………………59
5-2 車輛零組件加速耐久評估結果…………………………………63
5-2-1 疲勞壽命評估結果…………………………………………63
5-2-2 路況模擬結果與失效模式分析……………………………66
5-2-3 加速耐久評估結果…………………………………………67
5-3 車輛整車振動舒適性評估結果…………………………………73
5-3-1 台上路況模擬重現結果……………………………………73
5-3-2 車輛振動舒適性分析比較…………………………………74
5-3-3 車速對振動舒適性的影響…………………………………81
5-3-4 SEAT值的影響分析…………………………………………85
5-3-5 實車與台上振動舒適性結果之相關性分析………………88
5-3-6 台上試驗之修正因子的驗證………………………………90
六、 結論與未來研究方向…………………………………………92
6-1 結論………………………………………………………………92
6-2 未來研究方向……………………………………………………93
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指導教授 黃俊仁、董基良
(Jiun-Ren Hwang、Ji-Liang Doong)
審核日期 2010-6-17
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